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Dynamic Distribution of Materials

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-07-19 17:11:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Veinnail

I'm sure this has been brought up in the past but I am going on anyway. This is a complete remix, not only a solution to tech.

Dynamic Distribution

I propose that all materials, globally, have limited quantities on the moon, like perhaps 1 month of materials, or something depending on the rarity of the material. After the supply is exhausted replenish it randomly in another moon in the appropriate truesec relevant to the rarity of the material. Obviously some of the more rare materials have been distributed to lowsec or poorer truesec, these variances would remain.

global dynamic distribution will keep the game alive, and provide opportunities for all walks of eve to fight for the money faucets. Territorial conquests would be changed entirely. This will do wonderful things for eve.

TLDR: make ALL moon goo run out and spawn in another moon elsewhere in the galaxy.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-07-19 17:15:27 UTC
Veinnail wrote:

I'm sure this has been brought up in the past but I am going on anyway. This is a complete remix, not only a solution to tech.

Dynamic Distribution

I propose that all materials, globally, have limited quantities on the moon, like perhaps 1 month of materials, or something depending on the rarity of the material. After the supply is exhausted replenish it randomly in another moon in the appropriate truesec relevant to the rarity of the material. Obviously some of the more rare materials have been distributed to lowsec or poorer truesec, these variances would remain.

global dynamic distribution will keep the game alive, and provide opportunities for all walks of eve to fight for the money faucets. Territorial conquests would be changed entirely. This will do wonderful things for eve.

TLDR: make ALL moon goo run out and spawn in another moon elsewhere in the galaxy.

Just making the goo move around would simply cause the same powerblocks that control the tech to rofltstomp their way across the universe to wherever the tech moves to.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-07-19 17:16:34 UTC
Astroniomix wrote:

Just making the goo move around would simply cause the same powerblocks that control the tech to rofltstomp their way across the universe to wherever the tech moves to.

they wouldn't be able to.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-07-19 17:18:34 UTC
just as with asteroids, the most rare would have smaller quantities, most common greater quantities
Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#5 - 2012-07-19 17:28:45 UTC
Dynamic distribution is a bad idea to begin with. It devalues space.

Having said distribution deplete after a month is even worse.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-07-19 17:37:42 UTC
resources should be expendable.

the 'set it, and forget it' concept is something that CCP has been leaving behind.
Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#7 - 2012-07-19 17:59:24 UTC
Veinnail wrote:
resources should be expendable.

the 'set it, and forget it' concept is something that CCP has been leaving behind.

If you bothered to read the blog, "set it, and forget it" is going away.

Not like this stuff concerns you. Raiden. doesn't exactly have space or moons do they?
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-07-20 04:46:05 UTC
stay on topic, thanks.

The concern that dynamic distribution would devalue space is curious. And it prods at the ideas of what "territory" really means to most players, and then onto what it means for the higher echelons of coalitions in game.

Dynamic distribution would test the loyalties of your coalition. Secret moon discoveries would result in revolution. Consider the implications for the small guy that gets a week of tech as personal income because he took the initiative to scout his constellations moons.

Surely large organizations would have the upper hand and arrange routine moon surveys. eventually all space would have competing groups. This is yet another form of conquest available to CCP.

Admittedly this isn't a fix all, it would have to be just one part of a greater overhaul to the system.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-07-20 15:47:27 UTC
The Group play required to monopolize high end moons after the deployment of dynamic distribution is in line with CCP objectives.
Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#10 - 2012-07-20 16:46:51 UTC
Veinnail wrote:
The Group play required to monopolize high end moons after the deployment of dynamic distribution is in line with CCP objectives.

Sure, but its terrible.
Shovel Bros
#11 - 2012-07-20 17:48:19 UTC
Veinnail wrote:
Astroniomix wrote:

Just making the goo move around would simply cause the same powerblocks that control the tech to rofltstomp their way across the universe to wherever the tech moves to.

they wouldn't be able to.

lol. What game are you playing? In Eve, that would completely and totally happen.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#12 - 2012-07-21 04:26:52 UTC
mxzf wrote:

lol. What game are you playing? In Eve, that would completely and totally happen.

yes, delegate the probing of every lowsec-0.0 system in eve, see how long that works out :P Then push for accountability... See how much isk actually reaches the "alliance wallets"
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#13 - 2012-07-21 04:32:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Veinnail
Entire coalitions shouldn't be sustained on something so simple as a moon harvester. It doesn't properly represent "territory" or what a sovereign entities' responsibilities are. Resource gathering is something that should carry some sense of discovery. Dynamic Distribution is an option to restore this sense of discovery, to bring high end prospecting back into eve. Yes, the powers that be would likely have a powerful stance in controlling the materials as they are discovered through tranquility. But this would be due to the labor of the members dedicated to such a cause.

Yes, you're starting to see the light. I know, it sounds challenging and even scary. The future is for the dedicated. Be not led by idle hands.
Destination SkillQueue
#14 - 2012-07-21 05:14:27 UTC
The moon goo issue is being addressed by other better solutions. Mainly by making it dependent on actual activities by players and less of a passive income source. That makes even entertaining your idea a waste of time, since they've already selected another solution and the devs have said they think dynamic distribution as a solution "blows donkey balls"*.

*I may have paraphrased the actual comment here, but the point is they didn't like the idea.
Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#15 - 2012-07-21 07:48:22 UTC
We've been through this before.

Moonshifting discourages fighting and territorial conquest ('why bother invading those guys over there, we're due another respawn in a couple of weeks so lets sit tight and see what pops up in our region'), instead encourages safe and boring activities (multiregion moonscanning operations), benefits the large alliances with the manpower resources to dedicate teams to moonscanning, and further spikes the prices of moon materials through constant and dramatic interruptions to the supply chain.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Shovel Bros
#16 - 2012-07-21 16:07:14 UTC
Veinnail wrote:
mxzf wrote:

lol. What game are you playing? In Eve, that would completely and totally happen.

yes, delegate the probing of every lowsec-0.0 system in eve, see how long that works out :P Then push for accountability... See how much isk actually reaches the "alliance wallets"

Actually, yes. The big alliances have entire budgets dedicated to moon scanning. They have figured out a system for scanning things quickly and efficiently.

And almost all of us agree that moon goo as it stands is somewhat broken (even OTEC, pointing out the brokenness of it is half the reason they created OTEC). However, your proposal does nothing to fix the issue, it just makes things more painful for all the moon probers and the small alliances without actually fixing the issue of the Tech bottleneck.

If anything, your proposal would make prices for all T2 gear much worse. Because the entire time it takes to find the next Tech moon and clear out the current residents is time that there is one less moon pouring goo into the economy. It's just a bad idea that hurts everyone.
Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#17 - 2012-07-22 01:11:35 UTC
I think it would devalue holding space as well as encouraging the non sov holder moon occupiers like PL or other large cap heavy groups. While its true that some areas would still be quite occupied, it makes holding the space when its in its barren period much less attractive, and simply camping pipelines that much more.
Why pay for sov in an area when the area doesnt make you enough isk to pay for it? and if its sov less it makes it more attractive to roaming explorers who get stopped at the gates.
might be fun for a while but with the price of t2 ships skyrocketing because of lack of infrastructure in null, it would be a lot less fun in total.

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#18 - 2012-07-22 03:57:10 UTC
some great input, forever highlighting how much of the "system" needs remodeling
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#19 - 2012-07-22 04:04:00 UTC
What if it was a 3 month quantity for ultra-rare, and extended up to 1year for the most-common??
Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#20 - 2012-07-22 14:22:28 UTC
You're basically saying 'What if we punched our players in the mouth once every three months or just once a year, rather than every month'.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

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