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Cloud saves for settings?

#1 - 2012-07-17 13:12:12 UTC
So, having tried to switch to a new computer for my EVEing, I have found that all my setting don't transfer over. Custom buttons, overview, rooms I'm in, etc.

Why can't this all be done on a cloud save, and synched through the launcher when you start it up?

Economic PVP

Shovel Bros
#2 - 2012-07-17 14:53:54 UTC
What if you have different computers? For instance, I usually play Eve on my gaming desktop, but now and then I'll drop a new skill on or something on my laptop. However, my laptop would have issues running Eve on high at 1920x1080 like my desktop does. I don't want them synced.

Also, I kinda doubt that CCP is going to do this because it's an extra level of work for them to create and maintain it when it's not really needed.

Fun fact: If you really want to transfer your settings between computers, you can actually sync up the files that contain the settings. If you really wanted to, you could actually set up a system which would automatically sync settings between two or more computers.
#3 - 2012-07-17 14:56:10 UTC
Yes, but I don't know how to do that.

I didn't think about resolutions. Maybe have a checkybox next to each setting to let it sync, and do UI ones universally.

Economic PVP

Shovel Bros
#4 - 2012-07-17 15:08:05 UTC
You could learn how to set up an automated system in less time than it would take for CCP to implement a cloud storage system. Personally, it'd probably take me about 20 min to do so, mostly because I already have a personal server set up in my house that I could host the settings files in.

You could also just copy the files manually (from AppData\Local\CCP\EVE\[eve path]\settings). For what it sounds like you're doing, just changing from one comp to another, that would be by far the easiest solution.

And having individual checkboxes that always come up when you start up the game would be a royal pain. You only ever need to configure a client one time on any individual computer, you just leave it alone once you've set it up. There really isn't any call for CCP to put the time and effort into creating and maintaining such a system when the demand would be so abysmally low.
#5 - 2012-07-17 15:36:13 UTC
Checkboxes in the esc menu, I meant.

And what about people who want ti sync settings over multiple machines and accounts?

Economic PVP