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Maybe CCP is looking at the skill updates the wrong way

Linna Excel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-07-11 03:54:32 UTC
Right now, we've got racial skills for things like indys, frigates, cruisers, battleships, etc. and then we have class specific skills for destroyers, battlecruisers, and T2 classes like assault frigates. Maybe what CCP needs to do is have one skill that applies to the class of ship, like frigate and cruiser, and a racial piloting skill that lets you fly the ships of that race. Gallente Captain 1 would let you fly an incursis, but you'd need Gallente Captain 5 for a battleship. For T2 and caps, you'd need Advanced (Race) Captain to fly those ships.

This change would pass a common sense test: once you can fly a frigate, you don't need anything special to fly another one however because all the races ships are a little different, you'd need to study up on those little quirks. Maybe even let players get into a cruiser with cruiser 3, but for the bonuses you'd need the race skills to be the minimum for that ship... so while you could get into a thorax, until you got gallente captain to 2, you wouldn't get any bonuses for it.
Shovel Bros
#2 - 2012-07-11 04:27:26 UTC
Seeing as they're intentionally moving away from having one skill for an entire class of ships, I'm not sure why you think they'd turn around and go completely the opposite direction ...
Zan Shiro
#3 - 2012-07-11 10:34:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Zan Shiro
To have all of eve players flying the same ships after your patch is applied, ccp will damn near have to give out sp for sp whatever they have in spaceship command.

You want a Racial Captain and the generic skill. I have caldari BS 5 (and 2 other racial 4's). So my current caldari BS 5 will become eitther your captain skill, or the generic skill (I'll let you pick). So where are the sp's for the other skill, which will be at 5 as well (I earned my time with that train) be coming from? Only place it can...a present from ccp. remember ccp has to have you able to fly whatever you could the day before the patch the same as the day after patch. And you new skill ccp would have to hook up to make that happen.

Even better, more sp presents for my 2 other BS's, 4 racial cruisers, 4 racial frigs (bc and dessie already a ccp plan, skipped them).

And i am still jsut in T1. CCP is not giving me this many sp's. Or you dude lol. Take your future dessie and BC poitns and be happy.