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[Video] Cheap Bastard - Mostly solo action

Appetite 4 Destruction
#1 - 2012-07-13 00:35:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Pleniers
Got a new video up. Last video was entirely about the Coercer of Doom, and on this one I give the Catalyst and Cormorant a chance on 0.0 environment, as well as other T1 ships like Omen, Vexor, Myrmidon and couple more.

Basically the focus is on cheap affordable stuff, and how you can still get nice kills on stuff even cheaper than an Assault Frigate.

Action is also mostly solo, though I do have the ocasional Corp mate giving me a hand.

Length - Aprox. 24 min.

As soon as I figure why Eve Files keeps refusing my Vid I'll post the download link XD


I've used tips from the fellas bellow and I used both Chrome and a non mkv file. Seems to have worked!

Donwload link for "Cheap Bastard" on MKV format

Also gonna provide the link for the Coercer of Doom, cause i't really the "Part 1" of the current Video
Harbingers of Reset
#2 - 2012-07-13 07:50:20 UTC
Awesome :)
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-07-13 10:05:57 UTC
Pleniers wrote:
As soon as I figure why Eve Files keeps refusing my Vid I'll post the download link XD

If you're uploading with firefox try uploading with IE or Chrome instead. Eve-files has some sort of grudge against firefox. My guess is it has a crush on it but doesn't know how to express it properly so is trying to get attention from firefox by annoying it.

Latest PVP Video: Perseverance

Sard Caid does not endorse this message.

Naomi Wildfire
Shadow Cartel
#4 - 2012-07-13 10:10:41 UTC
i always needed to rename my vids to avi or mp4 to be accepted

ISD BH Newmind > Jingle bells, Tuxford smells, Falcon laid an egg =D

Verge of Collapse
#5 - 2012-07-13 10:52:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Gibbo3771
Naomi Wildfire wrote:
i always needed to rename my vids to avi or mp4 to be accepted

even websites are discriminating to other types, its terrible. Whole world is going to ****.

Also will watch soon.


Amazing, good fights, out of the box fits however I cant seem to notice you seem to bump into the small percentage of the eve population that can actually get their pod out in time :p
Devara Biotech
#6 - 2012-07-13 20:17:23 UTC
Awesome video you got there :)

I loved the Coercer of doom and I love this as much. Very inspiring to see how creative you are with fits. When I learn to pvp without constantly ******* up I intend to experiment with fits as well, and hopefully I can eventually make something as good.

If you aren't already there, I would love to see you in the "Bringing Solo Back" channel.


Daneel Trevize
Give my 11percent back
#7 - 2012-07-13 20:36:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Daneel Trevize
Inggroth wrote:
Awesome :)
Nice theme, nice fights, good pace, good stuff.
Baba Yagas
The Initiative.
#8 - 2012-07-13 21:54:31 UTC
Loved it! Nicely done mate.
Male Duckface
Greater Order Of Destruction
#9 - 2012-07-14 06:14:10 UTC
I liked watching this. Always cool to see people doing non-standard things and getting good results. Got me hooked on the Coercer and now I'm going to have to give the Catalyst and Cormorant a try as well.
Appetite 4 Destruction
#10 - 2012-07-14 16:20:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Pleniers
Thks for the feedback fellas!

Mizhir, when I'm online I am usually on the Solo Channel. In fact the vexor fit was taken from someone (don't recall who sorry :( ) that had just killed an Evoke Hurricane with it, so was time to take it for a ride.

As for the Catalyst and Cormorant, I was just tired to see people using the Thrasher by default, and not even know why it is supposedly "the best" destroyer.

In the last couple month I prolly lost 80 destroyers or so, testing all fits I could remember. Was both funny and frustrating as hell, but in the end rewarding.

Failed projects:
  • 10mn AB Catalyst with 75mm rails - Goes up to 2000m/s, and if you put a scram on it, you can play ping pong with your foe if it
  • has a MWD, as it falls behind ya XD. Unfortunatly cannot turn and lacks the dps, specially cause you cant dictate the proper range on your prey.

  • 10mn AB Cormy with 75mm rails - Same deal, but can put bit more tank usually.

  • Dual Shield Extented Cormy with 75mm Rails - Good tank, but once someone get's within 2km from ya, you can't track. Also has no dps to kill inties at 20km.

  • 1mn AB cormy with dual web - Not a failed project really, but can really only use it 2 jumps away from home... with an AB, any
  • gatecamp with 2 ships will kill it, so it's pretty limited for solo roaming.

  • Dual Optical Computer Cormy - Objective is to get 18km range on blaster with null, but the catalyst is really better at it.

  • Active armor repair Cata - Again, not a failed project, but you cannot count the repair will help much during the fight itself... I see it more as a mod to repair on the aftermath, specially if you're 15 jumps from home. But then again it's a 15mil Catalyst, so why even bother!

  • Favourite fits:

  • Med Ancillary Cormorant with tracking disruptor - With Null gets 10km range and decent tank. In case you get tacled by long range rail daredevils or equivalent, the tracking disruptor (optimal script) will save prolly save ya until you shake it or it makes a mistake and gets on scram range

  • 18km range Neutron Blaster Catalyst - Can give decent damage to long range tackers and do great damage to close range brawlers as they aproach. Most guys don't understand how a cata with blasters blew them before they got within scram range. Due to CPU/PG problems I usually put 2x 75mm rails. Gets pretty much the same optimal/fallout

  • From the 2 above, the Cormy is really more versatile, as can engage Assault Frigs with decent sucess, but I still like both equally.

    I'm sure that there are bilion combinations you can make work on a destroyer and adjust to your playing style.

    Even though I lost like 80 dessys or so, I can assure I made waaaaaaaaaaaay more kills, specially isk wise. Even a lousy intercepter is more expensive, so is extremely easy to kill something and laugh away.

    Also is funny to see people to reship into drakes, hurricanes and my favourite, cynabals, to come kill a t1 destroyer. If you **** them enough by warping off before they get ya, eventually somone will reship into a dramiel or similar. After all, that T1 pussy destroyer can't do more than warp off!

    Then it's time to show what the pussy T1 dessy can do :D

    I trully hope to see more guys on Catalysts, Coercers and Cormys out there, rather than only Thrashers. And like Aldap says, fly free and don't be afraid to test "fail fits"... or something...

    Joseph Dreadloch
    Dread Space Inc.
    #11 - 2012-07-15 06:01:27 UTC
    Good stuff sir.

    Generic on the music side, but great content.

    I literally laughed out loud at the Daredevil at 9:40.
    Mordax Ibrium
    Marlowe's Rift
    #12 - 2012-07-16 08:58:51 UTC
    Killing a logged off Maelstrom was truly "~inspirational~" mate.
    VR Highfive
    Hayabusa Logistics.
    #13 - 2012-07-17 18:04:52 UTC
    Loved it!

    Destroyers are such fun <3.

    I see you have tried a 10mn AB on a Catalyst and a Cormorant but have you tried 1 on a Coercer, Pleniers ?

    Learning solo PvP, one explosion at a time.

    notax company
    #14 - 2012-07-17 21:40:50 UTC
    awesome fights in it, shows really good how fun it can be to roam around with cheap stuff. i like that playstyle.
    Appetite 4 Destruction
    #15 - 2012-07-17 23:20:56 UTC
    Mordax Ibrium wrote:
    Killing a logged off Maelstrom was truly "~inspirational~" mate.

    Well, I gave a lot of though about including the mael or not, since it's a gank and not a proper fight. In the end I included it because it's rare catch (for me on a dessy at least) and I also wanted to transmit that if players press on, even on cheap crap, funny result will unfold.

    As lame as shooting an AFK Mael might be (I do recognize that), it's for sure a funny result for the solo dessy player around. And hell... Solo dessy pilots are entitled the decent ocasional gank!! XD

    VR Highfive
    I have not messed the 10mn AB on the Coercer really. The only tweak I tried was putting bigger guns on it, but results on the loss of the damage control usually. It is already the king of dessys for me as is, so not tried touching it really. Also the fit was trully developed by Bullmastiff on A4D, I just decided to record a few trips with it.

    As for the 10mnAB Dessy I put it to rest once and for all. :( It can kill the ocasional frig for sure, but I failed to figure out a proper fighting style for it.

    Since scrams can't slow it, the result is usually a "LOL" or "Crappy buggy game" on local, and the guys hunting ya give up, not understanding what just happened. Once I got as much as 4 ping-pong attempts from a sabre trying to catch me before he gave up (I had a scram on my fit). Worse, trying to turn to maintain range on your prey for the killing blow is the same as suiciding usually.

    I do hope someone comes along and finds the proper style for the 10mnAB Dessy, but that someone ain't me XD Then I'll prolly rip off the fit and give it another go.

    Also I'm gonna use off-topic and share a fit with ya

    [Arbitrator, Nano]
    Damage Control II
    Nanofiber Internal Structure II
    Nanofiber Internal Structure II
    Drone Damage Amplifier II

    Medium Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 800
    Experimental 10MN MicroWarpdrive I
    Warp Scrambler II
    Large Shield Extender II

    Medium Energy Neutralizer II
    Medium Pulse Laser II, Scorch S
    Medium Pulse Laser II, Scorch S
    Small Energy Neutralizer II

    Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
    Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
    Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

    Hammerhead II x5
    Hobgoblin II x15
    Warrior II x5

    Saw once on your blog you tried to make a arbitrator, and I use the oportunity to give ya what I use. I managed to kill quite a few tackle with it. Long range cepters are a problem, so might want some extra warrirors, up to ya. I had great fights with it being chased by canes, drakes, small tackle and once someone even warped a wyvern at me, but forgot to frap those XD

    I have not tested the following but will do so when oportunity arrises
    [Arbitrator, Large Ancil NAno]
    Damage Control II
    Nanofiber Internal Structure II
    Nanofiber Internal Structure II
    Drone Damage Amplifier II

    Large Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 150
    Experimental 10MN MicroWarpdrive I
    Warp Scrambler II
    Large Shield Extender II

    Medium Energy Neutralizer II
    Medium Pulse Laser II, Multifrequency S
    Medium Pulse Laser II, Multifrequency S
    Prototype 'Arbalest' Rapid Light Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Light Missile

    Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
    Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
    Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

    Hammerhead II x5
    Hobgoblin II x15
    Warrior II x5

    Fighting style: Burn away from fleet, get caught by tackle before warp range, kill tacle. Warp off if tackle is coming at an angle, cause that usually means long point on it.

    VR Highfive
    Hayabusa Logistics.
    #16 - 2012-07-18 17:58:28 UTC
    Thanx for those Arby fits Pleniers. I'll have a look at them. I'd like to have a viable Arbitrator fit. I have been reserved about taking my own fit into null as it is prob to vulnerable vs Interceptors and AF's.

    Concerning the 10mn Coercer I haven't had much experience with it yet. 1 fight that didn't end well for me vs a Slicer. I like the idea though and I'll fly a few more pretty soon I hope to get some more experience.

    Learning solo PvP, one explosion at a time.

    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #17 - 2012-07-18 18:31:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Aldap
    Good effort m8, don't stop enjoying the game! :-)

    An interesting article about Solo PvP:

    Jack bubu
    Caldari Provisions
    Caldari State
    #18 - 2012-07-19 21:16:33 UTC
    Can you convert the video in to MKV ? 1.7 gig is quite massive :P
    Galactic Exploration
    #19 - 2012-07-21 22:05:34 UTC
    Love the vid, big ******* +1, keep up the good work mate
    Ed Hardi
    Caldari Provisions
    Caldari State
    #20 - 2012-07-22 08:50:20 UTC
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