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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Few question about Mission, dead space and Wh npcs.

Kestutis Fujika
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-07-10 07:44:48 UTC
How does agro work here with npcs. Can i agro them with any hostile action like ewar(target painter). Or i must shoot?
Npc change target only in WH or there are some other exseptions too?
How does Npc speed woks . Same databases how that there speed is 1000+ .I realy doubt thats there real speed. Maybe some formula is aplied to it. Is it possible equiped with afterburner catch witht them( max speed would be 300-400 m/s with me fit.)

PS. Sorry for horrible english
Tomcio FromFarAway
Singularity's Edge
#2 - 2012-07-10 08:35:27 UTC
Some NPCs can use mwd. They use it from time to time to increase/decrease distance ( some Serpentis battleships loves to do that ).
Special NPCs ( like some bosses ) can achieve silly speeds and catch most ships ( usually they also web you to oblivion ).

You will have no problem catching most rats in k-space when using AB ( there may be some exceptions but I have never seen those ). a different story.

Apparently some bosses can switch targets ( never seen this happening though ) and defence structures ( like sentries for instance ) can switch targets if their original target moves out of their targeting range.
Lost Greybeard
Drunken Yordles
#3 - 2012-07-10 10:52:02 UTC
Kestutis Fujika wrote:
How does agro work here with npcs. Can i agro them with any hostile action like ewar(target painter). Or i must shoot?

Yes, Ewar or a web/point will create aggression.

Npc change target only in WH or there are some other exseptions too?

Certain parts of the Epic story arcs have rudimentary target switching and incursion NPCs have behavior fairly similar to sleepers. Additionally, flying out of the set "room" space in a normal mission can reset aggression, waves that spawn will aggress randomly, there are some bugged missions, etc.

How does Npc speed woks . Same databases how that there speed is 1000+ .I realy doubt thats there real speed. Maybe some formula is aplied to it. Is it possible equiped with afterburner catch witht them( max speed would be 300-400 m/s with me fit.)

NPCs have roughly the same options as players. The mission AI will only use MWD to close distance to hit you with short-range weapons, though, never to run away or orbit. Basically the same with sleepers. So you'll see player-level speeds _approaching you_ for certain NPCs (up to a few km/sec) but you'll essentially never see one moving that fast away from you or laterally if you're the target.

Note that NPCs do tend to fudge some statistics, for instance their EWar hits at infinite range and generally has no miss chance and their webs work under the old system (i.e. they reduce your speed by like 60% instead of 20%). You also can't prevent them from MWDing with a scram or drain their capacitor like you can do with a player. But in the most general sense you can expect them to behave like really predictable and stupid players, subject to basically the same ship limits.
Brave Collective
#4 - 2012-07-10 10:55:08 UTC
Standard NPC does not switch target but Sleepers are not the only one the does. The NPCs in incursions also switch targets and so do "Officer" NPCs, but the officers are VERY rare. They only spawn in asteroid belts in 0.0 and even then very rarely. I have played for 7 years, a majority of it in 0.0 and I have never encountered one.

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