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Corporation Forum Channels (Can we add our own channels?)

Vexed Nova
NovaTech Holdings
#1 - 2012-07-20 13:48:38 UTC
Is this in the works or??

In the corporation forums, can the CEO/Director add channels to the corp forum area (in addition to the "general discussion, boardroom & announcments" that are there currently? Is this an option and I have just overlooked it?

Please check out my blog! EVE Industrialist Blog -

Shovel Bros
#2 - 2012-07-20 14:54:41 UTC
I highly doubt that it'll happen. The reason being that additional corp forums for each corp cause additional server load and all. And the corp forums really aren't intended to be a fully-fledged forum setup. I believe the assumption is that any corp big enough to need a bunch of custom forums is big enough to get a free forum from one of the many hosts out there.
Vexed Nova
NovaTech Holdings
#3 - 2012-07-20 15:02:16 UTC
mxzf wrote:
I highly doubt that it'll happen. The reason being that additional corp forums for each corp cause additional server load and all. And the corp forums really aren't intended to be a fully-fledged forum setup. I believe the assumption is that any corp big enough to need a bunch of custom forums is big enough to get a free forum from one of the many hosts out there.

Fair enough. Too bad, I always liked all the eggs in one basket.

Please check out my blog! EVE Industrialist Blog -