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So...its been 3 years. What did I miss?

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Daftex Muleson
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2011-10-08 18:58:22 UTC
CCP kept trying to tempt me back and I finally decided to step back in for a few weeks just for old times sake!

Last time I played I was in a corp called EnTech and we were part of the mighty BRUCE. Was with them when we wandered up to Fountain and decided to set up home there. Those were fun times, even when it was all falling apart. Some great battles.

Back then lag was a killer. You were dead and you didn't even know it cos you were stuck on the system loading screen when you jumped into the system where the fight was. Guess that's sorted now.

So, what did I miss and what's with CCP's CEO and the bleeding heart blog post?
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#2 - 2011-10-08 19:05:36 UTC
Well lag is hugely better.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Too Much Effort
#3 - 2011-10-08 19:06:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Too Much Effort
Nothing, we're still waiting for Ambulation err WiS err Incarna errr establishments. It will be coming out soon, surely however
#4 - 2011-10-08 19:06:46 UTC
Evidently EVE has turned to crap but it's all sorted now - or at least they're possibly maybe planning to definitely sort it all soonWhat?
Renan Ruivo
Forcas armadas
Brave Collective
#5 - 2011-10-08 19:09:37 UTC
hybrids are getting fixed k thx

The world is a community of idiots doing a series of things until it explodes and we all die.

CCP Zymurgist
C C P Alliance
#6 - 2011-10-08 19:10:05 UTC
Welcome back!

If you want the real nitty gritty of whats gone down in the past three years you can check out the patch notes, but what comes to mind that you may notice first is you get a new face and then you may notice you have some "free skill points" after the removal of Learning Skills.

Zymurgist Community Representative CCP NA, EVE Online Contact Us at

Tanya Powers
#7 - 2011-10-08 19:13:34 UTC
Daftex Muleson wrote:
So, what did I miss and what's with CCP's CEO and the bleeding heart blog post?

A lot of fun and social inter action

+ "Tha" forums - the best game about the game where every one and their mother hate goons, insult each other when they disagree, dev's trolling comments etc etc

Rico Minali
Sons Of 0din
Commonwealth Vanguard
#8 - 2011-10-08 19:15:42 UTC
Ignore the trolls who ragequit and unsubbed due to Eve being bad (but strangely still spend all day reading and posting (badly) on teh forums).

Lots of changes, some good, some bad. Talk to some players, dont bother posting here, all you will get is asshats badmouthing every move ccp make.

Trust me, I almost know what I'm doing.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2011-10-08 19:25:44 UTC
BRUCE was awesome, hasn't been an alliance since that could muster a 100 pilot fleet fit (although short range fleet fit, LOL!) BS fleet made up of total rookies in minutes.

As for EVE, save for the lag it's gotten worse.
Since the introduction of the Dominion expansion things really went downhill big time. Hilmar's QQ letter was the first real response of CCP to the diminishing number of subscribers. People just left EVE because it was no longer entertaining or worth their time.

It is true that many still post on the forums because with enough ISK on hand to pay for EVE for the next decade being a forum warrior does hold some entertainment value.

Want to beat the Goons at Forum Warfare? Leave the thread as soon as one of them replies to it and never go back.

Khun SP
Paramite Factories
#10 - 2011-10-08 19:51:53 UTC
Mining lasers are now blue lol
Goonswarm Federation
#11 - 2011-10-08 19:53:33 UTC
it's supercaps online why did you turn back oh why

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Unstable Pirate Sharks Of The Damed Sea
#12 - 2011-10-08 20:25:34 UTC
People who are afraid of change are just talking like everything has gone down hill. I have been playing for over 4 years and I didn't see anything bad come out. But then again I adapt easily to change and don't die off like some due to the smallest thing they dislike. I am not a baby carebear who OMFG rage quits over monocles. Roll
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#13 - 2011-10-08 20:27:27 UTC
Rage happened, CCP changed its mind, people became pleased, the sansha tried burn eve but got farmed, the NC sold supers to the russians, the russians killed the NC with supers, goons banned the mining of blue ice and much rage was had.
Unstable Pirate Sharks Of The Damed Sea
#14 - 2011-10-08 20:29:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Alxea
Milamara wrote:
BRUCE was awesome, hasn't been an alliance since that could muster a 100 pilot fleet fit (although short range fleet fit, LOL!) BS fleet made up of total rookies in minutes.

As for EVE, save for the lag it's gotten worse.
Since the introduction of the Dominion expansion things really went downhill big time. Hilmar's QQ letter was the first real response of CCP to the diminishing number of subscribers. People just left EVE because it was no longer entertaining or worth their time.

It is true that many still post on the forums because with enough ISK on hand to pay for EVE for the next decade being a forum warrior does hold some entertainment value.

A few hundred people fake unsubbing/rage quitting for months yet still posting on the forums everyday with 40/50k people logging in game everyday still at peak I'm sure is a sure sign of the game dieing. Roll

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Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2011-10-08 20:43:52 UTC
Alxea wrote:
A few hundred people fake unsubbing/rage quitting for months yet still posting on the forums everyday with 40/50k people logging in game everyday still at peak I'm sure is a sure sign of the game dieing. Roll

Player statistics Server status
Currently online: 41,775 Health: ok
Max today: 42,137

You are of course entitled to your opinion.
The concurrent player count is a fairly meaningless statistic in terms of how many subscriptions the game has. CCP cares about subscriptions and Hilmar's mea culpa showed as much. Nevermind that the concurrent player count used to be consistently higher in times past. Based on my gut feeling about 10k fewer accounts log in on a daily basis today as compared to some 2 years ago. I am sure there are some actual stats about that out there somewhere but I cba to look for them.

Turning EVE into The Sims In Space will temporarily increase subscriber numbers, no doubt about that.

Want to beat the Goons at Forum Warfare? Leave the thread as soon as one of them replies to it and never go back.

Harabec inc
#16 - 2011-10-08 21:05:41 UTC
there's one new level 4 mission........
Omni Defense Intelligence Network
Get Off My Lawn
#17 - 2011-10-08 23:02:01 UTC
CCP Zymurgist wrote:
Welcome back!

If you want the real nitty gritty of whats gone down in the past three years you can check out the patch notes, but what comes to mind that you may notice first is you get a new face and then you may notice you have some "free skill points" after the removal of Learning Skills.

LoL.. If you REALLY want the "TRUTH" on what's happening in EVE or has been for the last year or so.. Just read CCP Hellmar apology to the community. Whatever work they were doing since you left, most of that has been scrapped and they have started to refocus.

So.. yea..

The rest of the dev-blogs before this last apology mean nothing. It's a new era in New Edan. Don't ride on the coat-tails of former success CCP Anyone. It's all about the here and now. You have a solid game EVE that has a passionate playerbase. Stop ******* them over now, before the playerbase really speaks out and quits playing your game (Like we really could, I could.. If need be.. TRUST)

I'm just one I know, but their are many.. MANY others that feel the same and either don't know how or "fear" expressing those views.
Herping yourDerp
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2011-10-08 23:53:22 UTC
you know that russian bot alliance? they own about 50% of the nullsec map now. they still havent been banned. they also have over half the supercaps in all of eve, and since the only counter to a super cap blob is more super cap blob... yea...

a fun scam made lots of people lose billions, was lol.
incarna flopped, ccp finally moving back to in space gameplay

FW might be fun in the future
incursions are EVE version of wow raids, its pretty good.
#19 - 2011-10-09 02:09:08 UTC
Now you can test pricing models and game engines for future games, while playing Eve. You get to see your avatar scratch a lot as well.

No good deed goes unpunished

Sebastian N Cain
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2011-10-09 03:45:19 UTC
Milamara wrote:
Alxea wrote:
A few hundred people fake unsubbing/rage quitting for months yet still posting on the forums everyday with 40/50k people logging in game everyday still at peak I'm sure is a sure sign of the game dieing. Roll

Player statistics Server status
Currently online: 41,775 Health: ok
Max today: 42,137

You are of course entitled to your opinion.
The concurrent player count is a fairly meaningless statistic in terms of how many subscriptions the game has. CCP cares about subscriptions and Hilmar's mea culpa showed as much. Nevermind that the concurrent player count used to be consistently higher in times past. Based on my gut feeling about 10k fewer accounts log in on a daily basis today as compared to some 2 years ago. I am sure there are some actual stats about that out there somewhere but I cba to look for them.

Turning EVE into The Sims In Space will temporarily increase subscriber numbers, no doubt about that.

Nope, the numbers are clear, they are roughly the same.
Which is the problem, of course. Eve should have been growing and so the numbers should be quite a bit higher than those two years before, not roughly the same. That being the case something needs to be done about it.

I got lost in thought... it was unfamiliar territory.

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