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Eve Online for 10 years. See Money inside

Dave stark
#21 - 2012-07-07 19:14:09 UTC
the vital flaw is this; if i didn't play eve i'd be spending most of that money on new games every 3-4 months if not more frequently for my xbox, or my pc.

infact, i'd probably spend more on games that aren't eve because they then have a million dlcs that you'd end up purchasing etc.

overall subscription based games may add up over time, but when you realise how many other games and dlcs you aren't buying then subscription based games become a bargain, or a drop in the ocean, etc. especially games like eve where you can buy gametime with in-game currency so if you're short for cash one month or whatever you don't have to suffer the agony of not being able to play.
Alara IonStorm
#22 - 2012-07-07 19:18:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Alara IonStorm
Crunchie Attuxors wrote:
OP seems to think EVE is a job or a revenue generating thing. It is not.

Its entertainment.

The real comparison would be how much you pay versus other forms of entertainment (movies, cable etc). Then one realizes the bargain this is.

Crunchie seems to not read threads then claim the OP's opinion is the exact opposite of what was posted.

Faetok wrote:
Not sure what my point is, that's pretty cheap for 10 years of entertainment..
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2012-07-07 19:29:32 UTC
not onyl do i pay the 11$ sub, at a year at a time, but i moved to plex :P

but still ten yearly subs would cost you..... 1300$? damn :P but that is 10 years....

Gillia Winddancer
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2012-07-07 19:46:28 UTC
It's only money. Isk is what counts in the end. And spaceships. And maybe Goons, but I'm only saying it cause I feel like being nice today.
Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#25 - 2012-07-07 21:14:54 UTC
Richard Desturned wrote:
does the bank account give me a subscription to a game

Depends... if you are en EvE Online Station trader then, yes... some banks give you that.

"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

Lilliana Stelles
#26 - 2012-07-07 21:17:54 UTC
My Warhammer 40k army cost over $2500, and it hasn't given me 10 years of entertainment.

I'm not sure what my point is either.

Not a forum alt. 

Order of the Divine Shadow
#27 - 2012-07-07 21:20:51 UTC
If someone cant afford and complains about a measly $15 a month, then they shouldn't be playing and should be looking for a job!!
Djana Libra
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#28 - 2012-07-07 22:46:47 UTC
I'm pretty sure I spend a hell lot more money in pubs than I ever did on this game, and no regrets from any money spend.
Live your life dont live a bank account
Lilliana Stelles
#29 - 2012-07-07 23:13:46 UTC
Djana Libra wrote:
I'm pretty sure I spend a hell lot more money in pubs than I ever did on this game, and no regrets from any money spend.
Live your life dont live a bank account

Good point. Money is only good for spending, anyways.

Not a forum alt. 

Postrem Inkunen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#30 - 2012-07-08 01:03:36 UTC
Money comes and goes but internet spaceships last a lifetime.
Guardians of the Gate
RAZOR Alliance
#31 - 2012-07-08 01:04:54 UTC
Crunchie Attuxors wrote:
OP seems to think EVE is a job or a revenue generating thing. It is not.

Its entertainment.

The real comparison would be how much you pay versus other forms of entertainment (movies, cable etc). Then one realizes the bargain this is.

Except the reality that all sporting events are entertainment, all concerts or performances are also entertainment. Yet in these people make REAL money and are paid quite well. In fact anything society itself classes as worthwhile or places value in will eventually become a paid profession, be it legally or illegally. Eve, and by way of the internet all MMOs, is definitely a paid profession, even though by EULA and legal standards atm it is highly illegal and carries with it its repercussions , and I am wondering and watching this entire phenomena very carefully as I have over the last few years as to where it will go in the global courts as well as the gaming community due to the simple human nature that what one person does and another values they will pay for to get it faster, easier or to grab an edge.

Eventually yes you will see grinding value out of an MMO as being quite legal and a paying profession. Its only a matter of time and prevalence as well as market saturation. The inherent value will be globalization, market shares through player base, genres and gamers in general as well as if, like any business, the company can keep the servers going fiscally. Yet as Facebook and ironically games such as Farmville, have shown is that people will pay for many things through microtransactions as well as through monthly subscriptions. Given the value of things such as skill points as "assets" as well as the actual virtual property within the game is a part of the virtual portfolio of any MMO out there. And that CCP has skillfully and smartly disallowed anyone else to have control over these virtual items while at the same time allowing players to invest the their time and effort into the items which forces people psychologically to maintain and have attachment to said items who will pay for them to continue or keep them.

Yet the laws are coming where, like the last legal case on the forums where in Europe the legal laws are superceding the EULAs that was posted on these boards, the legalese seems to be coming where CCP may not have that right due to legal changes.

Either way this is definitely a business on every front as peoples efforts and time, even under the guise of "entertainment" are highly sought after and paid for given even time and inherent value.

So I watch and wait and grin to myself.

Have you heard anything I've said?

You said it's all circling the drain, the whole universe. Right?

That's right.

Had to end sometime.

Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2012-07-08 12:30:42 UTC
Faetok wrote:
If you were to pay the $14.95 every month for 10 years (not QUITE there yet) to eve online it will cost you $1794.

Now if you were to invest $14.95 a month into a bank account or stock that earns an annual 7% (see index funds) You would have $2586.35.

Unfortunately, no bank in the US is going to give you 7% interest. More like you can earn 1.5 - 2% interest putting your money in a bank. That doesn't even keep up with inflation at the official 6.5% or unofficial 14%.

If you've invested in the stock market in the past 10 years your investments have earned you 10 - 20% up until 2007. And from there you've lost on your investment.

So, the moral of the story is, spend your money on what you enjoy.

Don't ban me, bro!

Lin-Young Borovskova
#33 - 2012-07-08 12:36:35 UTC
Faetok wrote:
If you were to pay the $14.95 every month for 10 years (not QUITE there yet) to eve online it will cost you $1794.

Now if you were to invest $14.95 a month into a bank account or stock that earns an annual 7% (see index funds) You would have $2586.35.

And with all that money you could save dozens or hundreds of children from dyeing of hungry around the world, or you could use that money to buy Electric car instead of another V8 and feel better for your children future, you could also invest that money to decrease your energetic bill by investing on long term renewable energy systems, it could also be used to promote bio culture buying their products instead of chemical/industrial ones.

Just a thought, but each one knows where their priorities are, some think about the future, others only care about their ass and about virtual goods.


Ayn Randy
Home For Pugs
#34 - 2012-07-08 13:25:35 UTC
Dave stark wrote:
the vital flaw is this; if i didn't play eve i'd be spending most of that money on new games every 3-4 months if not more frequently for my xbox, or my pc.

True words, i havent bought a game in years since i started playing this!
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