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heartless pilots

Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#21 - 2012-07-10 00:22:18 UTC
Tch. The gender-morality double-standard marches on. A woman who is sexually active is "loose." A man who acts similarly but escapes the consequences gets a wink and the occasional defensive declaration that, if only his identity were known, he'd similarly merit scathing contempt.

... Except that, naturally, the male capsuleers who cheerfully hint at doing just such things never receive it.

Apologies, pilots; usually I'm more thick-skinned about such cultural quirks, but this....

No. I take that back. No apologies offered here whatsoever.

Los Muertas:

Los Muertas wrote:
But let me ask you this, when you were still a young empyrean and working for agents, did you ever destroy enemy facilities, after their naval defenses were gone and the contract fullfiled, because you knew that sometimes there may be good salvage int there?

I did, at first. Later, I did it to watch the pretty lights as order collapsed into entropy, colorfully.

But, here's the thing, pilot: it was never much trouble. I basically just willed it, and boom. Tracking down an individual takes effort, and I can say from experience that capsuleers will pay a premium for convenience just like the rest of humanity. If this woman makes a bit of a nuisance of herself, she'll likely get a transfer (and after nearly a decade, I'm guessing it'll be either nothing or substantial; most older pilots, myself included, have difficulty thinking in units of less than one million).

Easier and more cost-effective, considering what a nine-year veteran's time is worth, than organizing a hunt followed by a snatch or a hit squad.

I'm not saying it's impossible that somebody's going to take offense (possibly even if the father doesn't). It's just to say that it's a lot of unnecessary trouble-- a pain in the neck, and not the fun kind-- to bring one's power down on a single luckless woman.

So, unlikely.
Los Muertas
#22 - 2012-07-10 00:42:44 UTC
Ms Jenneth, I am not sure if you have lumped me in with the "gender-morality double-standard" you mention, if so you are in error. My concern is for the child in question and those surrounding them. I am, by nature, a sociopath, Murder has always come easily to me, I do not discriminate on race, gender, social standings. I will kill my fellow Matar if I find that they are aligned against my tribes or my allies. I will kill a man or a woman without a second thought and I will kill a President, Empress or Sanmatar just as quickly as a begger if I have the motivation to do so. Where I do, and always will, draw the line is children.

I know there are other people just as quick to come to murder as I, and we empyrean's rise to it faster then most. I try to think of myself as a killer with a conscience, flexible but its still there. So let me say this to you Kat. My concerns may be unfounded, they probably are, but I will be wiring you 3 million ISK. Your child will not want for anything, education to the finest institutions will be paid for, even if you choose to betray my people by choosing an Amarrian institution I will pay it. And when your child is of age they will receive a final payment 3 million ISK to do with as they wish.

I do this because, as I said, I have a soft spot for children and I do fear for yours after making such a foolish move, against an empyrean, in public and dispite MsJenneth's musings that most likely nothing will happen, and she is more then likely correct, I would rather the child be safe. Contact me if you agree, the only stipulation being that you end this thread my friend.

Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#23 - 2012-07-10 00:58:54 UTC
Los Muertas wrote:
Ms Jenneth, I am not sure if you have lumped me in with the "gender-morality double-standard" you mention....

Not so much. Apologies if that was unclear.

I know there are other people just as quick to come to murder as I, and we empyrean's rise to it faster then most. I try to think of myself as a killer with a conscience, flexible but its still there. So let me say this to you Kat. My concerns may be unfounded, they probably are, but I will be wiring you 3 million ISK. Your child will not want for anything, education to the finest institutions will be paid for, even if you choose to betray my people by choosing an Amarrian institution I will pay it. And when your child is of age they will receive a final payment 3 million ISK to do with as they wish.

I do this because, as I said, I have a soft spot for children and I do fear for yours after making such a foolish move, against an empyrean, in public and dispite MsJenneth's musings that most likely nothing will happen, and she is more then likely correct, I would rather the child be safe. Contact me if you agree, the only stipulation being that you end this thread my friend.

... hm.

Color me impressed, pilot. It's funny, isn't it, these ... little inconsistencies we have? You caring about the child; me, about the abandoned mother?

Regardless of how this works out, I'd like to talk at some point, to compare a couple of notes.
Zuzanna Alondra
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2012-07-10 01:49:23 UTC
I would like to point out that while this is not the best way to find the father - at least she is trying.

She has willingly accepted the ridicule that comes from admitting she does not know who her child's father is in an attempt to find him. A child always wonders - and knowing young enough to have a relationship with the person is healing.

I had to wait until I had the vast resources available to a capsuleer and the ability to pay my way into getting doctors to do blood typing tests - often in private medical records - to track down my father. I had names of almost 20 men to track down - some of which did not have blood records to be had. At least she is trying - unlike my mother who would not even give me the information she had. I had to find it myself.

Toward the comment about who will take care of the child while his mother flies the skies - children go to school, children of capsuleers can go to the best schools, with the best nannies, and never want for anything. Then in the evening - a quick jump clone hop and Mommy is home as if nothing ever happened.

Rest in Peace Father - I am glad I know.
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2012-07-10 01:50:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Syyl'ara
Aria Jenneth wrote:
Tch. The gender-morality double-standard marches on. A woman who is sexually active is "loose." A man who acts similarly but escapes the consequences gets a wink and the occasional defensive declaration that, if only his identity were known, he'd similarly merit scathing contempt.

... Except that, naturally, the male capsuleers who cheerfully hint at doing just such things never receive it.

Apologies, pilots; usually I'm more thick-skinned about such cultural quirks, but this....

No. I take that back. No apologies offered here whatsoever.

Consider, also, the statements concluding that it is the woman's sole responsibility to prevent impregnation.

There is a biologically inescapable difference in consequences, but that doesn't excuse a sociological difference in condemnation.

Also, there's the quirk of confusing an unexpected pregnancy with an (ultimately) unwanted pregnancy.

Syyl'ara Infrastructure Security Coordinator Ishukone Prosperity Exchange "Cooperation is the greater path than conflict"

Los Muertas
#26 - 2012-07-10 02:11:46 UTC
Aria I have added you as a neutral contact and would be happy to discuss whatever issues you would like at anytime. To the rest of the ladies, Syyl'ara and Zuzanna along with the others who have had issues with the more primitive male responses I would like to point out women's rights and equality moments that have said, time and again, that a woman is every bit the equal of a male. A man has no right to go around, bedding and impregnating everything insight and expect to skate on the issue, but adversely a woman cannot expect to be bedded and impregnated without consequences.

I have lived my life under the philosophy that, unless a person is related to you by blood, expect betrayal. I loved my wife, with all my heart, she was the moon of my life, but the sun has always been my daughters and my Tribe. She knew this, she understood this and I was her moon obfuscated by our children and our people, it is the way a Matari should live their life.

But had she ever betrayed me, the fault would have been her's, but it would have also been mine. Its easy for the men here to say its the woman's fault and for women to say the same about the men, but the truth is the fault always lies with you. You are the only one who has to live with your fault's, with your failings and with your demons. You can blame the phantom limb, but it is not there, only you are, male or female.
Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#27 - 2012-07-10 02:25:07 UTC
Syyl'ara, Aria; thank you for voicing my feelings on the matter. You've done so far more eloquently than I could hope to.
Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#28 - 2012-07-10 02:59:54 UTC
I'll concede that she is indeed doing right by this child, and I have no way to know what sort of life the child lives. Judging that she managed to place a post here, she's either an empyrean herself or someone well enough connected. In all likelihood, the family is probably rather secure.

I am honestly just disgusted by this entire affair. Relationships are taken far too casually these days.

Katrina Oniseki

Anabella Rella
Electus Matari
#29 - 2012-07-10 05:05:42 UTC
Nice to see how correct I was although I forgot how utterly uncaring and lacking in compassion pilots of both sexes can be. Can just a few of you spare the moralizing and second-guessing long enough to allow yourselves to feel a tad bit sorry for the OP's plight and either offer some help or, just STFU if you can't be fussed to dredge up a few micrograms of basic human kindness? Jeez...

When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.

Los Muertas
#30 - 2012-07-10 05:16:23 UTC
Anabella Rella wrote:
Nice to see how correct I was although I forgot how utterly uncaring and lacking in compassion pilots of both sexes can be. Can just a few of you spare the moralizing and second-guessing long enough to allow yourselves to feel a tad bit sorry for the OP's plight and either offer some help or, just STFU if you can't be fussed to dredge up a few micrograms of basic human kindness? Jeez...

Help was offered Anabella, and excessive offer in my opinion. We are just waiting to formalize the offer. Instead of social grandstanding, reading through the responses, all of them, would serve you well beloved sister in arms.
Anabella Rella
Electus Matari
#31 - 2012-07-10 05:20:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Anabella Rella
Grandstanding? Hardly. Just a case of good old fashioned disgust served warm from the heart and not directed towards you.

When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.

Los Muertas
#32 - 2012-07-10 05:22:35 UTC
Anabella Rella wrote:
Grandstanding? Hardly. Just a case of good old fashioned disgust served warm from the heart and not directed towards you.

Merited, in most cases. Ill see you downrange Ms Rella.
Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#33 - 2012-07-10 05:53:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Aria Jenneth
Katrina Oniseki wrote:
I'll concede that she is indeed doing right by this child, and I have no way to know what sort of life the child lives. Judging that she managed to place a post here, she's either an empyrean herself or someone well enough connected. In all likelihood, the family is probably rather secure.

I am honestly just disgusted by this entire affair. Relationships are taken far too casually these days.

Thank you, Oniseki-haani.

Truth to tell, I don't disagree. A sexual relationship is something precious to be kept in private between two people, and ideally to last a lifetime. A one-night stand is not a thing to admire. However, chatting and/or boozing a relative innocent into compliance, then leaving her with a lifetime of regret (not to mention shame, sometimes to the point of suicide), is a game certain men have played as long as there have been women to prey on. I'm sure that all the high honor and culture of the Raata didn't slow them measurably.

And the social game of torturing the girl thus deceived has lasted just as long. This isn't anything new, just an old tale retold once more.

Personally, I say we put the hound's share of the blame on the hound; as often happens, his victim's received all the punishment she merits and then some. There but for the grace of not meeting the wrong cute boy while young, drunk, and stupid go we all.

I was serious about that knife, by the way.

We should be kind with other women who have been badly treated. The world at large will not be.
Los Muertas
#34 - 2012-07-10 05:57:40 UTC
Aria Jenneth wrote:

We should be kind with other women who have been badly treated. The world at large will not be.

I only have so much money and even less of a charitable nature.
Natalcya Katla
Astropolitan Front
#35 - 2012-07-10 05:59:26 UTC
Children are the future. Why weigh them down with parents?
Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#36 - 2012-07-10 06:04:11 UTC
Los Muertas wrote:
Aria Jenneth wrote:

We should be kind with other women who have been badly treated. The world at large will not be.

I only have so much money and even less of a charitable nature.

You misunderstand my use of the word "other," Mr. Muertas. Bear in mind who I was addressing.

I'm not talking about setting up a charity, just refraining from adding to the troubles of women who already have plenty.
Los Muertas
#37 - 2012-07-10 06:11:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Los Muertas
Aria Jenneth wrote:
Los Muertas wrote:
Aria Jenneth wrote:

We should be kind with other women who have been badly treated. The world at large will not be.

I only have so much money and even less of a charitable nature.

You misunderstand my use of the word "other," Mr. Muertas. Bear in mind who I was addressing.

I'm not talking about setting up a charity, just refraining from adding to the troubles of women who already have plenty.

I understand Ms Jenneth. By the way, to Ms Kat, the mother in question. I will need a response soon or i will retract my offer as I am beginning to wonder if this was a genuine call for help, or a call for attention.

Addendum: Katla you are a Moron
Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#38 - 2012-07-10 06:26:43 UTC
Natalcya Katla wrote:
Children are the future. Why weigh them down with parents?

... Natalcya ... I'm going to do you the courtesy of presuming that you didn't run fast enough and those are the implants talking.

Oh, right. Your mother. Scratch that.

Fine. Let's do a quick comparison-contrast. You had an over-busy and largely absentee mother. That's scarring, obviously enough.

I got a bit wider sampling: Mother was weak, Grandfather was cold, Father was ... well, Father. Grandmother was, and presumably still is, maternal yet tyrannical.

I would have preferred any of them, maybe even Father, to the creche. Even a boarding school doesn't compare to the sense of isolation, of being fundamentally alone in a crowded room.

Mr. Muertas:

Give her a bit, pilot. You only made that offer a few hours ago; we don't even know whether she has easy access here.
Kat Valja
#39 - 2012-07-10 07:17:32 UTC
I am not trying to say I did not make mistakes when i was younger but I have tried to be a good mother to my boy and just because I was stupid to beleive what a man told me doesn't make me a bad person. Some of you might say I am after money but it is only seeing how much my son wants to know his father as he gets older that is my reason to try and find him. Maybe some of you never made a mistake in your life and mayeb you are right to say it is all my fault but this is not about me it is about my boy.

I realise reading what people said that I did not think to say very much about what I do know about my son's father, he said he was training to be a capsule pilot and he was already some other kind of pilot for Ishukone. He was tall and had dark hair and came from Lonetrek or at least had that accent and he is Caldari. If he is still alive I suppose.

Mr Muertas you are very generous but I am not here for money and I won't tell my son that I gave up trying to find his father for him because of money and I don't think that just because you killed a lot of people to SAVE your own child that means someone would want to hurt HIS own child but maybe the stuff they say about pilots is true. But my son is a good boy and kind so I don't think his father could be a real monster like you say.

Thank you to the people who were nice about this. Like I said I know I made a mistake but being dumb one time doesn't mean a person is bad even if they might be stupid.
Los Muertas
#40 - 2012-07-10 07:28:03 UTC
Kat Valja wrote:

Mr Muertas you are very generous but I am not here for money and I won't tell my son that I gave up trying to find his father for him because of money and I don't think that just because you killed a lot of people to SAVE your own child that means someone would want to hurt HIS own child but maybe the stuff they say about pilots is true. But my son is a good boy and kind so I don't think his father could be a real monster like you say.

My children are good girls, they obey, they listen they will be better then the sum of their mother and most assuredly their father. They love me and it would break their heart to know what their sun is capable of, but I am a monster and this was what I am trying to express to you, the duality of human nature and the over pronouncement of that nature in this community. I hope my girls never look to hard at their father, they wont like what they see and the same may be true for your son. I hope I am wrong, but just know that a child who has grown up with their parents is looking out from the house, those who dont and find that person later are looking in on the house and that house never actually looks like home.

My offer stands, and if you do find something in the shadows that turns on you, I pledge this Tribes support to make safe your son.