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Alliance Tournament Ships For Everybody (Sort of)

Epic Ganking Time
#1 - 2012-07-09 22:08:03 UTC
Now that V3 is here I suggest the following:

Alliance Tournament ships are pretty über relative to their assault ship and heavy assault ship counterparts, as they should be, but they also have pretty unique rolls. I think it's a shame that they are used mostly as hanger queens in the hangers of collectors (I'm certainly guilty of this). I propose that invention be applied to alliance tournament ships so they can get more widely distributed to the player base. The custom alliance tournament paint-job and branding can be exclusively retained by AT ship holders, and maybe the result of invention results in a "copy of a copy" situation where the attributes of the resulting ship are brought down to be more in-line and balanced with existing ships in their category, but the emphasis on the unique roll those ships fill is retained.

AT ships are sweet. It's a shame that only a few get to fly them.

(And just for the record I do have skin in this game... I have several AT ships and realize this would bring down their value in ISK terms significantly... and I don't care. It would be worth it.)


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Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#2 - 2012-07-09 22:54:42 UTC
All I want is a Malice. I don't care what is done with AT ships, as long as I someday get a Malice.

Also, a White Prophecy with cool blue "eyes" would be sexy.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-07-09 23:03:01 UTC
The tournament ships would definitely be more useful in the hands of the ordinary players and yet their rarity prevents this from being so. I am in favor of such a concept to extend the unique capabilities of the tournament ships to the regular playerbase.

Perhaps at a later date players might be able to create their own ships with unique capabilities as well as unique color scheme. I dream of the day when this is so in EVE. Eventually wars might be fought over new weapons and capabilities not dull battles over scarce resources.

Once again, I am in favor of extending the unique capabilities of the tournament ships to the regular playerbase.
Atomic Heroes
#4 - 2012-07-10 05:51:30 UTC
When invention/reverse engineering was first on the drawing board all the versions of a ship were on the list of possiblities, including the AT versions and other rarities. Even if there was less than a 0.1% chance of success I would gladly have striven to create one of these for my own use at a potentially massive loss of isk. It would still have been worth it for me.
Helion Dhamphir
Necromatic Inc.
#5 - 2012-07-10 06:00:42 UTC
AT Ships are wildly out of balance which is one of the reasons you will not see them being distributed for regular use..
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#6 - 2012-07-10 10:20:19 UTC
Helion Dhamphir wrote:
AT Ships are wildly out of balance which is one of the reasons you will not see them being distributed for regular use..


There isn't really a sensible way to actually do this. These ships only work because of their scarcity. In order to allow them into the general population you would have to retain some sort of scarcity. The issue with this, like with jedi in SWG, is that without rigid numbers control you eventually end up with most people having one. This then negates the usefulness of most other ships, precisely due to their imbalance.

So, there are only two sensible ways I can see to allow this:
One is to put the decision into the hands of the current ship owners; Allow them to make a democratic decision as to whether their expensive, unique (by batch) ships which they either won via hard work and good gameplay or bought with untold amounts of wealth should be mass produced for everyone else.

The only other potential I can see is for CCP to duplicate them within their current residences. So every owner gets two where they had one. This would allow CCP to retain control of the numbers whilst the owners retain their proportional ownership of the batch but allowing them to sell one if they so wished. Or to use one in PvP whilst retaining one for their collection if that be their wish.

Just allowing them to be built willy-nilly would devalue the current ships and lessen the sense of non-isk value to those who actually won theirs not to mention the changes that would be wrought to PvP and the devaluing of other ships.
Epic Ganking Time
#7 - 2012-07-10 13:54:19 UTC
Tchulen wrote:
Helion Dhamphir wrote:
AT Ships are wildly out of balance which is one of the reasons you will not see them being distributed for regular use..


There isn't really a sensible way to actually do this. These ships only work because of their scarcity. In order to allow them into the general population you would have to retain some sort of scarcity. The issue with this, like with jedi in SWG, is that without rigid numbers control you eventually end up with most people having one. This then negates the usefulness of most other ships, precisely due to their imbalance.

So, there are only two sensible ways I can see to allow this:
One is to put the decision into the hands of the current ship owners; Allow them to make a democratic decision as to whether their expensive, unique (by batch) ships which they either won via hard work and good gameplay or bought with untold amounts of wealth should be mass produced for everyone else.

The only other potential I can see is for CCP to duplicate them within their current residences. So every owner gets two where they had one. This would allow CCP to retain control of the numbers whilst the owners retain their proportional ownership of the batch but allowing them to sell one if they so wished. Or to use one in PvP whilst retaining one for their collection if that be their wish.

Just allowing them to be built willy-nilly would devalue the current ships and lessen the sense of non-isk value to those who actually won theirs not to mention the changes that would be wrought to PvP and the devaluing of other ships.

What's up with the first grade reading level? Yah they may need to have their stats tweaked so they are more in-line with other assault ships / HACs. Also, they are trophy ships. There's not guarantee they will maintain value and existing owners who have a problem with other people getting a crack at them should get their head shrunk and think about what they are doing with their lives. They are INTERNET spaceships. I don't see how anyone who owns them would have a problem w/ wider distribution unless they got their RL ego tied up in pixels. I have 7 uniques and I say fire up the printing press and lets get BPCs out to the masses.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Shovel Bros
#8 - 2012-07-10 14:20:08 UTC
Tchulen wrote:
[quote=Helion Dhamphir]One is to put the decision into the hands of the current ship owners; Allow them to make a democratic decision as to whether their expensive, unique (by batch) ships which they either won via hard work and good gameplay or bought with untold amounts of wealth should be mass produced for everyone else.

Honestly, I would just about guarantee that the majority of AT prizeholders would instantly disagree with that massive nerf to their value.

Personally, the only way I could see AT prizes having more circulation is if CCP made it so that an AT prize ship was guaranteed to drop a one-run BPC if it died. This would keep them from becoming entirely extinct without letting them become common.
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#9 - 2012-07-10 14:22:16 UTC
I'm not going to bother. I don't have a vested interest in it either way and anyway, you're not going to get what you want so your forum ranting is nothing more than amusing.

Epic Ganking Time
#10 - 2012-07-10 15:48:58 UTC
mxzf wrote:
Tchulen wrote:
[quote=Helion Dhamphir]One is to put the decision into the hands of the current ship owners; Allow them to make a democratic decision as to whether their expensive, unique (by batch) ships which they either won via hard work and good gameplay or bought with untold amounts of wealth should be mass produced for everyone else.

Honestly, I would just about guarantee that the majority of AT prizeholders would instantly disagree with that massive nerf to their value.

Personally, the only way I could see AT prizes having more circulation is if CCP made it so that an AT prize ship was guaranteed to drop a one-run BPC if it died. This would keep them from becoming entirely extinct without letting them become common.

That's poor people talk. People that drop 30 bil on a frig could give a snip about value. It's not an investment and it's not a smart tactical move. They just want it so they get it.

Signatures should be used responsibly...