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Hardcore eve mode.

Lilliana Stelles
#1 - 2012-07-19 01:11:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Lilliana Stelles
I was down in -redacted- reading some of the Blood Raider lore, which I'd never bothered to put my nose into before, and I realized that they're anti-capsuleer. In fact, they hunt capsuleers for their blood quite frequently. It almost make me feel a little nervous, being in their stations.

But, anyways, the idea crossed my mind, why can't I be one of them? A non-pod-pilot. Seems like everyone's in a pod these days... oh, wait, they are.

Similar to hardcore mode on Diablo, or WoD (as it is apparently a planned feature), why should players not be able to opt for perma-death?

This serves no /real/ purpose in game, other than an extra challenge and a little bit of roleplaying fun.

TL;DR: people die when you kill them.

Edit: This may have been suggested before, a quick ctrl-F of the commonly proposed ideas didn't return any hits though.

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State War Academy
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-07-19 01:14:41 UTC
Just Biomass when podded. Done.
Lilliana Stelles
#3 - 2012-07-19 01:17:46 UTC
But that's not a feature.

And features make me happy.

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Zan Shiro
#4 - 2012-07-19 03:22:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Zan Shiro
the difference is ccp kind of cares about legit lag issues and someimtes hooks you up (I have gotten a reimbursement from a lag kill and others I have known have as well) Blizzard has crap servers crap lag and has tons of HC chars die often to it (lag "teleport" into an wtf is this crap mob and get beat down real common), and just does not care when it happens. . But you pay your 60 and are done 4 life so not all that bad.

Eve is an mmo with monthly sub...wouldn't be very many subs rerolling every 2 weeks jsut to get a char able to fly a half decent rifter just to die in a low sec gate camp...again (d3 you can power level in decent time to be back up soon).
Lilliana Stelles
#5 - 2012-07-19 03:28:04 UTC
Well, it's already been announced for WoD... Seems like it should be in EVE as well. Again, just the option. Nothing mandatory.

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Shovel Bros
#6 - 2012-07-19 04:11:49 UTC  |  Edited by: mxzf
Lilliana Stelles wrote:
Again, just the option. Nothing mandatory.

As rofflesausage already pointed out, the option is already there and completely optional.

Asking devs to add in a whole new system just for the dozen people who want to use that, especially when there's already a working way to make your own 'hardcore mode', is kinda selfish. There are far more important things for the devs to be working on right now.

Oh, and the "WoD has it, so Eve should have it" argument is so far beyond stupid that I can't even begin to comprehend it. Eve isn't any other game, just because x has y feature doesn't mean that matters at all in Eve.
Lilliana Stelles
#7 - 2012-07-19 04:19:24 UTC
mxzf wrote:
Lilliana Stelles wrote:
Again, just the option. Nothing mandatory.

As rofflesausage already pointed out, the option is already there and completely optional.

Asking devs to add in a whole new system just for the dozen people who want to use that, especially when there's already a working way to make your own 'hardcore mode', is kinda selfish. There are far more important things for the devs to be working on right now.

Oh, and the "WoD has it, so Eve should have it" argument is so far beyond stupid that I can't even begin to comprehend it. Eve isn't any other game, just because x has y feature doesn't mean that matters at all in Eve.

Ignoring the possibility of another feature just because it can be worked-around or exists in other games is even more stupid.

The number of times I've heard "Eve has ____ so other games should to", needs to be reciprocated.

Eve can't do all the teaching. MMOs are a competitive field. Occasionally EVE should do something just because other games do.

A better question is: Why not?

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Marcus Ichiro
#8 - 2012-07-19 04:23:07 UTC
Lilliana Stelles wrote:
A better question is: Why not?

Because adding it would require development time and resources whilst adding little to the game and possibly confusing a lot of new people.
Lilliana Stelles
#9 - 2012-07-19 04:54:01 UTC
Marcus Ichiro wrote:
Lilliana Stelles wrote:
A better question is: Why not?

Because adding it would require development time and resources whilst adding little to the game and possibly confusing a lot of new people.

Any sort of development that adds to the immersion of the universe, or has a profound impact on the player, is development time well spent. Particularly when it influences how a player thinks.

Having the 'option' to biomass on death is very different than being forced to stick with your decision from character creation. One will make you much more cautious, and will effect how you, as an individual outside the game, are making decisions. It also greatly changes how you feel about your character, or how attached you become to them.

This type of psychological change that occurs in a player is much more important to a game than a balance tweak or UI change that many players would never even notice.

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School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-07-19 05:03:55 UTC
Lilliana Stelles wrote:
Marcus Ichiro wrote:
Lilliana Stelles wrote:
A better question is: Why not?

Because adding it would require development time and resources whilst adding little to the game and possibly confusing a lot of new people.

Any sort of development that adds to the immersion of the universe, or has a profound impact on the player, is development time well spent. Particularly when it influences how a player thinks.

Having the 'option' to biomass on death is very different than being forced to stick with your decision from character creation. One will make you much more cautious, and will effect how you, as an individual outside the game, are making decisions. It also greatly changes how you feel about your character, or how attached you become to them.

This type of psychological change that occurs in a player is much more important to a game than a balance tweak or UI change that many players would never even notice.

Due to the sluggish skill progression of eve 99.9% of eve players would find this change utterly worthless and:
1. not use it
2. complain about CCP adding another worthless feature
Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#11 - 2012-07-19 07:26:15 UTC
Except that as an optional feature, something which CCP is not very good at implementing, it would affect only those that chose to get effected. the same people who would presumably me more geared towards the psychological attachment already.

after a few times playing this way, in the hard mode, you get to the point where you realize that EVE skill progression is not the same as other MMO's most noticeably WoW's. play for five months and get podded, that's five months of character skilling that you would not recover. which in turn is also not enough time to get into a well skilled cruiser. or any other ship for that matter.
living in hisec for many months and out of gankers gun sights would be pretty much the only way that the player could get to flying something halfway decent vs other non hardcore players.
while the hardcore players watch the non-hardcore players having fun in lowsec/null out of the box

seriously play this way, you biomass whenever you get podded. i doubt that you will get past your third character. once you have any significant time investment in them you will be much less likely to adhere to this doctrine.

because its a stupid doctrine in the face of the skill progression mechanics in place.

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.