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Dead Towers in EvE

The Scope
#1 - 2012-07-18 19:27:02 UTC
I had a look around and i couldnt find this or any topic like it im not an avid forum poster so if their is one sorry,

So hisec towers get left or corps who have lost leaders or for some reason or other leave tower to sit on a moon. This is some what annoying, unless a player declairs war on them genrly they are free to sit their.. no fuel no star chats unhamperd by anyone and protected by concord. Why? Why is a tower that isnt turnd on and left to rot in space ok? Wwhy cant we do something about this?

My thoughts on this are allow players to hack or capture a dead tower, what i mean by this is allow a player to go to a tower whos shilds are down it has no fuel and its not currently geting looked after and Spend some time hacking the towers controle systems if sucsesfull they for the tower to unankor and can "steal" the tower. That is to say let players unankor PoS's that are left in space undefened un fueld and unloved take them off whoever has them...much like anything else left in space is.

Now im not saying let the current "hack" skill do this as is that would probly be a bit broken im thinking add a skill that tacs on to to a Mid slot module that atempts to hack the CT in to fooling it in to belive its the correct corp, the skill could be" Advanced Hacking " or something to that nameing, now not to let the tower just get snaped up freely like this also give a Faiulre some value like make hacking take a long time(up to 1 hr or something) and if the hack fails the tower enters a type of reinfoced mode that blocks out all atempts to hack it for a set time frame it also sends a message to the owners of the tower oto let them know some one is trying to hacking it, or even if their are guns they fire one volly at the ship atempting to hack it ( if they have gun towers on with ammo),

This would also work for anything left in the tower such as hangers and the like if succesfuly hacked the player can "open" the contents and remove them and then unankor it and take if they so please, of course this would be views as stealing and would carry the Risks involed with that as well.

To covers the basic consept of my idear lets allow players to "remove" Controle towers left in space with no fuel no love and looking rather sad.

(i know the towers are geting a nice reworking done to them so maby something like this could fit in to it give me your views)

Thanks for reading this i know its a bit of a text wall, i dont normaly post much.

- Temai
  • Lost in Space looking for a Home dreaming of building outpost's acrross EVE -
Shovel Bros
#2 - 2012-07-18 19:40:29 UTC < The best idea I've seen about dealing with dead POSes
Terminal Insanity
Goonswarm Federation
#3 - 2012-07-18 19:41:47 UTC
wardec it. load tech1 crystal ammo. shoot.

if its really a dead tower/corp then they wont respond and you can solo it for the day

"War declarations are never officially considered griefing and are not a bannable offense, and it has been repeatedly stated by the developers that the possibility for non-consensual PvP is an intended feature." - CCP

The Scope
#4 - 2012-07-18 20:01:51 UTC
mxzf wrote: < The best idea I've seen about dealing with dead POSes

ah so their was another prason with the same idear... didnt mange to find them oh well thanks for linking me

and Terminal shooting a pos solo is incredibly boring shooting towers is boring anyhow not to mention you would have to pay for the war dec, i wanted to give a though to doing something that would "remove" and punshe people who leave towers in empty space.
  • Lost in Space looking for a Home dreaming of building outpost's acrross EVE -
Federal Navy Academy
#5 - 2012-07-18 21:22:39 UTC
this is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. There SHOULD be effort and isk associated with cleaning up abandoned space trash, even if that space trash isn't yours. Besides, you get a moon out of it!

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

The Scope
#6 - 2012-07-19 07:44:41 UTC
Batelle wrote:
this is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. There SHOULD be effort and isk associated with cleaning up abandoned space trash, even if that space trash isn't yours. Besides, you get a moon out of it!

i agree, nothing is free i was mearly giveing a idear out on how to deal with people leaveing a tower in hisec space unfuled and unloved and geting to keep it... however as someone else has linked it in this part i belive the other view is has a better plan than me and is now more fleshed out i was merly trying to give food for thought.

and moons in hisec? erm yea, also i want to make clear i wasnt just talking about abandond hisec pos but they were my current primery im refering also to all the towers that i keep finding abandond, all i can do to them is shoot em... it would be nice to beable to recover them as they are no longer in use,
  • Lost in Space looking for a Home dreaming of building outpost's acrross EVE -
Boondocks Industrial
Intaki-Business Logistics Union
#7 - 2012-07-19 11:48:44 UTC
mxzf wrote: < The best idea I've seen about dealing with dead POSes

+1 to this thread and the suggestion raised in this post. Too many dead towers in highsec and wormholes.