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Playing EvE with a remote controlled computer allowed ?

Malwadas Kadmos
#1 - 2012-07-23 16:08:35 UTC
iam relatively new to EvE and interested in trading, so I thought about controlling my computer with a smartphone when iam not at home in order to refresh sell/buy orders or to set jump routes for my freighter.

My question at this point: is this allowed ? or would EvE consider this as Bot using ?
Lilliana Stelles
#2 - 2012-07-23 17:07:02 UTC
As far as I know, this is allowed... though it's fairly bandwidth intensive. Ultimately, you're still tne one playing, not a bot.

Not a forum alt. 

Goonswarm Federation
#3 - 2012-07-23 17:21:05 UTC
CCP's issues with botting comes in when you can set your computer to do something without you having to click it.

If the remote computer just mimics everything YOU DO, as in, if you don't click the remote computer doesnt DO, then it should be ok.

CCP allows users to take advantage of certain programs that make multiple clients all mimic your single click. So I don't see why this would be much different. Its the same relative concept, just doing it remotely. And you still have to click on your computer for the remote computer to get a command..

FC, what do?

Braxus Deninard
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#4 - 2012-07-23 17:33:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Braxus Deninard
It's definitely allowed - it isn't botting, it's you finding a way to play on the go, whether you're on a train or a bus - anywhere you can't get to your main computer. Best of luck with it though - those sorts of apps seem to be fine for interfacing with the typical Windows environment, but interfacing with EvE? Far more difficult and resource-intensive.

Let us know how it goes though.
Malwadas Kadmos
#5 - 2012-07-23 17:36:36 UTC
highonpop wrote:
CCP's issues with botting comes in when you can set your computer to do something without you having to click it.

If the remote computer just mimics everything YOU DO, as in, if you don't click the remote computer doesnt DO, then it should be ok.

Sure but both are similar mechanics, a programm is controlling your client, how is the game supposed to know that you controll the programm ?

highonpop wrote:
CCP allows users to take advantage of certain programs that make multiple clients all mimic your single click. So I don't see why this would be much different. Its the same relative concept, just doing it remotely. And you still have to click on your computer for the remote computer to get a command..

Thanks, if CCP allows multi boxing everything is fine, this should be pretty much the same thing.
Tomcio FromFarAway
Singularity's Edge
#6 - 2012-07-23 17:42:42 UTC
Malwadas Kadmos wrote:

Sure but both are similar mechanics, a programm is controlling your client, how is the game supposed to know that you controll the programm ?

They aren't.
Bot programs == automation with minimal user input ( usually one time per run )
RC programs == full user input required at all times, its just like an interface not different from keyboard ( at conceptual level of course )

And it's not about game knowing that you use bots.
If the game could now that we wouldn't have bot problems at all.Lol
#7 - 2012-07-24 09:02:50 UTC  |  Edited by: malaire
Tomcio FromFarAway wrote:
Malwadas Kadmos wrote:

Sure but both are similar mechanics, a programm is controlling your client, how is the game supposed to know that you controll the programm ?

They aren't.
Bot programs == automation with minimal user input ( usually one time per run )
RC programs == full user input required at all times, its just like an interface not different from keyboard ( at conceptual level of course )

And it's not about game knowing that you use bots.
If the game could now that we wouldn't have bot problems at all.Lol

And often even people get confused about who is bot and who is not. When you see 26 ships working in unison, first idea is probably not someone 26-boxing EVE manually.

But if you have only single account, there should be no trouble of someone thinking you are bot, since you are just doing what you would do if you were sitting at computer.

EDIT: Still some players thinks that someone who updates market orders a lot is bot, but this has been discussed several times. There are a lot of dedicated traders who have far too much time to spend on EVE. Lol

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Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2012-07-24 12:02:00 UTC
You are using a device to personally control your computer to do something. How is that different than using a Mouse and Keyboard? They are devices to personally control your computer to do something. It just so happens your phone is a bit of a longer distance than your mouse and keyboard.
Lyric Lahnder
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-07-24 13:26:47 UTC
That sounds awesome.

Im just a little concerned that if takes any macros or extra software to access eve and execute commands from your phone, CCP might not be able tell the difference between a bot or macro and the software you need to make eve work from your phone remotely.

Check with a GM, or dev and see what they have to say about it.

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#10 - 2012-07-25 09:27:05 UTC
I've remote controlled my home PC using Teamviewer on an iPad over 3G just for the hell of trying it, whilst it works, I would never undock!!

The screen refresh rates are around 5-8 fps and lag is considerable.

For changing the odd market orders, you may be OK, but with the new upcoming API changes, you never know what we'll be able to do on a web page soon :-)

Moonlit Raid
#11 - 2012-07-25 16:49:19 UTC
Malwadas Kadmos wrote:
iam relatively new to EvE and interested in trading, so I thought about controlling my computer with a smartphone when iam not at home in order to refresh sell/buy orders or to set jump routes for my freighter.

My question at this point: is this allowed ? or would EvE consider this as Bot using ?

Ask yourself this: How would they know?

If brute force isn't working, you're just not using enough.

Please Note: Any advice given comes with the caveat that nothing will be suitable for every situation.