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Quad Screen Set Up what to use

Ranger Industries
The Rogue Consortium
#1 - 2011-10-09 22:29:50 UTC
Im going to be setting up a Quad screen set up and wondered if other people use them and what they use.

im torn between

4 x 32" HD tv
4 x 22" Monitors
1 x 40" HD Tv (main) and 3 x 32" HD Tv


The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2011-10-09 23:04:07 UTC
i myself use a single 40" main. been wanting to get a second screen for various reasons, but i cant justify a second 40", and i worry about different physical sizes and resolutions fuckign with my eyes...
Yeta Ky'ang
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2011-10-09 23:06:41 UTC
PsiMin wrote:
Im going to be setting up a Quad screen set up and wondered if other people use them and what they use.

im torn between

4 x 32" HD tv
4 x 22" Monitors
1 x 40" HD Tv (main) and 3 x 32" HD Tv




First World Problems bro? :]
Caldari State
#4 - 2011-10-09 23:15:10 UTC  |  Edited by: MissingNo1
Personally I would go for the 4 x 22" setup, 4 HUGE screens like the other choices will f*** your eyes up (unless you're sat on a sofa using wireless mouse and KB at 2m+).

I like to be close to my screen and sat at a desk so I feel like I have full control.

But that's just me.

Plus you get a nicer picture out of 22" vs 32"+ with the same resolution ranges.

Ninja edit: Also, make sure you have enough horses inside your computer to run 4 screens, you do realise that GFX memory is divided up per screen and a sli/CF setups don't scale greatly with more than a dual monitor setup.
Ranger Industries
The Rogue Consortium
#5 - 2011-10-09 23:33:04 UTC  |  Edited by: PsiMin
MissingNo1 wrote:
Personally I would go for the 4 x 22" setup, 4 HUGE screens like the other choices will f*** your eyes up (unless you're sat on a sofa using wireless mouse and KB at 2m+).

I like to be close to my screen and sat at a desk so I feel like I have full control.

But that's just me.

Plus you get a nicer picture out of 22" vs 32"+ with the same resolution ranges.

Ninja edit: Also, make sure you have enough horses inside your computer to run 4 screens, you do realise that GFX memory is divided up per screen and a sli/CF setups don't scale greatly with more than a dual monitor setup.

Yes was thinking of the monitors but i may keep the 40" TV as a main, my pc will be ok as i will be using

CPU - I7-2600 Quad Core
Memory - 16Gb DDR3 Dual -DDR 3 1333Mhz
Gfx Card - 4Gb AMD Radeon HD 6990 (will double it up at a later date)
HD - Intel 320 series SSD
Ministry of Furious Retribution
#6 - 2011-10-09 23:34:28 UTC
a life?
Ranger Industries
The Rogue Consortium
#7 - 2011-10-09 23:38:28 UTC
Shawnm339 wrote:
a life?

lol what has that goto do with setting up a new pc, stop spamming forum if you dont have anything good to say, i have the money so why not use it
Splashgame Operators
#8 - 2011-10-09 23:42:58 UTC
I got 2 x 22" myself, pretty sweet setup, screens are not too big and I would love a 4 x 22" setup..

Go for 4 x 22" :D

What cards are you using.. ? Ati or Nvidia ?

------------------------------ carpe aeterna diem


Ranger Industries
The Rogue Consortium
#9 - 2011-10-09 23:47:46 UTC
Kethonna wrote:
I got 2 x 22" myself, pretty sweet setup, screens are not too big and I would love a 4 x 22" setup..

Go for 4 x 22" :D

What cards are you using.. ? Ati or Nvidia ?

Having it built and looking at:

CPU - I7-2600 Quad Core
Memory - 16Gb DDR3 Dual -DDR 3 1333Mhz
Gfx Card - 4Gb AMD Radeon HD 6990 (will double it up at a later date)
HD - Intel 320 series SSD
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2011-10-10 00:04:51 UTC
3 x 27" Dell monitors FTW.

Australian Fanfest Event

Lord Ryan
True Xero
#11 - 2011-10-10 01:59:57 UTC
tried a 33" for a couple minutes. than went back to the store and bought a 22". like someone said to big to set on your desk. use a 24" Mac now think gthat's about perfect

Do not assume anything above this line was typed by me. Nerf the Truth, it's inconvenient.

Thrawn Nostur
Impulsive Anarchy
#12 - 2011-10-10 06:25:31 UTC
I personally use 2x22" monitors...and if I ever did do a quad setup, I wouldn't go bigger than that. Your eyes need to travel too far and it would get tiring fast. I would set them up 2 side by side with the other 2 above them tilted slightly down.

As it is, I already move both overviews to the center (one on the right, one on the left) so I don't have to look so far to see the one on the right monitor.
El Arto
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2011-10-10 08:01:45 UTC  |  Edited by: El Arto
Stack 4 22"s with a monitor stand instead of whipping your neck around. Also I would probably double up on the GPUs there. I run 2 23" samsung led-lcds on a 550ti. (i7 2600)

Monitor Stands

Eventually I'll get a triple 3d setup hehe
Lemok Sonji
Odd Fluffy Bunnies
#14 - 2011-10-10 08:27:31 UTC
PsiMin wrote:
Im going to be setting up a Quad screen set up and wondered if other people use them and what they use.

im torn between

4 x 32" HD tv
4 x 22" Monitors
1 x 40" HD Tv (main) and 3 x 32" HD Tv



4x32" is going to be huge, and very uncomfortable.

I'm using 3x24" monitors (1920x1200) in landscape on 1 computer, and 1x24" TV (FHD) above them (which will soon change to a 32 FHD TV for tv/second computer).
I also have another 21.5" monitor on the side for browsing.

Huge monitors is going to be a pain, and very much not recommended for a computer.

If you insist in one big and 3 small for a computer, get a 27" dell with 2560x1440 and 3 smaller ones (22 will be enough).
Using TVs for a computer is kinda meh...
Sentient Blade
Crisis Atmosphere
Coalition of the Unfortunate
#15 - 2011-10-10 09:17:31 UTC
Lemok Sonji wrote:
[quote=PsiMin]Im going to be setting up a Quad screen set up and wondered if other people use them and what they use.

Quad is a bit excessive. I use a 30" central and a 22" at either side and it works well - your focus is always going to be on one in particular, might as well have something that pwns on other games too.

As others have said though, 2x2 is a novelty and not really suited to long term use.
Midnight Firestarter
Anger Management
#16 - 2011-10-10 11:04:08 UTC
Think bigger ........................ buy 6 Big smile

My Setup
ed jeni
#17 - 2011-10-10 11:04:56 UTC
Personally I use 3x32" driven from a triple head 2go. This let's me keep eve fully maximised across all 3 with chat windows/local drones on left monitor. Right monitor for overviews and central monitor for my view out.
Sometimes I have web browser on 1 monitor and eve on the other 2.

Tv's are getting better these days but I wouldn't want to be sitting too close to one for a long time.

Only downside is that at the huge resolutions i run CQ switched on makes my triple sli setup melt in protest, although maybe ccp will get this sorted when someone who can actually write the code signs up..

MW COD and CS.GO look awesome in huge res and makes the gaming experience far more immersive.

Contact me in game if u need more info.