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Upgrading the CEO Logo Maker

Eagle's Talon's
#1 - 2012-07-17 23:05:15 UTC
I think that making a corporate logo should be taken out of the game and soley done through the forum website.

You would access your corporate logo if you were the CEO through your forum account by clicking on your characters image.
From there you would be able to create your logo based upon the images provided by CCP or being able to upload your own images via FTP to a special images folder in your Logo Creator.

CCP would of course set up guidelines where you couldn't use pornography images or drug related images but anything other than that should be allowed.

You would of course either pay Aurum, ISK or real money to upload your personal logo into the system.

Having such a system would allow CCP to introduce new logo wingdings more so than which is currently available.

Once you have created your logo you would click "Implement Logo" and the next time that you log into the game your new logo would be present.

Removing the ingame corporate logo creator could also create enough space on the server to allow for corporate and alliance logo's to appear on ships and stations along with being able to customize a ships appearance with pin stripings and Mexican Seista ornaments for a ship.

You know what I am talking about those curtains with the little balls hanging from them that were popular in movies such as Cheech and Chong.
Shovel Bros
#2 - 2012-07-18 01:21:31 UTC
They can't feasibly allow players to make custom corp logos. The art department is already slow trying to take care of alliance logos, corp logos would completely swamp them trying to check them all for the right formatting and content (and they're not going to hire a bunch of people just to sit there and check corp logos all day). It's been proposed a LOT already (and you should feel bad for not searching), it won't happen.