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Grats CCP, No armsrace will every be possible vs current tech holders

Ben Youssef Noban
#321 - 2012-07-10 14:02:43 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
forestwho wrote:
Your supers are kinda free as the tech income is redicules high, so if you lose them there is nothing to be worried about, cant rly say that about soco. This also protects your super builders from any danger so you can build more and more and more for aslong as there is tech or the need to have more...

soco built up their supers during the same timeframe we did, they're also constrained by exactly the same thing we are, i.e. build times.

Lord Zim wrote:
You can buy more supercap fc, more corps into allaicne to pilot supers ect or just sub caps. ect,... see hiring PL and or shadoo to FC your fleets...

Pretty certain -A- made PL want to teabag their faces for free because they're terrible.

forestwho wrote:
Pls stop trolling its useless, everyone sees trough it and lols at you

Repeating a fallacy multiple times does not a truism make.

[quote=forestwho]Nope, current CFC coalition has more that are also very easy (free) to replace

We have more supers who are active. -A- is ****, so they've all logged off and stayed offline.

Only thing anyone has heard from you in this thread is that the Goons and CFC are winning because they are better than everyone else. Only reason you are better is you have infinitely more isk, many times the numbers and good relations with the game developers. If CFC side was poor and outnumbered you'd be crying for the winning enemies ships to be downgraded or the game mechanics to be changed in your favor again.

#322 - 2012-07-10 14:05:53 UTC  |  Edited by: forestwho
Lord Zim wrote:

Also, they outblobbed PL+Test with 800 or so, then we came down and said that we weren't even going to be there for good fights. You know what happened then? Their fleets shrunk to the pathetic size they're at now. If -A- hadn't been ****, they could've at the very least made this war take much, much longer. Instead, they gave up 2 days after mittani said "we're heading south to burn their space to the ground".

Not all true, dont forget SoCo is mostly Europe / russia TZ, the activity dropped before they staged to C3N, most ppl are on holliday break or enjoying the good weather (only +20 degrees C for 6-7 weeks a yr). Where in US most people concider the holiday as time off & spend it to play eve (good weather is almost always present). The cultural differances of experiancing summer does matter alot.

Like all wars / engangements, they dont happen in summer, they happen after summer just when winter kicks in...
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#323 - 2012-07-10 14:08:27 UTC
Ben Youssef Noban wrote:
Only reason you are better is you have infinitely more isk

Wrong, isk does not an effective war machine make.

Ben Youssef Noban wrote:
many times the numbers

Wrong, soco and hbc are more or less equal in number.

Ben Youssef Noban wrote:
and good relations with the game developers.

We do?

Ben Youssef Noban wrote:
If CFC side was poor and outnumbered you'd be crying for the winning enemies ships to be downgraded or the game mechanics to be changed in your favor again.

We used to be poor and outnumbered. We still won wars.

forestwho wrote:
Not all true, dont forget SoCo is mostly Europe / russia TZ, the activity dropped before they staged to C3N, most ppl are on holliday break or enjoying the good weather. Where in US most people concider the holiday as time off & spend it to play eve (good weather is almost always present). The cultural differances of experiancing summer does matter alot.

Like all wars / engangements, they dont happen in summer, they happen after summer just when winter kicks in...

So it's just summer in the southern coalition, but winter in the CFC?

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

#324 - 2012-07-10 14:13:34 UTC  |  Edited by: forestwho
Lord Zim wrote:
Ben Youssef Noban wrote:
Only reason you are better is you have infinitely more isk

Wrong, isk does not an effective war machine make.

Im srry i have to agree with him, i agree with that PL issue, but atleast cfc have the isk to buy it if they woudnt have it (im not saying they do or do not, just saying they have the ability to buy it if its needed)

Lord Zim wrote:
forestwho wrote:

Like all wars / engangements, they dont happen in summer, they happen after summer just when winter kicks in...

So it's just summer in the southern coalition, but winter in the CFC?

Yes, when the kiddies go back to school and need to make homework again instead of playing eve 24/7 in momsbasement Pirate
Mittens himselve said to me he wanted to rush delve because of the standard low activity in summers. This is kinda an eve fact. Attacking is harder than defending in current sov system, therefor blitzkrieg strategie without gudfights when your opponment is weak and outnumbered...... Hes a exellent strategist i must admit Pirate
Ben Youssef Noban
#325 - 2012-07-10 14:14:17 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Ben Youssef Noban wrote:
Only reason you are better is you have infinitely more isk

Wrong, isk does not an effective war machine make.

Ben Youssef Noban wrote:
many times the numbers

Wrong, soco and hbc are more or less equal in number.

Ben Youssef Noban wrote:
and good relations with the game developers.

We do?

[quote=Ben Youssef Noban]If CFC side was poor and outnumbered you'd be crying for the winning enemies ships to be downgraded or the game mechanics to be changed in your favor again.

We used to be poor and outnumbered. We still won wars.

Why you quoted like this is very confusing to read. You tell so many things not truth but confused in quotes.

Akai Kvaesir
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
#326 - 2012-07-10 14:35:26 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:

Goons and pals control all the tech, and I can't be arsed to do anything about it.

Want that tech? take it, just like they did. :effort: :teamwork: Evil

The only problem when trying to defeat an opponent that not only has access to unlimited funding, but also has a monopoly on ships and tech...Do I need to spell out the self-reinforcing aspect? If it were a winnable war, or one that even had a possibility of winning (however slight), there would be thousands marching to end the Goontide. Alas, you have probably ruined a lot of peoples games, and those you haven't are too space-poor to do ANYTHING about it.

Frogblast the Vent Core! When the W'rkncacnter came, Pthia was killed, and Yrro in anger, flung the W'rkncacnter into the sun. The sun burned them, but they swam on its surface.

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#327 - 2012-07-10 14:38:15 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
The problem is that people's morale break so ridiculously early that nobody have even any chance of even seeing the bottom of their alliance's warchest. Cloud Ring/Fountain? 2-3 weeks, total. Branch? A few more weeks. War against soco? They more or less lost it 2 days after the declaration of war, when they said "retreat to NPC stain!".

I keep hoping for a war where it will actually take all the resources the alliance/coalition has, and I've been completely disappointed the last two years. And it has nothing to do with in-game resources. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Nuh-uh. It's all about morale.

completely agree about morale. Low morale -> low resistance, easy win.

However how do you want to get "full-scale war" when you just stomp on your opponents? Which resistance from SoCo you want when you completely overwhelm us? Not one in right mind would hope to win this war so we just having fun of pvp right-on-door.

You will take all those regions? Ok. We will roam there. It was really boring in Droneland when i needed to make 15-20 jumps just to see 1 neutral face. So now it is just nice to have so many easy targets from TEST, goons, other pets right on undock Lol

And again: you will not have any good war in Eve these days when every attack only starts with 99% chance of win. Every war will be just one-sided destruction.

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#328 - 2012-07-10 14:48:27 UTC  |  Edited by: March rabbit
Lord Zim wrote:
forestwho wrote:
To hook into the super thing... CFC has ALLLOOOT supers

So does the southern coalition.

Again, SoCo have just as many supers as we have.

numbers please.

and about northern coalition: i think everyone seen screenshot of PL titan fleet when they visited LXQ some time ago? Shocked

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#329 - 2012-07-10 22:07:17 UTC
forestwho wrote:
Mittens himselve said to me he wanted to rush delve because of the standard low activity in summers. This is kinda an eve fact. Attacking is harder than defending in current sov system, therefor blitzkrieg strategie without gudfights when your opponment is weak and outnumbered...... Hes a exellent strategist i must admit Pirate

Yeah I'm sure that The Mittani tells you everything

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#330 - 2012-07-10 22:21:17 UTC
forestwho wrote:
Im srry i have to agree with him, i agree with that PL issue, but atleast cfc have the isk to buy it if they woudnt have it (im not saying they do or do not, just saying they have the ability to buy it if its needed)

I can either buy myself one pimpfit nyx on the market, or I can build myself two pimpfit nyxes (and spend 2 months doing so). The open market only has so much capacity, and you will get gauged if you do so.

Money is not the problem, build capacity is.

forestwho wrote:
Yes, when the kiddies go back to school and need to make homework again instead of playing eve 24/7 in momsbasement Pirate

And the CFC etc aren't afflicted by exactly the same problem, right?

forestwho wrote:
Mittens himselve said to me he wanted to rush delve because of the standard low activity in summers. This is kinda an eve fact. Attacking is harder than defending in current sov system, therefor blitzkrieg strategie without gudfights when your opponment is weak and outnumbered...... Hes a exellent strategist i must admit Pirate

So you're trying to tell us that you're close to mittens? :allears:

March rabbit wrote:
numbers please.

and about northern coalition: i think everyone seen screenshot of PL titan fleet when they visited LXQ some time ago? Shocked

According to Grath of PL, AAA has 283 supercarriers and titans on file, of which 159 have had activity the past 3 months. Raiden. had 265 supercaps on file, of which half had seen action the past 3 months.

SOCO have also thrown away tengu and loki fleets like there's no tomorrow, they could've bought tons of supercaps with the money sunk into those. They're not hurting for isk.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Alavaria Fera
#331 - 2012-07-11 00:21:37 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
completely agree about morale. Low morale -> low resistance, easy win.

However how do you want to get "full-scale war" when you just stomp on your opponents? Which resistance from SoCo you want when you completely overwhelm us? Not one in right mind would hope to win this war so we just having fun of pvp right-on-door.

You will take all those regions? Ok. We will roam there. It was really boring in Droneland when i needed to make 15-20 jumps just to see 1 neutral face. So now it is just nice to have so many easy targets from TEST, goons, other pets right on undock Lol

And again: you will not have any good war in Eve these days when every attack only starts with 99% chance of win. Every war will be just one-sided destruction.

At least you're not bitter or deluded about what is happening. Good for you Smile

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

State War Academy
Caldari State
#332 - 2012-07-11 01:09:25 UTC
I can just picture the OP, banging away at the keyboard in his impotent rage like a frustrated gorilla, spelling and grammar be damned.

Official Recruiter for GoonSwarm Corporation.

If you paid isk to get into GoonSwarm, you were probably scammed.  If you had the foresight to save the name of your scammer, let me know and I'll do what I can to help you.

Andrey Wartooth
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#333 - 2012-07-11 01:31:55 UTC
Richard Desturned wrote:
forestwho wrote:
Mittens himselve said to me he wanted to rush delve because of the standard low activity in summers. This is kinda an eve fact. Attacking is harder than defending in current sov system, therefor blitzkrieg strategie without gudfights when your opponment is weak and outnumbered...... Hes a exellent strategist i must admit Pirate

Yeah I'm sure that The Mittani tells you everything

Whispering sweet nothings in his ear.
Doctor Benway Kado
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#334 - 2012-07-11 04:03:25 UTC
Nerf tech, death to all supers, unfuck sov. Unleash the thousand year rule of the GoonSwarm Hegemony upon all of nullsec, none shall escape the all-encompassing grasp of the CFC, bow before our might.

Everything you argued for, we have argued for first. Everything you want, we want more. Everything you think would hurt us, would only ensure our continued success as a coherent coalition. So why do we post, calling you a moron? Because most of the time, the ideas are terrible (rotating moons, removing local, nerfing jump freighters, whatever the flavor of the month is). But more importantly, it's because some people have fun being forum warriors. That's why people go off message, and don't get any **** for it. That's why we'll call for a tech nerf in one thread, and defend tech in another. Get it yet?

We're allowed to chat in local, post on the Eveo forums (lol -A-), say whatever the **** we want - because some of us find it fun. You get it yet? That's why we're winning. Because it's not about sov, or owning all of nullsec, or being the next BoB. It's about fun. Remember that? Fun? It's the secret to our success and how we keep winning eve. Everything we do, everything we fight for, is geared towards creating the most amount of fun for our members. That's why we have multiple full fleets of drakes playing station games with the only SoCo FC and his hundred or so pilots. We're having fun, and they're not.
Devoid Privateering
#335 - 2012-07-11 04:10:02 UTC
Doctor Benway Kado wrote:
It's about fun. Remember that? Fun? It's the secret to our success and how we keep winning eve. Everything we do, everything we fight for, is geared towards creating the most amount of fun for our members.

... wait for it...

Doctor Benway Kado wrote:
That's why we have multiple full fleets of drakes playing station games with the only SoCo FC and his hundred or so pilots.
Doctor Benway Kado
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#336 - 2012-07-11 05:29:09 UTC
Aaaaaaaand you still don't get it. Why am I still surprised with you, Eveo forums, after all this time.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#337 - 2012-07-11 05:55:00 UTC
Akai Kvaesir wrote:

The only problem when trying to defeat an opponent that not only has access to unlimited funding, but also has a monopoly on ships and tech...Do I need to spell out the self-reinforcing aspect? If it were a winnable war, or one that even had a possibility of winning (however slight), there would be thousands marching to end the Goontide. Alas, you have probably ruined a lot of peoples games, and those you haven't are too space-poor to do ANYTHING about it.

I bet you said the exact same thing about NC (BFF), BoB and the DRF. I have helped to kill so many superpowers in my time that I know for a fact that at some point our empire will fall.
Devoid Privateering
#338 - 2012-07-11 06:23:07 UTC
Doctor Benway Kado wrote:
Aaaaaaaand you still don't get it.

No, I think I do get it. For you, "fun" is just a propaganda word.
Alavaria Fera
#339 - 2012-07-11 06:29:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Alavaria Fera
Kuehnelt wrote:
Doctor Benway Kado wrote:
It's about fun. Remember that? Fun? It's the secret to our success and how we keep winning eve. Everything we do, everything we fight for, is geared towards creating the most amount of fun for our members.

... wait for it...

Doctor Benway Kado wrote:
That's why we have multiple full fleets of drakes playing station games with the only SoCo FC and his hundred or so pilots.


I think I need another dose of SoCo comms leaks.

Those are SO good, when they're all gone, I don't know what I'll do ...

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#340 - 2012-07-11 06:36:30 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:


I think I need another dose of SoCo comms leaks.

Those are SO good, when they're all gone, I don't know what I'll do ...

We will always have IRC kitchen sink fleets. Blink