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You have received a notice regarding the post below

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Lin-Young Borovskova
#21 - 2012-07-06 16:01:14 UTC
5nake pliskan wrote:
what post below?

would it be too hard for the big high tech video game company and their pets to actually include the post when you state that it appears below in an email message?

and Morganta says fuckoff, sub is up the 11th and won't be renewed AT ALL after that little stunt.

oh one more thing, the email says a NOTICE not a BAN

wheres the ban email?

how many years will it take for CCP to actually do a decent job of customer service? I mean we all know email is sooooo bloody hard to get a handle on...

again point out the part where I got banned in the warning email...

You have received a notice regarding the post below which appeared in our forum on Friday, July 06, 2012 1:43:19 PM. Personal attacks are not permitted on the forum. If you disagree with someone, please maintain civil language and post your criticism in a constructive manner. Continuing to disregard the guidelines may result in the suspension or cancellation of your posting privileges.
We encourage you to review the Forum Rules found at:

Dude, you don't have to agree with GM decision, but you do have to respect it.

You probably said something someone took too personal, doesn't matter how much it's true, the words, what Morganta or whatevertoonnamenoonegivesacrap says, it's not of your responsibility to track peoples posts and compare whatever, it's GM's one and as far as I can tell they're very cool, I've been banned my self, there was a reason, valid or not from my point of view, their neutrality can't be discussed and they did what they had to.

Just ask politely via mail the reason so you can understand and move on, stop arguing, think about it for 5 min and man up, do something else. Crap happens.


Denying You Access
#22 - 2012-07-06 16:14:46 UTC
I saw that thread yesterday.
Was about the equivalent of dousing an angry Scot with gasoline and gunpowder, handing him a lighter, and telling him that a rival football fanclub has taken over his favorite pub.

Do you smell what the Lock's cooking?

Lucy Ferrr
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2012-07-06 16:22:14 UTC
THE L0CK wrote:
I saw that thread yesterday.
Was about the equivalent of dousing an angry Scot with gasoline and gunpowder, handing him a lighter, and telling him that a rival football fanclub has taken over his favorite pub.

In after the lock! Whooo!
Lucy Ferrr
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#24 - 2012-07-06 16:24:42 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Tyrozan
5nake pliskan wrote:
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
Bye, you will NOT be missed. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

If you are ragequitting over a forum warning, I assure you no one is going to miss you. You are too soft for EVE. Hello Kitty Online is that way ---->

what part of ban did you not get?

You're still -snip- and not needed in Eve. So one of your 3 characters got a -snip- (because you came here being a -snip- I am sure, regardless if you remember it or not), and now you're going to rage quit. Here you go friend.

Post has been edited due to personal attacks which are not prohibited.

ISD Tyrozan
Sunshine and Lollipops
#25 - 2012-07-06 16:42:26 UTC
Petition it.

Ask why you received a ban, when the email states it's only a notice.
Ask what the notice is for.
Offer to gracefully accept the notice and apologise if they lift the incorrect ban and point to the post that caused the notice.

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#26 - 2012-07-06 16:49:18 UTC
Taurich Vorsel
#27 - 2012-07-06 16:55:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Taurich Vorsel
Tippia wrote:
Petition it.

Ask why you received a ban, when the email states it's only a notice.
Ask what the notice is for.
Offer to gracefully accept the notice and apologise if they lift the incorrect ban and point to the post that caused the notice.


I should probably mention here that what he received was a notice of a ban, not a notice of a warning. OP is omitting some detail

edit: detail

First you log in to find a red thing over your char portrait, hovering over it produces this message:

Banned from forums
You have been banned from the EVE Gate forums, effective through [redacted]

Personal attacks ("Right, so we've established beyond all reasonable doubt that Xenuria is a fracking [redacted]. I'll just leave this here too") are not allowed on our forum (

Please check your email for further details and feel free to contact us regarding your ban.

Then when you check your email you get this
You have received a notice regarding the post below which appeared in our forum on [redacted]
Personal attacks are not permitted on the forum. If you disagree with someone, please maintain civil language and post your criticism in a constructive manner. Continuing to disregard the guidelines may result in the suspension or cancellation of
your posting privileges. We encourage you to review the Forum Rules found at:

Copine Callmeknau disappeared one day now we are left with Taurich Vorsel AKA BIZARRO COPE!

5nake pliskan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#28 - 2012-07-06 17:08:24 UTC
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
5nake pliskan wrote:
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
Bye, you will NOT be missed. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

If you are ragequitting over a forum warning, I assure you no one is going to miss you. You are too soft for EVE. Hello Kitty Online is that way ---->

what part of ban did you not get?

You're still whinny and usless and not needed in Eve. So one of your 3 characters got a forum ban (because you came here being a d-bag I am sure, regardless if you remember it or not), and now you're going to rage quit. Here you go friend.

lol post with your main and I might consider it
Spaja Saist
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2012-07-06 17:12:30 UTC
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
5nake pliskan wrote:
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
Bye, you will NOT be missed. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

If you are ragequitting over a forum warning, I assure you no one is going to miss you. You are too soft for EVE. Hello Kitty Online is that way ---->

what part of ban did you not get?

You're still whinny and usless and not needed in Eve. So one of your 3 characters got a forum ban (because you came here being a d-bag I am sure, regardless if you remember it or not), and now you're going to rage quit. Here you go friend.

Well then you should be banned as well for personally attacking someone according to the forum rules.
5nake pliskan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#30 - 2012-07-06 17:12:35 UTC  |  Edited by: 5nake pliskan
Taurich Vorsel wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Petition it.

Ask why you received a ban, when the email states it's only a notice.
Ask what the notice is for.
Offer to gracefully accept the notice and apologise if they lift the incorrect ban and point to the post that caused the notice.


I should probably mention here that what he received was a notice of a ban, not a notice of a warning. OP is omitting some detail

edit: detail

First you log in to find a red thing over your char portrait, hovering over it produces this message:

Banned from forums
You have been banned from the EVE Gate forums, effective through [redacted]

Personal attacks ("Right, so we've established beyond all reasonable doubt that Xenuria is a fracking [redacted]. I'll just leave this here too") are not allowed on our forum (

Please check your email for further details and feel free to contact us regarding your ban.

Then when you check your email you get this
You have received a notice regarding the post below which appeared in our forum on [redacted]
Personal attacks are not permitted on the forum. If you disagree with someone, please maintain civil language and post your criticism in a constructive manner. Continuing to disregard the guidelines may result in the suspension or cancellation of
your posting privileges. We encourage you to review the Forum Rules found at:

ok, I'll play along
So CCP sends emails to their players telling them that they should come to the forums to be told they are banned from the forums?

I'll direct this part of the email to your eagle-eye for detail

"Continuing to disregard the guidelines may result in the suspension or cancellation of
your posting privileges"

the above is what we English speaking peoples call a warning

you are most likely correct in your assessment, but to me the entire procedure is ass-backwards
Sunshine and Lollipops
#31 - 2012-07-06 17:13:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Taurich Vorsel wrote:
I should probably mention here that what he received was a notice of a ban, not a notice of a warning. OP is omitting some detail
Fair enough. Then they really need to fix the wording of their copypasta since the whole “Continuing to disregard the guidelines may result in the suspension or cancellation of your posting privileges” rather sounds like something you'd write in the warning, not the ban.

Also, as the OP points out, if they claim that something is listed below, it really should be listed below. That's the other problem with copypasta: it's there to make your life easier, so it's a good idea to design it so you don't have to do additional work to have it make sense. Blink
5nake pliskan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#32 - 2012-07-06 17:21:14 UTC  |  Edited by: 5nake pliskan
Tippia wrote:
Taurich Vorsel wrote:
I should probably mention here that what he received was a notice of a ban, not a notice of a warning. OP is omitting some detail
Fair enough. Then they really need to fix the wording of their copypasta since the whole “Continuing to disregard the guidelines may result in the suspension or cancellation of your posting privileges” rather sounds like something you'd write in the warning, not the ban.

Also, as the OP points out, if they claim that something is listed below, it really should be listed below. That's the other problem with copypasta: it's there to make your life easier, so it's a good idea to design it so you don't have to do additional work to have it make sense. Blink

pretty much my point

I don't care about the forum ban so much as I can't stand the uneven and often boneheadded application and enforcement of the forum rules as well as the gawd awful communication tools CCP employs to send official communications to a customer account..

Morg should have been banned during the riot last week, mostly for shitting all over the ISD staff in very personal ways.

instead they ban a handful of lesser rabblerousers and let me go, then they ban me for questioning Xen's minority status or at least that's what I have to believe since Phantom won't even tell me what I said in my petition, just more stupid copy pasta BS

yeah, I get it that you saw a personal attack, care to elaborate on it and let me in on the big secret?
Soundwave Plays Diablo
#33 - 2012-07-06 17:21:59 UTC
Vicky Somers wrote:
I got a Blizzard account perma banned for calling some douche a "nig nog" once. CCP ain't that bad.

You should be sent to Queens bridge wearing a shirt that says that, similar to that die hard movie.

I hope they perm IP banned you TBPFH.
Akirei Scytale
Okami Syndicate
#34 - 2012-07-06 17:23:53 UTC
Don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.
Taurich Vorsel
#35 - 2012-07-06 17:30:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Taurich Vorsel
5nake pliskan wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Taurich Vorsel wrote:
I should probably mention here that what he received was a notice of a ban, not a notice of a warning. OP is omitting some detail
Fair enough. Then they really need to fix the wording of their copypasta since the whole “Continuing to disregard the guidelines may result in the suspension or cancellation of your posting privileges” rather sounds like something you'd write in the warning, not the ban.

Also, as the OP points out, if they claim that something is listed below, it really should be listed below. That's the other problem with copypasta: it's there to make your life easier, so it's a good idea to design it so you don't have to do additional work to have it make sense. Blink

pretty much my point

I don't care about the forum ban so much as I can't stand the uneven and often boneheadded application and enforcement of the forum rules as well as the gawd awful communication tools CCP employs to send official communications to a customer account..

Morg should have been banned during the riot last week, mostly for shitting all over the ISD staff in very personal ways.

instead they ban a handful of lesser rabblerousers and let me go, then they ban me for questioning Xen's minority status or at least that's what I have to believe since Phantom won't even tell me what I said in my petition, just more stupid copy pasta BS

yeah, I get it that you saw a personal attack, care to elaborate on it and let me in on the big secret?

I can totally see how it would be confusing and extremely frustrating if you had check your email first, then discovered you were banned, the wording is pretty poor.

I was in the middle of editing a post when the little red symbol popped up though, so I didn't get the nasty surprise that you must have.


I brought up their terrible moderation skills in the email I sent back
Something along the lines that I found it inconceivable the thread was allowed to survive past the 3'rd/4'th post, let alone 10 pages, and all the while ISD's active in the forums locking other threads.

Copine Callmeknau disappeared one day now we are left with Taurich Vorsel AKA BIZARRO COPE!

Lucy Ferrr
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2012-07-06 17:30:17 UTC
Spaja Saist wrote:
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
5nake pliskan wrote:
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
Bye, you will NOT be missed. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

If you are ragequitting over a forum warning, I assure you no one is going to miss you. You are too soft for EVE. Hello Kitty Online is that way ---->

what part of ban did you not get?

You're still whinny and usless and not needed in Eve. So one of your 3 characters got a forum ban (because you came here being a d-bag I am sure, regardless if you remember it or not), and now you're going to rage quit. Here you go friend.

Well then you should be banned as well for personally attacking someone according to the forum rules.

And if I get banned from the forum, you know what I would do, suck it up and play EVE. Or switch chars and post on another character. You know what I wouldn't do? Come to the forum on a different character and bash CCP, and **** and moan about how I am unsubbing. If you are going to unsub okay go ahead but there is no need to broadcast it to the world. The only reason to do that is to seek attention. One less attention whore in EVE is a-okay with me.
5nake pliskan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#37 - 2012-07-06 17:33:08 UTC
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
Spaja Saist wrote:
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
5nake pliskan wrote:
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
Bye, you will NOT be missed. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

If you are ragequitting over a forum warning, I assure you no one is going to miss you. You are too soft for EVE. Hello Kitty Online is that way ---->

what part of ban did you not get?

You're still whinny and usless and not needed in Eve. So one of your 3 characters got a forum ban (because you came here being a d-bag I am sure, regardless if you remember it or not), and now you're going to rage quit. Here you go friend.

Well then you should be banned as well for personally attacking someone according to the forum rules.

And if I get banned from the forum, you know what I would do, suck it up and play EVE. Or switch chars and post on another character. You know what I wouldn't do? Come to the forum on a different character and bash CCP, and **** and moan about how I am unsubbing. If you are going to unsub okay go ahead but there is no need to broadcast it to the world. The only reason to do that is to seek attention. One less attention ***** in EVE is a-okay with me.

I unsubbed last week, I moaned that I won't be resubbing this time

please learn2read
Marconus Orion
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#38 - 2012-07-06 17:38:14 UTC
OP should be grateful he received only a warning for 'personal attack'. My main was banned without warning and my escalated petition is be ignored. lol

You should also observe who is being banned and the severity of the ban. Lots of bias things going on.
CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#39 - 2012-07-06 17:39:41 UTC

Thread locked.

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer

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