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Can you PLEASE either get rid of the rounding or display full standings somewhere in the client?

Rusty Stargazers
#1 - 2012-07-11 15:16:13 UTC
A customer should never read these words:

According to our server side logs, it seems your corporation standing toward Caldari State is actually 6.998.

Seriously? Off by two-thousandths, and no way to tell?

If you're going to be that precise, then give this information to your customer. Doing otherwise is merely inviting frustration and anger.

Shovel Bros
#2 - 2012-07-11 15:27:44 UTC
I believe that you can mouse over standings to see them un-rounded. That or you should be able to see the raw data in the API too. Wither way, ranting about it solves nothing. It's simply impractical to never round any numbers, it makes for a very ugly display. And the situation you're in, with a rounding error like that, is well known; there's a reason people suggest going for 0.01 over the standing you were shooting for.
Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-07-11 16:00:03 UTC
For standings to corps or npc agents you cannot see the third decimal, for security standing you can see the fourth decimal on mouseover.

I am not aware of a way to see third decimal place npc standings ingame.

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#4 - 2012-07-11 16:05:46 UTC
mxzf wrote:
I believe that you can mouse over standings to see them un-rounded. That or you should be able to see the raw data in the API too. Wither way, ranting about it solves nothing. It's simply impractical to never round any numbers, it makes for a very ugly display. And the situation you're in, with a rounding error like that, is well known; there's a reason people suggest going for 0.01 over the standing you were shooting for.

Not acceptable, in my opinion.

The game should never tell you that your standings are higher or lower than they really are. I understand that there's a delay on updates sometimes, but if it says 7.0 but it won't let you do something that the documentation says requires a 7.0 standing, then the game is wrong. I don't think it's acceptable to say "whoops, you shouldn't trust what the game tells you."

Basically, the check for standings should look at the EXACT same number the player sees when they go to check their standings. They shouldn't have to mouse over a 7.0 to find out it's really 6.998. They shouldn't have to wonder whether that 7.0 hasn't already dropped to 6.95 in one table, but not been lowered in the table that is used to display the standings they see. My expectation is 100% accurate information. If the system is going to nitpick over that .002 difference, then it should be reflected without the user having to dig for it.

Do you know why it's illegal to change corps in space and then engage a war target? Because the game might not properly display you as a wartarget until you engage a session change. You could have hostiles on grid with you and not realize it until they start shooting. This isn't quite as urgent an issue as that, but it's the same principle: what you see on screen isn't what the server knows to be true. I consider that a bug, plain and simple, and it needs to be fixed.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.