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[Proposal] Tweak FW complexes

Alyn'ah Arteis
#1 - 2012-07-13 18:30:09 UTC
Hello everyone,

Since the last patch FW has gained a whole new dimension and new LP mechanics are rather attractive.

However, i think - i believe i'm far of being the only one to - that in the current state, complexes rewards are broken. Not that they give too much LP but this LP is too easy to obtain.

Methods on how to 'make 300M isk per hour with day-old alts' flourish, and this is where the thing seems broken. The isk payout, maybe, but mainly the whole 'don't fire a round and get away with thousands of LP'.

Don't get me wrong, i have somehow jumped on the bandwagon too. I'm far from being a game designer but as a mildly old eve player i believe there is a problem. So here is my proposal to spice things up (do not get the changes as something to implement as it is, especially the numbers stated, it's rather like a general direction that could be taken in order to balance things up):

- Keep rewards as they are
- Multiply by 3 the time to complete a plex, timer becomes a 'capture point gauge' or something, that fills 3x slower when you orbit the 'button'.
- Every NPC kill adds up some points to this gauge, which therefore fills faster if you kill NPCs
- Balancing should be made in order to rewards offensive plexers, in a way that good combat fits piloted by decent individuals can fill the 'capture point gauge' (horrible name i know) a bit faster than precedently.
To sum up, a day old, gunless incursus in a minor plex would take 30 min to clear the site, whereas a skilled dramiel would clear the same plex in 6-9 mins.

Feel free to comment, or tell your own experience.
Grouchy Rediculous Ugly Man Pigs
#2 - 2012-07-14 04:13:22 UTC
Eh, just make them easier to gank those running them, no becons 60km away from warp in. Make it easy to catch complaisant FW runners.
Alyn'ah Arteis
#3 - 2012-07-14 18:04:20 UTC
Well plenty of plexers get caught everyday, the only sites where you can really have hard times catching people are minors since cloakies cannot enter the plex, d-scan will always reveal a potential threat.

The issue is rather about <1M SP characters, racking more money than 1b ships in incursions. Not about plexers being too hard to catch imo.
Gerrick Palivorn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-07-16 06:19:34 UTC
Your idea has merit, this is one thing about FW that really bothers me. It's so easy too, I know that I have exploited it many times and generally don't even fit guns on my frigates. Having the timer drop with every NPC I kill would be good motivation to actually pay attention to what I was doing instead of multiboxing with my miner. (For the record I haven't lost a barge or a plexing ship while multiboxing)

I would also like to see the benifits for fleets increase as well, if more people are on the 'button', the time decreases faster; up to 2x the speed with 5 people on the button.

FW needs to be about promoting teamwork and not exploiting poorly thought out mechanics. You have my full support.


MMOs come and go, but Eve remains.  -Garresh-

Nefal Tiris
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-08-06 17:36:54 UTC
my support on this one, i havent been in faction warfare for long but its clear to me that the element i actually signed up to FW for, is not there.

on a side note, the whole way its evolved to an LP dump once every 2nd week i dunno how often, and rest of the time not giving a **** about the system makes it all pointless to me. i want to help conquer systems AND HOLD THEM. but nobody cares about the systems when its not time for the dump.