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Cease Fire Contract for PVP

Deep Vein Trading
#1 - 2012-07-11 13:25:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Vayrs
It would be nice to see a contract where a player could bargain for immunity from other players, for a set duration of time.

Often in losec one player has supremacy over another, and generally someone who is going to kill you isn't likely to let you go after a payment.

However, if it could be contracted that this list of players (the hostage and possible companions) cannot be attacked by that list of players (the assaulting players) for a ISK value of X, then players on one side of the list couldn't fire on players which appear on the other list until the contract expires. (Or possibly that if either party fires on the other, the contract is voided, if the code can't create invalid targets).

This could legitimize pirating to some degree, since the payout for a kill isn't always as good as the potential money a player might pay to stay alive. Granted there's less death and destruction, but that doesn't pay the bills.

The issue of pirates trying to find elaborate ways of killing the player afterwards (such as having a cloaked ship in range, or having a third-party at the gates or at the ready to jump in) is resolved by having the money in the contract held until the contract expires. If the player is destroyed during the contract, it is void and the pirates do not receive the bounty.

There could also be an optional field to put a value behind the contract being broken. If the contract is broken, the pirates have to pay an additional fee. This could be extended to create another type of contract where protection is contractable.

This would encourage pirates to receive a contract then escort the players to safety. It's the players responsibility to bargain for enough time to get out of harms way before it expires.

It can't hurt, no one's forced to use it, but I think it would be an awesome feature and not terribly difficult to implement.
Daria Meridian Carlile
Necromatic Inc.
#2 - 2012-07-11 13:48:18 UTC
Vayrs wrote:

The issue of pirates trying to find elaborate ways of killing the player afterwards (such as having a cloaked ship in range, or having a third-party at the gates or at the ready to jump in) is resolved by having the money in the contract held until the contract expires. If the player is destroyed during the contract, it is void and the pirates do not receive the bounty.

This alone would make it useless, why would a pirate risk loosing his extortion money, since he caught you in the first place, there's a chance you'll get caught again before the contract expires.

Vayrs wrote:

This could legitimize pirating to some degree, since the payout for a kill isn't always as good as the potential money a player might pay to stay alive. Granted there's less death and destruction, but that doesn't pay the bills.

Pirating would become incredibly boring without death and destruction, and there is no such thing as a legitimate pirate...

Vayrs wrote:

This would encourage pirates to receive a contract then escort the players to safety. It's the players responsibility to bargain for enough time to get out of harms way before it expires.

Not only would the player be paying for the value of his ship, he would be paying for the escort aswell.. no self-respecting pirate would escort you for free.. In fact i doubt he would escort you at all.
Shovel Bros
#3 - 2012-07-11 13:54:48 UTC
Or pirates could just honor ransoms. There are some pirates out there whom I would trust to honor their ransoms because they have built up a reputation of doing so. Any other pirate I will assume won't honor a ransom.

If pirates want to make money through ransoming, they simply need to build up a reputation of honoring ransoms. If they aren't willing to do so, the ransoms clearly aren't worth that much to them.
Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#4 - 2012-07-11 13:59:26 UTC
mxzf wrote:
Or pirates could just honor ransoms. There are some pirates out there whom I would trust to honor their ransoms because they have built up a reputation of doing so. Any other pirate I will assume won't honor a ransom.

If pirates want to make money through ransoming, they simply need to build up a reputation of honoring ransoms. If they aren't willing to do so, the ransoms clearly aren't worth that much to them.

And the pirates that honor ransoms are relatively well known (C&P can helpLol).
Deep Vein Trading
#5 - 2012-07-11 16:21:47 UTC
Daria Meridian Carlile wrote:
Vayrs wrote:

The issue of pirates trying to find elaborate ways of killing the player afterwards (such as having a cloaked ship in range, or having a third-party at the gates or at the ready to jump in) is resolved by having the money in the contract held until the contract expires. If the player is destroyed during the contract, it is void and the pirates do not receive the bounty.

This alone would make it useless, why would a pirate risk loosing his extortion money, since he caught you in the first place, there's a chance you'll get caught again before the contract expires.

The alternative in this kind of setup would be a no-kill policy between the participants, which perhaps could be part of the contract. Though I don't see the point in paying to have a list of people who won't kill you, someone else will inevitably show up to circumvent the contract.

Vayrs wrote:

This could legitimize pirating to some degree, since the payout for a kill isn't always as good as the potential money a player might pay to stay alive. Granted there's less death and destruction, but that doesn't pay the bills.

Pirating would become incredibly boring without death and destruction, and there is no such thing as a legitimate pirate...

This is assuming that everyone would have to start using the system. It's a choice. If pirates don't want to use it, so be it, death and destruction. Every time someone is pinned down inevitably it gets to a conversation about how much money their ship is worth. I'm just asking for a mechanic where the pirate has a chance to get paid (if they want) and the player has a chance of escaping without relying on word of mouth as to whether or not they'll be killed after paying.

Vayrs wrote:

This would encourage pirates to receive a contract then escort the players to safety. It's the players responsibility to bargain for enough time to get out of harms way before it expires.

Not only would the player be paying for the value of his ship, he would be paying for the escort aswell.. no self-respecting pirate would escort you for free.. In fact i doubt he would escort you at all.

If it's 1-2 jumps out of harms way, is that really an issue? They're more likely to get paid if it's an organized deal, and the player is willing to pay it because it's a guaranteed reduced loss.

I don't see any harm in having the ability to do so, we've seen this type of system integrated with the new wardec that formalizes agreements which were previously informal.

Your input is valuable and valid though.
Deep Vein Trading
#6 - 2012-07-11 18:00:27 UTC
mxzf wrote:
Or pirates could just honor ransoms. There are some pirates out there whom I would trust to honor their ransoms because they have built up a reputation of doing so. Any other pirate I will assume won't honor a ransom.

If pirates want to make money through ransoming, they simply need to build up a reputation of honoring ransoms. If they aren't willing to do so, the ransoms clearly aren't worth that much to them.

There's no trigger here. You want to develop a reputation but you can't do that without receiving ransoms, which you would only get through trust, which comes from reputation.

Granted some people will pay ransoms and you can build from there, but in the mean time, or maybe for someone who is less informed about who to trust and who not to trust, have this system in place?

Can it hurt?
Kahega Amielden
#7 - 2012-07-11 20:07:29 UTC
Vayrs wrote:
mxzf wrote:
Or pirates could just honor ransoms. There are some pirates out there whom I would trust to honor their ransoms because they have built up a reputation of doing so. Any other pirate I will assume won't honor a ransom.

If pirates want to make money through ransoming, they simply need to build up a reputation of honoring ransoms. If they aren't willing to do so, the ransoms clearly aren't worth that much to them.

There's no trigger here. You want to develop a reputation but you can't do that without receiving ransoms, which you would only get through trust, which comes from reputation.

Granted some people will pay ransoms and you can build from there, but in the mean time, or maybe for someone who is less informed about who to trust and who not to trust, have this system in place?

Can it hurt?


one of the core ideas behind EVE is that people can lie. You're trying to enforce trustworthiness through game mechanics.