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EVE General Discussion

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WINNER ANNOUNCED - 200 million to the most attractive Female avatar (contest)

First post
Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#401 - 2012-07-09 02:53:01 UTC
Up to two million... I'm actually impressed, I thought this wouldn't go anywhere when I first saw it.
Kenshi Katana
State War Academy
Caldari State
#402 - 2012-07-09 03:50:48 UTC
check ;)
#403 - 2012-07-09 04:01:36 UTC
Oh well, nothing to lose right?
Majestic Twilight
#404 - 2012-07-09 04:05:14 UTC
Your winner right here! Lol
Goremageddon Box
Guerrilla Flotilla
#405 - 2012-07-09 04:06:07 UTC
Majestic Twilight wrote:
Your winner right here! Lol

the angle makes you look chunky
#406 - 2012-07-09 05:33:23 UTC
I understand.
Most of you, after sculpting your character's bum and boobs, were horny enough to find the most hideous face attractive.
Assuming you even looked that high.
Uinuva Karma
#407 - 2012-07-09 05:46:44 UTC
I'm slightly worried about the perception of beautiful presented in this thread.

So I came.

Captain Kirk didn't stay in hisec. 

Goremageddon Box
Guerrilla Flotilla
#408 - 2012-07-09 06:09:55 UTC
Azzakelle wrote:
I understand.
Most of you, after sculpting your character's bum and boobs, were horny enough to find the most hideous face attractive.
Assuming you even looked that high.

are you talking about your own face there? :)
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#409 - 2012-07-09 06:16:22 UTC
just passing through...
Miss Congenialty
Gallente Federation
#410 - 2012-07-09 06:21:31 UTC
Cortana Croft wrote:
Not for sale Cool.

You do look more like the "For Rent" type of "Temporary Affection"
Goremageddon Box
Guerrilla Flotilla
#411 - 2012-07-09 06:22:12 UTC
Miss Congenialty wrote:
Cortana Croft wrote:
Not for sale Cool.

You do look more like the "For Rent" type of "Temporary Affection"

Delnas Sapphire
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#412 - 2012-07-09 06:23:45 UTC
blacky knight
Solar Storm
#413 - 2012-07-09 06:27:24 UTC
i gonna blow you real sexy out of the universe you naugthy guy
Goremageddon Box
Guerrilla Flotilla
#414 - 2012-07-09 06:30:10 UTC
blacky knight wrote:
i gonna blow you real sexy out of the universe you naugthy guy

blacky knight wrote:
i gonna blow you real sexy guy

blacky knight wrote:
i gonna blow you

blacky knight wrote:

Tessa Scyne
Shadowknight Securities
#415 - 2012-07-09 06:48:28 UTC
Wow why was I not aware of this sooner? If not to late, I'm in.

You can make my check out to cash.

CEO, **SHADOWKNIGHT**securites ||  "Your Light in the Darkness."

Katie Frost
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#416 - 2012-07-09 06:51:02 UTC
Psh... kT is the sexiest... this is known...

isk to kT plz
Goremageddon Box
Guerrilla Flotilla
#417 - 2012-07-09 06:51:18 UTC
Tessa Scyne wrote:
Wow why was I not aware of this sooner? If not to late, I'm in.

You can make my check out to cash.

actually pretty decent face but the jacket makes your shoulders so broad and the angle accentuates it, makes ur face look too small.
Goremageddon Box
Guerrilla Flotilla
#418 - 2012-07-09 06:51:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Goremageddon Box
Katie Frost wrote:
Psh... kT is the sexiest... this is known...

isk to kT plz

too much empty space above the head...

also ur eye brows are black while ur hair is not
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#419 - 2012-07-09 06:57:24 UTC
Ten slots will be opened, nine will be wasted.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Monkey Steals The Peach
#420 - 2012-07-09 06:58:35 UTC
Go wipe off that irritating glossy pink lipstick before criticising any more faces. Ugh

Post with your monkey.

Thread locked due to lack of pants.