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Did CCP ever consider making EVE truly cross-platform?

Rees Noturana
Red Rock Mining Company
#1 - 2011-09-29 13:36:59 UTC
With all the growing pains to repackage and improve their code when making Carbon did they ever consider making it cross-platform and breaking their ties to Microsoft? Just curious. At first glance it seems it would have been a good time to do it.

_ _

Goonswarm Federation
#2 - 2011-10-08 17:36:11 UTC
interesting thought. as a developer, i see what you mean. (why not go OpenGL with a DirectX wrapper for windows)

but EVE isn't like Quake or Unreal, (with a badass like John Carmack that can write his own engine from scratch and each interface-device driver within the engine itself. basically sweeping aside the operating system and taking over for the shell)

EVE, as i perceive it, is actually a pretty big conglomeration of 3-rd party solutions (common these days, its how game-publishers think they beat the system by removing the need for a millionaire rockstar developer like Carmack) like an IRC client for chat, Voice-over-IP, the browser kit, who knows what else. a lot of these third-party packages don't really support multiple platforms and tie into DirectX to do their thing.

the only way, and i personally think CCP doesn't get enough credit for the fantastic work done on this mac emulation, is to port-it over . especially in order to keep up with the common patches in a timely manner.

i use a 2007 macbook pro, constantly engage in very large fleet battles, and although i have the occasional gate-crash, I'm never not impressed with just how close they come to keeping this mac-build up to speed with the native windows build. badass mofos
Aizen Intaki
Lodizal Shield Tek
#3 - 2011-10-08 23:54:29 UTC
I believe, several years ago, one of the DEVs at one of the fanfests responded to a question with something to the effect of "If we can't do that through Transgaming, then we'll make a native client." I did a cursory search, but couldn't find it.

I *think* the DEV was Noah, and I *think* the question was about whether WiS/Incarna would even be possible on the Mac due to DX10 when (at the time) it didn't even support the enhanced graphics brought with Apocrypha. For what it's worth, I believe it was more of an off-the-cuff response than anything well thought out.
Lap Dancers
Brothers of Tangra
#4 - 2011-10-09 01:07:18 UTC
They also said they wouldn't release an Update or a patch unless the mac version worked.

Their definition of "Working" is very generous

We lost the ability to use Blueprints for 6 weeks - They apologized
We are missing several other key features and EvE voice is hosed, yet they don't seem to, yeah, well, I surely wouldn't hold my breath.

At this point, I just hope updates run and don't crash. Anything more is just a bonus.
Lap Dancers
Brothers of Tangra
#5 - 2011-10-12 21:52:23 UTC
Something else they need to think about.

Apple is up to 13% market share in the US (Includes billions of business (Windows) computers never getting used for games)
Market share worldwide is growing
Apple is much higher % on College campuses (EvE's demographic)

They aren't going to be able to keep ignoring us, or give us a feature deficient product much longer