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Ship Idea: Industrial ship transport

Jouni Kalmar
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-07-09 16:30:09 UTC
TL:DR - A big fat slow ship to move fitted ships through stargates.

So i'm sure this has probably come up before, however I couldn't find a post relating to what I had in mind, so let me lay something down.

We have freighters for moving large quantities of anything, upto a little over 900,000 m3 in an obelisk.
We have Orcas which can do similar with a couple of small ships.
We have carriers to move ships around quickly and easily, upto 2 small battleships or numerous other ships, (1mill m3 ship bay)
And we have Jump freighters for the heavy lifting in 0.0

Why do we not yet have a non-jump capable ship transport with its sole purpose being for moving ships?

You can bang on about the rorqual or carriers for moving to 0.0, they cant do empire. And then you can bring up the orca, which has limited space (Can't fit most battleships)
And you can say "well just repackage your ships and put them in a freighter" yeah these are all options but Why do I have to destroy my rigs?

I would like to see an stargate traveling ship transport which a larger ship bay than a carrier (maybe 2 - 5 mill m3) , 0 cargo bay, no corp hanger, cannot load ships with anything but ammo in their cargo (much the same as carriers).

There is nothing more annoying (not to mention time consuming) than trying to relocate from one side of empire to the other and having to do 10 back and forth runs with 3 toons just to move all your rigged ships.

Now I understand that this may be somewhat OP at times, but lets throw some stats here:
Hi slots: 0
Med slots: 0
Low slots: 0
Cargo bay: 0 - 50 m3
Corp hanger: 0
Drone bay: 0
jump bridge use: maybe
Shield/Armor/Structure - Put them inline with freighters, maybe a little tougher - after all they may have been designed by the gallente navy? ;-)
In terms of aglity - make them slow, i'm talking slower than a freighter, even their warp speed.

These things should be slow slow that they're too much of a risk to run through 0.0 due to their alignment time, but at the same time be strong enough to with stand a bunch of tornados trying to suicide gank them in empire.

Just my thoughts for now. Feel free to pick at, dispute or add to.
Jack Carrigan
Order of the Shadow
#2 - 2012-07-09 17:48:04 UTC
Already suggested here.

I am the One who exists in Shadow. I am the Devil your parents warned you about.

||CEO: Order of the Shadow||Executor: The Revenant Order||Creator: Bowhead||

Shovel Bros
#3 - 2012-07-09 17:50:37 UTC
Jouni Kalmar wrote:
So i'm sure this has probably come up before, however I couldn't find a post relating to what I had in mind, so let me lay something down.

You clearly didn't search very hard. This gets posted a couple times a week on the forums.
Jouni Kalmar
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-07-09 18:21:31 UTC
My apologies. If its posted a couple of times a week why is it not in the commonly suggested ideas thread?
Just saying.

Well consider it a +1 to the idea then :P
Shovel Bros
#5 - 2012-07-09 18:53:03 UTC
Because the devs haven't touched that thread in 10 months.

As to the idea itself, people are pretty much evenly split because there are solid arguments on both sides. While a dedicated ship hauler would be handy at times, it would also have the potential to be extremely 'easymode'. There's also the fact that there are already ships (Orca and Carrier) which do the job fairly well already.
Eagle's Talon's
#6 - 2012-07-10 01:33:39 UTC  |  Edited by: DrysonBennington
The idea is definately a must.

A dedicated ship that would serve the purpose of transporting ships only.

Such a ship would come in various sizes ranging from a small Frigate Transport upto large Battle Ship Transport.

Each class of Ship Transport would be comparmentalized with each compartment being able to store x amount of ships per m/3.

There would also be a Rigged Ship Transport that would allow the transport of rigged ships and would not be compartmentalized and would therefore be limited to how many rigged ships could be transported at a time.

It would be nice to have a Transport Jump Ship that could create its own Cyno field from one place to another so that combat ships could be deployed in an area rapidly in response to threats.

Such ships represent evolution in ship design and would be the next logical phase in CCP's development of the next era of ship transport.