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Kspace wormholes

Dennmoth Ferdier
Zero Gravity Productions
#1 - 2012-04-27 17:49:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Dennmoth Ferdier
So I'm trying to wrap my mind around the mechanics of wormholes... and I was wondering....

Can you access all 2500 or what ever wormhole systems through kspace via non-k162 wormholes? Or are there infact nested wormhole systems that never get K162s from null, low or highsec, and instead only receive them from other wormholes?

If so, how far does the nested chain go?

Also, are the locations of wormholes in kspace completely random within their respective security zones? Meaning, any highsec wormhole can spawn at any highsec system completely randomly?

Also, kspace does not have static wormholes? In other words if I were to find a wormhole to a C2 system in Jita, I wouldn't be guaranteed to find another C2 wormhole there when the last one despawns?

XS Tech
#2 - 2012-04-27 18:31:50 UTC
Dennmoth Ferdier wrote:
So I'm trying to wrap my mind around the mechanics of wormholes... and I was wondering....

Can you access all 2500 or what ever wormhole systems through kspace via non-k162 wormholes? Or are there infact nested wormhole systems that never get K162s from null, low or highsec, and instead only receive them from other wormholes?

no, IIRC C4 (or C5/6?) are only accessible from C3/4/5/6 w-space systems.

Dennmoth Ferdier wrote:
If so, how far does the nested chain go?

Depends on how lost you get

Dennmoth Ferdier wrote:
Also, are the locations of wormholes in kspace completely random within their respective security zones? Meaning, any highsec wormhole can spawn at any highsec system completely randomly?

Yes, pretty much. If for example you find a wormhole to the J123456 system in say Rens, when it collapses you may eventually find a wormhole leading back to that system in Amarr (I'm over-simplifying it, but you get the idea).

Dennmoth Ferdier wrote:
Also, kspace does not have static wormholes? In other words if I were to find a wormhole to a C2 system in Jita, I wouldn't be guaranteed to find another C2 wormhole there when the last one despawns?


You will find another wormhole to a C2 eventually, just not the same C2.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-04-27 19:02:57 UTC
Dennmoth Ferdier wrote:
So I'm trying to wrap my mind around the mechanics of wormholes... and I was wondering....

Can you access all 2500 or what ever wormhole systems through kspace via non-k162 wormholes? Or are there infact nested wormhole systems that never get K162s from null, low or highsec, and instead only receive them from other wormholes?

If so, how far does the nested chain go?

Also, are the locations of wormholes in kspace completely random within their respective security zones? Meaning, any highsec wormhole can spawn at any highsec system completely randomly?

Also, kspace does not have static wormholes? In other words if I were to find a wormhole to a C2 system in Jita, I wouldn't be guaranteed to find another C2 wormhole there when the last one despawns?


If I understand your first question partially, you can find wormholes from one K-space to another K-space system. Such as from an Amarr system to a Minmatar system. I haven't found many, but have seen them.
Durin Sarga
Lionhearted Investment Services and Planning
#4 - 2012-04-27 22:06:18 UTC
Think of womrholes like origin-destination pairs which act as two-way tubes through space. The named side (i.e. N110) inside a wormhole each day is the new origin, and once you go through it, the K162 destination is created in the system it lands in. Or the opposite might happen. A person in known space may scan a wormhole (N110) and create an entrance into a wormhole system (which would be labeled K162). You know you're in a wormhole system because the system name will have a JXXXXXX number. You can look this up on Dotlan and get all sorts of information about the wormhole's characteristics.

Wormholes are separated into six categories (C1 through C6, conveniently). C1-C3 can be found by scanning in hi-sec (most often C1), lo-sec (most often C2), and null-sec (most often C3). A C4-C6 can only be found by scanning inside a wormhole, or on rare occaisions they will get single jump exits to hi-sec, lo-sec, null-sec. They are often known as 'deep W-space' locations, because you usually need to go a minimum two jumps through wormhole space from known space to get there. The category of wormhole also indicates relative difficulty. C1-C2 are battlecruiser, solo-capable. C3-4 most often require a quality battleship and a friend or two. C5-C6 require a quality battleship and group of friends, and if you can swing it, a cap ship built inside to help out.

In addition to wormholes which allow you to visit W-space, there are also wormholes which directly connect portions of K-space, and never actually enter a W-space system. I have found wormholes which directly connect a system in Genesis with a system outside of Rens. Or a system in Metropolis connect to a system in Null-sec. It just kind of depends.

Hope that helps sort things out for you.

Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#5 - 2012-04-27 22:19:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
Wormholes have two sides: an outgoing side (never K162) and an incoming side (always K162).

Random outgoing wormholes can be found anywhere. Static outgoing wormholes are only found in w-space.

K162 don't appear until somebody initiates warp to the outgoing side.

Dennmoth Ferdier wrote:
Can you access all 2500 or what ever wormhole systems through kspace via non-k162 wormholes? Or are there infact nested wormhole systems that never get K162s from null, low or highsec, and instead only receive them from other wormholes?


There are random wormholes to C5 and C6 even from hisec, but they are rare (at most once a month per w-space system). There are no static wormholes outgoing to hisec from these systems (D792 is a random outgoing to hisec).

Dennmoth Ferdier wrote:
Also, are the locations of wormholes in kspace completely random within their respective security zones? Meaning, any highsec wormhole can spawn at any highsec system completely randomly?

Different types of systems support different types of wormholes. You'll never see a wormhole between lowsec and hisec that can allow a capital. Which systems are connected is otherwise random.

Dennmoth Ferdier wrote:
Also, kspace does not have static wormholes? In other words if I were to find a wormhole to a C2 system in Jita, I wouldn't be guaranteed to find another C2 wormhole there when the last one despawns?

Correct. There are no static wormholes in k-space, only random outgoing ones (and incoming random and static of course).

I swear I once came out of a wormhole from w-space C2 into Jita, but this might not be possible anymore. We had some small-ship PvP going on at the wormhole. It collapsed pretty quickly.
Sola Mercury
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2012-04-29 01:16:32 UTC
Velicitia wrote:

no, IIRC C4 (or C5/6?) are only accessible from C3/4/5/6 w-space systems.

Cl4 connect to cl2 as well.

But I have never seen a WH connecting cl4-space to k-space ( highsec, lowsec,null)
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-04-29 03:22:35 UTC
Sola Mercury wrote:
Velicitia wrote:

no, IIRC C4 (or C5/6?) are only accessible from C3/4/5/6 w-space systems.

Cl4 connect to cl2 as well.

But I have never seen a WH connecting cl4-space to k-space ( highsec, lowsec,null)

There are random WH's that can spawn from k-space to all classes of WH systems (including C4-C6). This includes wormholes that enter from K-space into WH space and the other way around. I have found lowsec WH's into a C5 and so forth.

The key to understand is that all WH's have at least one static WH. Essentially one that you can always count on for an exit. For C4+ they don't have statics directly to k-space. But randoms can spawn.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2012-07-02 19:57:01 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Sola Mercury wrote:
Velicitia wrote:

no, IIRC C4 (or C5/6?) are only accessible from C3/4/5/6 w-space systems.

Cl4 connect to cl2 as well.

But I have never seen a WH connecting cl4-space to k-space ( highsec, lowsec,null)

There are random WH's that can spawn from k-space to all classes of WH systems (including C4-C6). This includes wormholes that enter from K-space into WH space and the other way around. I have found lowsec WH's into a C5 and so forth.

The key to understand is that all WH's have at least one static WH. Essentially one that you can always count on for an exit. For C4+ they don't have statics directly to k-space. But randoms can spawn.

Nope, he was correct. C4s cannot have random incoming our outgoing wormholes to k-space. They are the deepest w-space systems.
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-07-03 03:02:58 UTC
C4 cannot have in or out WHs from any kspace, C6 cannot have incoming WH from HS.
All other combos are fair game.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

#10 - 2012-07-03 04:56:36 UTC
Also so we are clear when someone says a static wormhole it means the system will always have a wormhole of a given class. A C2 static for example will connect to a random C2 system, and if it collapses due to time or over use another wormhole connecting to a C2 will spawn in a random location. This differs from random wormholes which can show up pretty much any where.

Former forum cheerleader CCP, now just a grumpy small portion of the community.

Minta Contha
Emergent Entity
#11 - 2012-07-03 14:11:59 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
C4 cannot have in or out WHs from any kspace,

This is untrue. A couple of weeks ago a random hole to Hisec spawned in our C4 system. Whlst it may hold true for statics, randoms do happen. I should note that this is the only time we've seen a hole to K space from the C4 in over a year of living there though. Our regular static is a C6, and we frequently see incoming K162s from C3,4,5 systems, and less often from C6 and C2.

My cooking is like my lovemaking - fast, greasy, and unsatisfying.