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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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nomadic DEEPSPACE Titan hubs - For pirates, to invade 0.0 constellations

Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-07-15 23:59:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Deena Amaj
Another idea much to your annoyance.

I'll try to structure it simpler this time.

This is a "small thing" despite the crappy attempt of perfect english diction. Don't assume it as something all toooo big. This is entirely OPTIONAL. Don't like that type of playstyle? Stick to the traditional one and miss some fun and pillaging.
This is just about giving pirates and small corps a chance to invade random 0.0 space; in fashion of

- > hyperjumping in (NPC vessel acts as a cyno-portal for players somewhere in deadspace of the system)
-> deal damage for a specifc time/maintain a small foothold in system and be an annoyance to the locals
-> hyperjump out or get stuck in that system and die miserably/surrender/run whatever"

*Line removed - It did its job :) - Read more at postings below!

The home alliance of whomever may be plagued as the chance to probe down the NPC vessel that ports players into that system. If the vessel is destroyed before it can hyperjump out - Pirates/whomever will be stuck there and will either have to run for their lives, logoffski etc.

I'm sure the pirate-players of eve online will not consider this idea a good one, but I just thought of this as a minor addition as to how they can terrorize one part of the galaxy, and later on move on to a new area somehow.

Personally, I'd suggest other capsuleer-controlled "jump capable vessels" for this, but it is just too complicated to add to this thread, so I'll leave it for another time.

The idea is actually intended just for pirate-orientated players, but I suppose some sort of CONCORD-FRONTIER POLICE version in terms of "Tour of duty" could be possible too - for non-pirate corps that is.

Here are the quick-picks on wtf I thought up.
The explanations as to "Why, WHY WHY" comes later.

/note that the pirate-variant requires the players to have a serious negative Sec Standing.

- A seperate opportunity for "homeless" pirate/non-pirate corps to invade random 0.0/lowsec systems in range of the mobile hub (if it were posisble, highsec too locations but they'd probably get CONCORDOKKENED instantly)
~ Also, roughly in tradition with the interactive randomness of wormhole/wspace features. (Might as well see this as an addition next to the Wspace possibility.

- A possible, smaller "trade hub" available for those who live in this deep-DEEPSPACE area. Shall allow these players to have mixed mini npc/player-controlled blackmarket for buying mods and ships. Preferrably, buying T1 or T2 ships could have an additional random "ship bonus" - just a little gimmick and trait to why they are so dangerous.
This would also combat the need of having to get mods and stuff from highsec.

- These "pirate/concord armada" trade hubs exist as Mothership/Titan'esque vessels that act like docking alike stations.
(No capsuleer controls this Titan-station by the way - CCP already said it is not possible to do somethign in that fashion)

So we're talking about a small fleet with a massive NPC pirate Titan-vessel that is either parked in deadspace between star systems ~ Deadspace on the galaxy map, not "interstellar deadspace in a star system".


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2012-07-16 00:00:07 UTC

- These "Titan-vessel Stations" are situated in DEEP SPACE regions on the map and/or unexplored systems that neither possess jump gates nor can be accessed by common-folk who are not affliated with these nomadic tribes.
Only pirates or frontier-corps joined with CONCORD-Frontier Armada can apply somewhere and, well, "be ported" to the respective deep space "station" aka Titan.

- These nomad Titan-fleets move through the "inbetween" deep space areas of 0.0/Lowsec Regions, say in counterclockwise fashion and/or "at random".
As the titan jumps, the entire players in the "grid" are ported to the new location (planets stay where they are lol). See it as your BSG hyperjump - or Macross/Robotech hyperjump to the "planet" Pluto , for those who remember :P.

(I can sense your headache already)

Pirates with the obvious negative Security Standings can find a home at one of the four racial "nomadic terrorist-pirate" faction that dwell in these massive Titan fleet.

- These Titan fleets remain at a secluded Deep Space position for say, 3 days - offering the chance of transporting player fleets to 0.0 star systems/constellatoins within a spherical range of x Light Years.

-> With an interactive dropdown menu, player FCs choose where they want to be ported to for engaging a pillage campaign.
(Note, this cost some serious ISK as, well, these enigmatic NPC Pirate nomads have their PRICE)

-> ~ alternatively, the titan vessel opens a (perhaps one-way) portal for players to jump into a "Starsystem of the day" randomly selected by the NPC for that particular day.
by the way, only these affiliated players can use the portals.
(These vessels coudl act as mini-stargates, if you please)

-> Titan Fleet dispatches whatever reverse-engineered jove-tech vessel to the desired star system in range, that opens a wormhole portal to that desired system and players do a right-click "Jump to xyz".

-> NPC jump vessel is at random location at the edge of the star system (preferably the larger ones with 40+ AU in radius :>)

Here begins what players can do to get some action.
Since they "dropped by out of nowhere", they just might be able to kill lucrative targets that were assuming all is safe thanks to their massive alliance with awesome intel channels, integriy blablabla.

Things can go good. Things can go bad.

Let me cover quickly for whom this is for.

For whom is this crap?

Tight collective of capsuleer players, pirates (or the concord-frontier police equivalent) for instance, who want to see the universe and pillage/assault it.
Okay, concord is probably a bad one, but whatever "not so pirate" npc faction that hunts 0.0 player alliances instead.


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Lilliana Stelles
#3 - 2012-07-16 00:23:15 UTC
Isn't this sortof redundant with normal titans?

Not a forum alt. 

Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2012-07-16 00:35:27 UTC
Mmhh. These are not player-controlled Titans. Doesn't essentially have to be "Titans", but I assumed a scaled-up variant of a Titan acting as a station would be interesting.

This is aimed for groups of small corp pirates/players - and just to port here and there and do some action. It is just a possiblity for the small guys to do more stuff and who would unlikely ever get their hands on the moon goo for making their own titans.

This is kind of a "Titan for poor people", if you may.


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Shovel Bros
#5 - 2012-07-16 13:02:06 UTC
Deena Amaj wrote:
Don't like the idea, don't post and leave the thread now :)!

This is the Features and Ideas Discussion forum. People are going to shoot down crappy ideas. Get over it.

What you suggest would be lots of work adding in new mechanics for CCP to add to the game and you still never seem to explain how it would be at all good for the game. You have two posts full of random "this might be cool" ramblings, but never stop to think about the impact on the game itself.

This wouldn't be good for the game at all and you haven't taken the time to think it through fully and explore all of the possible negative ramifications of the idea.

lt;dr: No, not supported in any shape or form
Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#6 - 2012-07-16 13:35:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Emperor Salazar
Deena Amaj wrote:

Don't like the idea, don't post and leave the thread now :)!

I saw your post, looked interesting, thought about reading it, opened the thread, and then saw this monstrosity.

No. Features and Ideas does not exist as a circle jerk for your ideas. If your idea is crap, we will tell you so and hopefully you will take it to heart and either scrap it or refine it for the better.

I'll read your thread and provide feedback when you remove this line. Until then, your ideas aren't worth reading.
Lighting the blight
#7 - 2012-07-16 17:40:09 UTC
the idea sounds slightly intriguing, but has a lot (read: too much) NPC written all over it.

That said, POSs with jumpdrives should be similar and also cooler.
Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2012-07-16 21:20:28 UTC
I apologize beforehand for being harsh in the following things I am about to say.

I do not need to apologize for the designate quote as it was more or less bait and it has been removed =). I will “ramble” about the intentions later.

Okay. I was willing at first to post in “TLDR” mode and quotes on stuff, but now that I found that if I can troll back on people who do false assumptions or are afraid of posts being more extensive then their epeen - good for me. I can foresee what I’ll get from it.

Since I’m a writer, I can write with ease. Whatever one may think , I can write easily and spew as much rounds as an AC - sucks to be you, in that case. Can’t handle it, then well - My dud quote or HTFU. You are free to do what you like in the Eve Forums. Same here.

Anyhow. The actual extensive response to stuff is longer and below this posting. This is to ensure that I am talking about the idea itself and responds first before “rambling” about my actual intention of this thread : D!

But I will stick to responding first before actually stating why I said “Don’t like, don’t post”.

This is the Features and Ideas Discussion forum. People are going to shoot down crappy ideas. Get over it.

This wouldn't be good for the game at all and you haven't taken the time to think it through fully and explore all of the possible negative ramifications of the idea.

Argh, I’ve been critically hurt *dying swan move*. =D

Glad I got your attention. My intention worked somewhat.
My quote you have there had a plot behind it, regarding “discussion”.

Don’t need to get over with what I already know of. I do not need to respond thoroughly on that because I did so in a matter of minutes in a posting about to come below.

CCP knows what’s good for the game or not. We both and everybody else who plays knows how things can impact. They decide if it sucks in the end. Not you, me or anybody else. Debating about crappy ideas is another thing. That’s fine by me, so screw that assumption.

My idea can be used for a “Large Big thing” or a small minor thing - likewise, a few aspects of it could take over. However, I actually said that it is to be SMALL because it has to build from there before snowballing to some big thing you and others are so scared about.
Calm down.

(I’m sure you just said “FU, don’t need you saying that” =D )

The sole idea of the OP was giving at least a small band of pirate-players ways to jump a few light-years into the unknown territory and see if they can do damage and pillage; or fail, depends.
Also to live for a while at a “Flying Circus/LAPUTA” sort of non-POS as you could say, where they could perhaps live. This “non-POS” would jump here and there every few days and give them a way to pay visit to places in similar fashion to W-SPACE (you can play with the idea about W-Space etc).
Remember, only a small gang/corp (no ally) can use this.
See it as a small Tour of Duty thing where players could live at these moving pirate stations. The “Non-Pos” is moving to avoid being compromised by enemy factions and of course to harvest other constellations.

Not everybody is pirate in eve, and the very few numbers that could jump over would only be a small gang… Small gang pvp - I did not say “conquer SOV space”.
Also, it is just to be an additional opportunity to do 0.0 PVP;
- giving Pirates the chance to invade, die - or kill/loot something and run
- giving carebears in big alliances to be worried about something, as well as the big allies reasons to destroy the NPC-jump ship.

Impact is not major at all. Of course, if you are the carebear… oh dear. But let’s not forget, Wspace-Wormholes are something very very similar to what I said.
More later.

And crappy ideas are all in the eyes of the beholders. I know the idea was going to be chewed by “your-types” because it is out of the box and different. But I can defend my idea too and likewise as how you could give a damn, so can I respectively - and respectively.

If you are capable, read the actual postings of mine further below (coming soon). But here, this time really intending that phrase that intentionally was to disturb you: Care to read the “ramble”?
Free to do what you want, just like in eve. I for sure got what I wanted already.
And honestly, the game can of course run without all the ideas everybody is rambling much to your royal annoyance - I can live without it, but I can post
And nonetheless…

This is the Features and Ideas Discussions forums. People are going to post ideas whether you like them or not. They know they are likely to suck, but they would rather like you, the typing-impaired, giving real constructive criticism, so we can do the “D-word” (discussion and debate) about it. Get over with it.


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2012-07-16 21:21:04 UTC
What you suggest would be lots of work adding in new mechanics for CCP to add to the game and you still never seem to explain how it would be at all good for the game. You have two posts full of random "this might be cool" ramblings, but never stop to think about the impact on the game itself.

But I will assume that this is your constructive part so I will tag along.
First. Sorry but lol.
CCP knows well enough about their resources. Of course they won’t just take this idea like that - or just add it into the game from somebody called Deena Amaj. WTFFFFFFFFFF =D. Come on. Please stay realistic here.

I can explain how, why, good, bad and how it would impact on the game, if somebody would care to ask me stuff directly instead of just “rambling” some wannabe troll crap about me - regardless of justified or “I had to say it because I am a liberal forum’ian” w/e.

The first poster under my OP just asked that simple about something I missed or that was unclear.
Of course. You’re free to respond, criticize, troll or aggress or whatever you call that posting but I will answer. If you like it or can’t handle, who cares. Respectively to your “shoot down ideas, deal with it”.

If people want further delving of “Why this idea”, then just ask. Period.

About “This might be cool”… I left out some things to first talk about the idea first. The next bracket would be about that topic yet I left it out as reasoned above. I can add it in too, but since the ideas are usually a few pages, I cut the excessive fat off, just so some wouldn’t be too harmed by “too much text”.
Those who complain “too long” are the same to complain it is missing. Hmm. If I would have put it in, you’d just go for the next thing I’d leave out for the sake of too much text. And not to forget, I did start with a short version of the idea.

I know what I left out because I left out many details, intentionally, so I could cut to the chase as far as possible. I’m the one who knows what I have in mind and you need not to worry about impact too much until it is the right time…
What you may think in that case is obvious.
Unfortunately. One idea is here, the other. If you want to have more about “stating Impact on Eve”, then just ask in this thread, and in the other one.

Unless ursocool to ask in one of my “This might be cool” threads.

Likewise - I left it out because it would have been too much for people with “argh I see rambles” would not have bother reading it in the first place. Just like this post.
Too bad there is no SPOILER TAG in this forum (Haven’t seen it).

Sure, I could have just written it, since you’d be all bitchy about ANYTHING =). But I left it out because I’d just want the idea posted first, and debate with others about the impact. Again, “small steps” intended.

That is likely a false assumption on my side about “you” and I have a sack full of it just about you, yet it is only an example.
Also, I doubt you would even bother if I had added a “Impact on Eve”. My common disclaimer of the idea was it to be a small factor - to begin with. Scroll up above the whine-quote in the OP.

So in this case, neither CCP nor I’d have to worry about major effects because it would have been experimental and small.

My idea would snowball to destroying Eve?
Uhm. The butterfly effect has been explained through and through. Just you paying for your account to post here is already a snowballing in Eve.
And common CCP has their own brain. They know what is good for Eve or not. This is all but a minor and little idea. If you think it will snowball that huge… seriously doubt it.
Doubting it, because I’d be the one to explicitly state it should be for a very few -- I dare say one “jump session” be only for like, 5 pirates or whatever decent number of players, not a full-blown massive blob that lags the entire node.
-Alternatively, the pirate gang could just be jumped into a random system of that desired constellation, a oneway ticket. On their map, the FC or all of them could see a respective “extraction system” somewhere in that region (perhaps designated by the player before hand) the NPC vessel would emerge to, so it can open a passage back to “Home-Deepspace fleet”.


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2012-07-16 21:21:22 UTC
lt;dr: No, not supported in any shape or form

Read it all. Thank you for posting.

But just one last thing about your posting.

This here from the Sticky’ed Thread of Features & Ideas Discussion by the moderator:

#1 Posted: 2011.09.06 06:40 | Report | Edited by: CCP Spitfire
The Features and Ideas forum is primarily for players to make suggestions or put forth ideas that they feel may improve EVE.

If you know of an issue or problem it belongs in either:
Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Test Server Feedback

Along with this, the RULES are going to be enforced at a more vigorous level.

Please, read the forum rules, and pay attention to them. If you don't like someone's idea, please remember to post with respect towards fellow players at all times and remain constructive.

Thus a couple ground rules:
1) This is a breeding ground for ideas. If someone has an idea, listen to it. If you don't like it, think about why. Constructive feedback is good. Posting "That's an awful idea," is not constructive.

2) This is not a forum for known issues. There are links above to the forums that deal with those. If you have an idea of how to improve an issue, that is one thing. If you are simply pointing out flaws and shortcomings, it is not a feature or idea.

3) Please put some information regarding your idea in the topic. Topics named things like "An idea" or "Does anybody think...." will be renamed.

4) This is for Features and Ideas - not simple requests. Threads like "I want XXX module. Give it to me now," are not constructive. Please put some ideas into it, even if it's just a suggestion or two to spark a thread.

5) Before posting an idea, please check the Commonly Proposed Ideas Thread to see if there's already a topic running for it. Reposts will be locked and routed to the active thread.

In terms of number one, I gave - thanks to “rambling” or just being damn detailed enough - enough for you to add some constructive things. Yes, you are not entitled to do such - oh wait, ground rules. I know the mod won’t come to my rescue as I am likely breaking rules myself.
But just saying. Shred the idea if you must
- BUT SHRED IT with text, or don’t bother =) Hence, that bait quote, despite missing “add at least one detailed sentence about the idea’s content”. Just because I say don’t bother or don’t post doesn’t mean a rat’s ass about what you will actually write or do.
I suppose I will just add the first ground rule to future threads.
I for one cannot be accused of being too blunt with posting far too little for an idea…


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2012-07-16 21:21:53 UTC
saw your post, looked interesting, thought about reading it, opened the thread, and then saw this monstrosity.

No. Features and Ideas does not exist as a circle jerk for your ideas. If your idea is crap, we will tell you so and hopefully you will take it to heart and either scrap it or refine it for the better.

I'll read your thread and provide feedback when you remove this line. Until then, your ideas aren't worth reading.

Oow yeah. Scary. Dude, come on. I’ve already written “below” the reason for the quote. It had its reason and was more or less bait material.

A friendly question beforehand : Then what did you interpret before the “monstrosity”? Please share. Perhaps you have a better take on the idea just by the inspiration topic. You’d have to share it as I can’t read your mind.

And if you feel molested or insulted by the postings below, well, I know what I can expect : ).

And I do neither need a definition about F&I nor did I ask for your protein donation. I’m more of a multi-symmetrical breast docking fan.

And the line did it’s just. It was intended for a specific reason.

the idea sounds slightly intriguing, but has a lot (read: too much) NPC written all over it.

I thought of this being with NPCs as it would be far too much work if it were with players and as CCP stated here and there, they are unable to have things like players docking on a player-owned vessel and “walking around there”. At least that is what had been said many times.
IN other words, it would be too difficult to add with full-player interactions.

And, well, Wormhole mechanics are NPC controlled, right?
Nobody but CCP/AI is saying where the wormhole pops up next, all based on an algorithm.

I just - and I confess - thought it would be cool if we could see NPC pirates and “frontier anti-0.0 ally” dispatch small guerilla-warfare gangs. Along with the idea of living there for a while/forever and have fun moving around the regions.
Pirates have to rely on a small family. I don’t recall any major “0.0 SOV space holding pirate alliance” gang since it melds quite fast with “Just another huge alliance with no sort of Blue Standings” - I don’t know every single prominent alliance; but I know well enough that it is not that easy nowadays for pirates to do some action. I just want to give them another opportunity to be a pain the bum for me and others.

As said many times, it is just something “small”. It can be like living in Wspace - or Factional Warfare, Incursions, PI etc -- minigames one can join or ignore. Just giving another opportunity, that’s all.

But I guess it is just too complex for Eve Online and/or its inhabitants.

I had another alternative idea about small-yet-jump carrier-themed vessels that could do something like a “blind jump” to a desired constellation and land at a random spot in a star system of that constellation in deadspace. It featured something like teleporting the blindjumping vessel along with a limited number of ships in the gang (say a full wing) to the location.
Could also might as well be a jump to a star system directly, but I enjoy the “blind jump” part of it.

Anyhow, the thread died - likewise either by “sucks” or just that nobody gave a damn.
So I don’t know where the frell people are getting these wild assumptions about bumhurt by ideas.


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2012-07-16 21:24:04 UTC
My following postings actually belong to a different thread, just like several others who posted here as it is about “BB Forum Ethics” and not about the idea. In a perfect world, a CCP mod would have deleted various things I and others said and just filter out the texts related to denouncing (or god forbid agreeing to) the idea, but this is likely impossible.

And I am looking forward to responding to the posts above this one, because I can point out on various things.
I know people just want to hear about the idea etc, but I will leave that for last, because I have a small opportunity to point on stuff.

Likewise - people saying “You did not think everything through, you did not add enough info, fail” is likely the same who are quick with “TLDR” in just about every post. Disagreeing to this specific idea, I was fine with that long before any posting =) assuming otherwise is, well, holding false assumptions - common in the forum culture.
So I’m sure the same will have a problem with this posting as they will see it as a ramble. Well, here again I will ask/say:
Can you handle the heat of my assumptions about you? Can you read beyond this line without turning around?

I doubt any are willing to continue from this point about the idea on since they are likely to be insulted by the quoted line (Don’t like, Don’t Post), but I am glad I could use this opportunity to specific reactions
- because I wanted to also shed light on some things people are not actually aware of themselves or how they act in connection to Features & Ideas Discussions; not to mention the sticky’ed rules : D.


But do take the time to read this stuff before I look back on the idea discussion.

Same for those who follow every single definition of F&ID .
One thing for sure I want to point on is that ideas, not just mine, but also others are indeed not for the reading-impaired. I see various people neither following the forum-rules, nor being aware of them, nor actually even taking the time to go through the actual idea (nobody is forced to do that). However, some just run through and just go “Oh I know… TLDR, I stopped reading after xyz - add my face when images, oh you just can’t handle that you’re wrong” (though F&ID isn’t about being right or wrong.

Evaluating ideas is the point of course - hence discussion. I know certain were going to be molested by the quoted tagline, and I’m glad my secondary meaningless intentions because I can put a spotlight on something else I wanted you to ejaculate on actually. *wink, wink*

I'm not a fan of justification posts not dealing with the actual because THAT is what makes true rambling (more later on that topic) but this requires one.

This first:
Due to forum limitations, I will require a few more than one post due to the fact that 3k characters are allowed and not 6k (at least that was in the way when I was posting the first two times, so don't say otherwise). Especially buggy "remove html link" requests although I do no have any URLs posted.

So somewhere, excuse incoming wall of text - Actually, I don't need to excuse that one because I will explain that later.
Should be interesting for the TLDR zombies that currently reside in all parts of the forum worlds, and for those who assume all can be said with one word...


And not to mention just WHY I applied a TLDR before the descriptive portion of the idea, followed by the quoted line below this sentence.
Doing favor? Most certainly not, but since there are self-esteemed oneliner-posters here, I thought I’d allow something different. That was pretty much just for those who can't bother to read due to limitations of "
- Three sentences only, rest is too much/a lot
- extreme cases of TL;DR-itis
- Men sparingly with their sperm for bukkakke moments

Don't like the idea, don't post and leave the thread now :)!

I assumed that line would cause some headaches for some and would've been surprised if none had responded to it.

It was intended to be aggressive and I do so intended to remove it afterwards once this posting is done.

The reason why I wrote it because I wanted to see who'd actually read beyond it the line
- Yes, contraproductive in terms of F&I "Discussions", but a filter as I now know who'd I'm dealing with.

A minor gate bait, you could say. No biggie.

Everybody is free to do what they want, duh, as they (you) did just know. Who said I was holding any of you back?

Now, I did actually add more to that line, but removed it because I said, “Wait, let me see something”.

The actual line went more like:
bad ideas do not need to be bumped by pages of posters saying "not in my Eve".
IF you do not like it, post once but make sure if somebody said "It sucks" already, no need to bump it again.

I knew some would feel immediately molested as it is like removing the freedom of speech, but I wanted to see the reaction from those very specific people who claim to be the suggestion police but disregard key things of the FID forum rules.

In terms of “If you think the idea sucks” -> “let the thread die, avoid bumping unless you can write Constructive Texts people can work with.
Following that, dead and empty threads will be pushed down to lock mode and all will know "no need to look here".
But all in all, it was just a sentence =), yet several took it as a kick right in the balls.

Yes, you are all nonetheless the judges of when, if and how you post. It is your freedom.
However - If I open a thread to debate about stuff, too, and I see the (same) specific people ignoring the forum rules - “well, don’t need y’all wonderin’ ”….


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2012-07-16 21:25:08 UTC
However, including me too - just like the rest who may likely have a bad idea in your opinion. Forum rules also state to be more descriptive.

I bet 1 million ISK that certain people who posted here would not have been descriptive at all with their posting in terms of commenting and shredding the idea with a decent text if I had not put that line there. I’m very certain.
Usually because they are either impaired of reading, reset their minds and just imagine for a sec, or can’t stay on a neutral standpoint first and then add their personal opinion along.
Ooooof course, I’m certain such will say now that they did that and my idea still sucks = ) well aware of that, but just keep in mind: I did not post to get your love, likes etc. I only tossed random yet compact idea into the room for people to debate - or circlejerk in other languages - on.

I have no problem with people saying it is a bad idea etc - or even shredding it to pieces. I’m willing to respond to false assumptions, misunderstandings, and of course defend the idea. I say that because I simply know the ideas are quite abstract, different and out of the box, to begin with - and that I will attract a plethora of those who can count to two and say your last threads just suck ;) . . .

Which also brings me to the point that ideally tells me some are hypocrites as when somebody writes and posts an idea (Good or bad);
-The person either writes a short variant so TLRD people don’t complain - people ***** it is too short.
-or person writes an intermediate or even a full text with no or all details - “omg rambling, TLDR, your idea sucks oneliners for future forum signatures”.

Another thing, personally speaking, I do not feel molested by it “being a bad idea” - because I know already from the beginning that it is an abstract idea to begin with =D.

Eve suggestion forums are bound to come with wild ideas and people are so scared it will wreck their beloved game.

However, I was assuming the focus of postings would be about the line (of mine) rather than talking about the idea - or those being intentionally “insulted” and who immediately decide just to call whatsoever idea a bad one due to the what the OP said initially.
I hope once this is cleared that we can talk about the idea after all : ). But first things first.


The quoted line that pissed everybody off was just a minor mix of bait and "The TL;DR ends here as I started with TL;DR - Details below".

Intermission: The "rambling" of my following posts are currently indending to open your eyes on a specific factor - The sticky rules. More in the next posting about that.

I'm also not the kind who dances around the idea, I post, you do/dont like - Finished, pretty much.
However, there are indeed wannabe "Suggestion Policemen" who act like CCP without having CCP in their tag. If CCP-Mods would come and say "frakk off, your idea sucks" etc, okay - but I don't see any. Likewise, I assume this idea is extensive enough for it not to be a typical "Buff my ship" thread.

Another thing is that going through several threads, I see the same people saying random yes/no, but ignoring this specific forum's rules - Thing is that people are forgetting certain rules in the STICKY Thread of F&ID. I will come to that one later, too.

Wild assumptions of me requiring any metaphorical Bukkake upon my ideas from forum posters was of course my intention - dot dot dot.


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2012-07-16 21:30:13 UTC
As proven, I can also write up the idea in that detail, in that length, in that mass.

It would have been just as lengthy and you would not bother to read even if it were better than the bible.
So, I will post as desired. Sorry if you eyes hurt. I know what will come, if it happens.

But I enjoyed writing it. Anyhow, I'm sure you'll be pissed to oblivion about my future thread postings.

And read the bio of this character. I'm sure the roleplay factor of it says enough :P.


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#15 - 2012-07-16 21:33:40 UTC
I read some of the stuff you wrote.

Sounds terrible.
Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#16 - 2012-07-16 21:33:58 UTC
You wrote a lot of stuff.
Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#17 - 2012-07-16 21:37:18 UTC
On a note that you're apparently not smart enough to understand on your own, this is a player forum for a reason. It exists as a public forum, open to other players to allow us to give feedback, positive and negative.

Do you have any idea how many half baked, game breaking, and otherwise terrible ideas come through here? CCP has better things to do than to come and tell everyone who comes with their terrible ideas that their ideas are,, in fact, terrible.

They leave that to us.
Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2012-07-16 22:05:37 UTC
Assume harder.

It has a beginning and an ending; yet also featuring "starting small".
You can't complain about half-baked if you are afraid of game-breaking.
You are also not obliged to read all the stuff I wrote either.

And you obviously gave your public opinion.

Don't write what makes me say "duh" at the end of your responses.

You have to state the half-baked/bre part to allow further debate.
Instead of wasting time, might as well could just focus on the idea itself rather than adding definitions about public forumns. If you read a bit further, you woould have figured that it was a bit of a bait.

Regarding CCP, of course we have control to some content, and they're happy we are debating about things, but if you sound like things will come true just like that and I doubt that - not to mention 100%ly as one imagined it.

How about stating the exact things of what makes the idea terrible, as in the first ground rule of that sticky thread?
And be thorough. If you can't, well, then one cannot take you seriously but just a random entity in Jita local chat.

Again, this is about debating about it, not because your assumpting of me feeling sort of rectum trauma :).


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#19 - 2012-07-16 22:27:58 UTC
I didn't read that post.
Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#20 - 2012-07-16 23:47:24 UTC
I know. Thought so.


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

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