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Character Bazaar

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First post
Solara Merlin
Loot 'n' Scoot Salvage Co.
No Therapy
#1 - 2012-07-25 04:53:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Solara Merlin

No Kill Right
Positive Wallet
Positive Security Status

Great for Lv 4 mission running
skills of note
Drone Interfacing / Rank 5
Heavy Drone Operation / Rank 5
Sentry Drone Interfacing / Rank 5

Starting Bid 2bill
B/O offer
Current high Bid 4.5b bill BY Zaliel Shpin ~5 hours @ time of edit till accepted

Edit is roles dropped will move to NPC corp before sale
VodiNka Corporation
#2 - 2012-07-25 07:01:47 UTC
2.7 b/o
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-07-25 09:49:18 UTC
2,8 Bill B/o
Xiana Raholan
#4 - 2012-07-26 00:44:37 UTC
Quorra Wild
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-07-26 02:40:11 UTC
3.5b B/o
Solara Merlin
Loot 'n' Scoot Salvage Co.
No Therapy
#6 - 2012-07-26 05:37:20 UTC
Going to bed sell will end tomorrow about this time.
Zaliel Shpin
State War Academy
Caldari State
#7 - 2012-07-26 10:14:44 UTC

3.6b b/o
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2012-07-26 11:01:18 UTC
Quorra Wild
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2012-07-26 11:45:50 UTC
3.8 bil
Prototype 00
Titan Interstellar
#10 - 2012-07-26 13:27:07 UTC
Zaliel Shpin
State War Academy
Caldari State
#11 - 2012-07-26 18:50:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Zaliel Shpin
4.1b b/o valid till this auction ends
ISD Stensson
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2012-07-26 18:58:44 UTC
Could you please pass your character to NPC corporation right now? The character must be in NPC corporation at the time you have created thread with offer to sell it.

[b]ISD Stensson Captain Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs) Interstellar Services Department[/b]

Zaliel Shpin
State War Academy
Caldari State
#13 - 2012-07-26 19:01:53 UTC
ISD, i am sure he will do it as soon as he wakes up; however, he can't do it right now because he is asleep.
Thor Odin
Commonwealth Mercenaries
#14 - 2012-07-26 19:11:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Thor Odin
Prototype 00
Titan Interstellar
#15 - 2012-07-26 19:42:30 UTC
Solara Merlin
Loot 'n' Scoot Salvage Co.
No Therapy
#16 - 2012-07-26 19:51:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Solara Merlin
i will move to NPC now just woke up glad to see all the attention

I dun messed up was not in stasis just entered now will will move to NPC corp before sale and sale will end in 24 hour when i move him.
Prototype 00
Titan Interstellar
#17 - 2012-07-26 20:03:56 UTC
Solara Merlin wrote:
i will move to NPC now just woke up glad to see all the attention

I dun messed up was not in stasis just entered now will will move to NPC corp before sale and sale will end in 24 hour when i move him.

I was under the impression that this was finishing in a few hours

my 4.2 is valid until 0500 UTC

after that I withdraw
Xiana Raholan
#18 - 2012-07-27 05:10:38 UTC
Prototype 00
Titan Interstellar
#19 - 2012-07-27 12:00:01 UTC
#20 - 2012-07-27 12:27:56 UTC
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