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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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No value, but awesome update

Nova Power Institute
#1 - 2012-07-11 12:27:48 UTC
Add registration numbers to ships textures, stations, etc.
No gameplay value whatsoever, but it would give it the graphics an awesome look & feel Cool
Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#2 - 2012-07-11 14:03:27 UTC
Add something that won't be seen at all, and would require a complete redo of all the textures in the game (r adding another layer, which would increase requirements)?
Shovel Bros
#3 - 2012-07-11 14:09:12 UTC
Corina Jarr wrote:
Add something that won't be seen at all, and would require a complete redo of all the textures in the game (r adding another layer, which would increase requirements)?


As the OP said, no value at all. It's simply not worth the dev time to implement it.

Hint: Ships all already have a unique identifier in the database, they have to to be able to tell my Rifter from your Rifter. But printing them out on the hull would do nothing whatsoever to the game, those numbers would mean nothing to you.
Sobaan Tali
Caldari Quick Reaction Force
#4 - 2012-07-11 17:16:12 UTC
Would likely be easier to display this in the info cards, but even that's been brought up before too. Next...


"----in' A, right?"

"Trouble is, those things cost like a million and a half each."

"----, you pay me half that and I'll hump in some c4 and blow the ---- out of it my own damn self."