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Interesting article on ISK value, Inflation in EvE 2007-2011, Botters, RMT, & EvE Popularity

Epic Ganking Time
#1 - 2012-07-12 16:19:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Gogela
For the tl;dr; crew here is a chart on the value of ISK in US Dollar terms 2007-2011... pretty solid display of inflation but not as bad as I would have thought.

The full article on the EvE Economy is here. Edit: I changed the link to an article about the article for the reasons other players have listed below.


On Chinese Farming:
The data shows that in most years (though not all) there was indeed a price increase. On average there was a hike of 22% within the first few days after Chinese New Year (festivities are heaviest during this time). In the weeks following, prices returned to their old levels and continued to fall, presumably as the ISK farmers return to work and supply returns.

On Incarna:
The data above shows that Incarna had a significantly lower impact on prices than previous expansions. While it still shows an increase (which is counter to the general trend) it does not measure up to previous, more popular expansions.

On Crucible:
As seen in the data above, prices dipped a little when CCP released the Crucible expansion in late November 2011. If the player engagement theory holds true, this means that it failed to get people (re)excited about the game. Unfortunately our data cut off date means that we don't have the long-term data for this expansion yet. Prices since then have stabilized and at the time of writing are even increasing again, but this can be attributed to different factors.

Is the sun setting on new eden?
We have already explored the noticeable price-raising effect of mass account bans resulting from 'Operation: Unholy Rage'. At no other point there was an effect as lasting as the aftermath of this ban wave. This might also be in part due to the game's waning popularity which made it less worthwhile for sellers to reinvest and build up their supply again.

Interesting article... thought some of you might like to see it...

Also: My takeaway is forget your isk sinks and faucets... banning RMT-ers is the best thing CCP can do to curb inflation in the game.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Inner Fire Inc.
#2 - 2012-07-12 18:15:29 UTC
ISK sellers are advertised on this site, although the graphs are interesting.
Epic Ganking Time
#3 - 2012-07-12 19:14:36 UTC
Palovana wrote:
ISK sellers are advertised on this site, although the graphs are interesting.

Am I not supposed to link to it? I dunno... buying ISK gets you banned. That info though was pretty good. I'll report this thread and see what ISD says...

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Inner Fire Inc.
#4 - 2012-07-12 19:56:02 UTC
Gogela wrote:
Palovana wrote:
ISK sellers are advertised on this site, although the graphs are interesting.

Am I not supposed to link to it? I dunno... buying ISK gets you banned. That info though was pretty good. I'll report this thread and see what ISD says...

While it's not directly on the article page, clicking a link on the page will take you to a list of sellers offering 2B ISK.

Specifically the link in the sentence underneath the final graph. Or the Currencies/Powerleveling tabs take you to a list of games where you can buy stuff.
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-07-12 20:02:44 UTC
who cares? this is an excellent article looking at inflation in eve, and i enjoyed reading it. i don't condone buying isk, but since ccp offers a legit way to buy isk through PLEXes, it's not really the same as other MMOs where mentioning RMT will get you banhammered ASAP.

i make spreadsheets for pretty cheap. contact me for more info.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#6 - 2012-07-12 20:06:36 UTC
Gogela wrote:
Am I not supposed to link to it?
Since it doesn't particularly deal with the EVE economy, but rather talks about the business opportunities and market environment of botters and RMTers… no, you probably shouldn't.
Celeste Taylor
Ruby Dynasty
#7 - 2012-07-12 20:53:15 UTC
I think it would be cooler and more relevant to us to have a historical list of PLEX prices in ISK to get a more accurate in game view of inflation.
Epic Ganking Time
#8 - 2012-07-12 20:56:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Gogela
Changed link to an article about the article. And I disagree Tippia... this is very much about the in-game economy.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Serenity Labs
#9 - 2012-07-12 21:00:51 UTC
The word "data" is plural. So it should be "The data show" not "shows".
"Woop-woop", it's the sound of the grammar police.


Celeste Taylor
Ruby Dynasty
#10 - 2012-07-12 21:21:25 UTC
Being a new player I also am curious about the ISK's buying power. Did a new cruiser cost the same in ISK back in 2007. How do Tritanium prices compare to now? It is neat to see how the ISK stacks up to the USD, but it feels like half of the equation. The info here is interesting though, and I imagine it is enough to convince me that it is better to have PLEX in your long term inventory instead of ISK.
Epic Ganking Time
#11 - 2012-07-12 21:32:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Gogela
Celeste Taylor wrote:
Being a new player I also am curious about the ISK's buying power. Did a new cruiser cost the same in ISK back in 2007. How do Tritanium prices compare to now? It is neat to see how the ISK stacks up to the USD, but it feels like half of the equation. The info here is interesting though, and I imagine it is enough to convince me that it is better to have PLEX in your long term inventory instead of ISK.

The best way to get answers to that is to look back through the DevBlog Archives at the Quarterly Economic Newsletters (QEN) they used to publish (more comprehensive) or the Price Indices they publish now instead about once a month.. It's a great way to get a feel for the EvE Economy.... I'll get ya started:

price indices – May 2012

price indices – February 2012

price indices – November 2011

price indices – September 2011

price indices - August 2011

...and yah the US dollar isn't very meaningful outside of PLEX prices. It's a good relative anchor to objectively look at inflation... that's all it's good for really. That said, knowing what inflation is like on the whole can help you if you have a few billion ISK or more. If you have excess ISK that you aren't planning to spend for a while, it's good to look at inflation in absolute terms and find items to buy that you think will go up in value faster than the rate of inflation. It's like investing in RL... money in your wallet isn't paying interest, and isn't keeping pace with inflation, so it's loosing value. Put it into a commodity and the purchasing power of your ISK on average will will stay the same on average. Put your ISK into the right commodity and the value/purchasing power of your ISK will grow! (take the rate of inflation and use that to adjust the price indeces so that they show actual value fluctuations. Cross reference those with changes to mechanics/loot/etc and you should be able to extrapolate what will be going up in value fastest.... it's easy to say 'do that' but in practice it's pretty tricky and I'm not that good at it myself) Also, I don't think PLEX is the best long term investment. Tip from me to you. I've been watching traders in jita making redonkulous ISK on faction modules since they were added to the market. Speculating and making a killing... wish I was smart enough to get in on that earlier. Right now I'm speculating on something for the winter but I'm not saying what yet Big smile

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Ice Pirateer
#12 - 2012-07-14 08:52:54 UTC
Is ISK Broke?

I sell drugs...

Jax Bederen
Dark Horse RM
#13 - 2012-07-14 09:20:05 UTC
Celeste Taylor wrote:
Being a new player I also am curious about the ISK's buying power. Did a new cruiser cost the same in ISK back in 2007. How do Tritanium prices compare to now? It is neat to see how the ISK stacks up to the USD, but it feels like half of the equation. The info here is interesting though, and I imagine it is enough to convince me that it is better to have PLEX in your long term inventory instead of ISK.

Last year ship prices were roughly half of what they are now. That must make the progress from ship to ship very tedious when doing l1/l2 missions. The upside is that by the time you do upgrade to a BC/BS your skills will be decent enough not to get it blown up.
Virgil Travis
Non Constructive Self Management
#14 - 2012-07-14 10:21:06 UTC
The people most interested in the conversion rate between ISK and dollars will be RMTers, those buying GTC will be interested and it perhaps does give some indication of the inflation rates, but I feel this is somewhat coloured by the perception from the viewpoint of RMTers and botters, especially the part about the 'declining popularity'. Smacks a little of someone being butt hurt about having their revenue stream interrupted to me.

Unified Church of the Unobligated - madness in the method Mamma didn't raise no victims.

Richard Desturned
Goonswarm Federation
#15 - 2012-07-14 13:35:04 UTC
"the game's waning popularity"

among botters, maybe. actual players? not really

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#16 - 2012-07-14 14:12:57 UTC
If you go by that graph alone, we are in for another PLEX crash. I wouldn't mind to be honest.
Gaia Ma'chello
#17 - 2012-07-14 14:41:36 UTC
The plot seems to be missing a year.