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Character Bazaar

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wts 34.5m sp nag//nidh pilot. (flys great sub caps) Must look

Regis Security
#1 - 2012-07-11 11:44:24 UTC
WTA 33.3 Min/Nag Pilot:


Arrow Can fly Nag

Arrow Currently training logi 5

Arrow Starter Dictor pilot

Arrow Clean corp history

Arrow Positive wallet

Arrow Full set of Standard Implants/Skill Implants

Arrow Neural Remap available

Starting @ 9 bil

Buy Out @ 15 Bil

Ends on 7/22

Mail w/ questions
Tamur Shahni
#2 - 2012-07-11 11:47:49 UTC
Tiangou Fidelis
Agressive Diplomacy
#3 - 2012-07-11 21:14:51 UTC
Elaine Threepwood
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2012-07-11 21:30:20 UTC
Ladeon Six
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-07-11 23:17:06 UTC
I'll offer:

12.75 bISK

Valid for 48 hours if I haven't found something else by then
Regis Security
#6 - 2012-07-12 01:07:08 UTC
13b offer in game recieved
Ladeon Six
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2012-07-12 01:17:44 UTC
13.25 is
Regis Security
#8 - 2012-07-12 01:59:42 UTC
13.5 FOR A DEAL?
Ladeon Six
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2012-07-12 02:47:55 UTC
Sure you can't do 13.25?

I can transfer it when I get home in approx 1.5 hours
Regis Security
#10 - 2012-07-12 04:22:52 UTC
13.25 accept and i will send
Ladeon Six
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2012-07-12 04:36:19 UTC
awesome, accepted.. gimme about 15 mins to reactive my account and send the isk :)
Ladeon Six
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2012-07-12 04:57:34 UTC
13,250,000,000 ISK (13.25 bISK) sent
Account name sent

Please don't post any account names in the forum per CCP.

When you receive the ISK, can you please confirm in this thread and also the transfer status.
