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I'm willing to pay ALOT of Aurum for...

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-07-01 18:19:28 UTC
..a key to the effing door already!

Seriously, if that is what it will take. Cold hard cash that I mark for WiS development
by purchasing a key, or keys, to open the door I am willing to pay.

I don't care if it's just a promenade with a bunch of shops/bars etc with "opening soon"
signs in the windows.

Make a key that opens the door for people who are willing to test out common areas
and have the money to spare. This would be totally optional and understood that it is
the way to access WiS test server so people who dont like the idea of WiS can just
stfu and not bother.

CCP - I have money and time for testing to help move WiS forward.

My frustration level has gone way up with the notion that even IF the new prototypes
are approved it could be a year or more after that before we see anything new, and then
the common/social areas are some time after that? Really? Give me a break.

I came back to EVE because I thought WiS was close. Since they failed to launch what
I thought was going to take EVE to the next level, I have been losing faith, and I really
don't see myself hanging on waitin for a couple more years. I'm sure I'm not alone in
this frustration.

So CCP, give me a chance to give you more money and help test the features, or you are
likely to lose the money you are getting from me currently soon.
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-07-01 18:33:07 UTC
Soulpirate wrote:
..a key to the effing door already!

Seriously, if that is what it will take. Cold hard cash that I mark for WiS development
by purchasing a key, or keys, to open the door I am willing to pay.

I don't care if it's just a promenade with a bunch of shops/bars etc with "opening soon"
signs in the windows.

Make a key that opens the door for people who are willing to test out common areas
and have the money to spare. This would be totally optional and understood that it is
the way to access WiS test server so people who dont like the idea of WiS can just
stfu and not bother.

CCP - I have money and time for testing to help move WiS forward.

My frustration level has gone way up with the notion that even IF the new prototypes
are approved it could be a year or more after that before we see anything new, and then
the common/social areas are some time after that? Really? Give me a break.

I came back to EVE because I thought WiS was close. Since they failed to launch what
I thought was going to take EVE to the next level, I have been losing faith, and I really
don't see myself hanging on waitin for a couple more years. I'm sure I'm not alone in
this frustration.

So CCP, give me a chance to give you more money and help test the features, or you are
likely to lose the money you are getting from me currently soon.

+1 for your effort
but to little too late


Simi Kusoni
#3 - 2012-07-01 20:27:52 UTC
Seriously, when they come up with some ideas containing something useful or interesting to do with WiS, I'll be all for it. Until then, no.

So far we have some vague rambling on archaeology and walking around old stations, and that's it. Casinos would be cool. But realistically a few mini-games just aren't worth it.

And you can't just earmark a bit of extra cash out for WiS development. I mean seriously, you send them £30 and just hope enough other people agree with you for them to fund WiS development? Not a particularly sensible business strategy.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-07-01 22:57:02 UTC
Simi Kusoni wrote:
Seriously, when they come up with some ideas containing something useful or interesting to do with WiS, I'll be all for it. Until then, no.

When they finalize the interesting and usfull stuff to do with WiS I would expect to
pay the same as I do for any other expansion. Nothing. What I am suggesting is
giving them a way to allow people like myself who are willing to just be in social
areas with others while they work on the other stuff.

Simi Kusoni wrote:
And you can't just earmark a bit of extra cash out for WiS development. I mean seriously, you send them £30 and just hope enough other people agree with you for them to fund WiS development? Not a particularly sensible business strategy.

They are already working on WiS, would it hurt for more cash to come in? The NeX
store is not truely going to start generating cash-flow for them untill people can be in
the same areas together, yet they are now suggesting that social areas won't come
out untill after whatever it is they may or may not add ie exploration.

I think they had a lot more finished when they released Incarna and were going to
release more quickly after it, but they misunderstood what people were freaking
out about and halted it. People were upset that not enough was there. They lost
subs because it wasn't completed.

They need to release what's ready to go now. If they can't come up with common
areas soon or something more they are definately going to lose a few more subs
and thus will have even less money for ANY development.

I'm not waiting 'years' more for assets I am sure they have completed anyhow.
Simi Kusoni
#5 - 2012-07-01 23:05:35 UTC
Soulpirate wrote:
Simi Kusoni wrote:
Seriously, when they come up with some ideas containing something useful or interesting to do with WiS, I'll be all for it. Until then, no.

When they finalize the interesting and usfull stuff to do with WiS I would expect to
pay the same as I do for any other expansion. Nothing. What I am suggesting is
giving them a way to allow people like myself who are willing to just be in social
areas with others while they work on the other stuff.

Simi Kusoni wrote:
And you can't just earmark a bit of extra cash out for WiS development. I mean seriously, you send them £30 and just hope enough other people agree with you for them to fund WiS development? Not a particularly sensible business strategy.

They are already working on WiS, would it hurt for more cash to come in? The NeX
store is not truely going to start generating cash-flow for them untill people can be in
the same areas together, yet they are now suggesting that social areas won't come
out untill after whatever it is they may or may not add ie exploration.

I think they had a lot more finished when they released Incarna and were going to
release more quickly after it, but they misunderstood what people were freaking
out about and halted it. People were upset that not enough was there. They lost
subs because it wasn't completed.

They need to release what's ready to go now. If they can't come up with common
areas soon or something more they are definately going to lose a few more subs
and thus will have even less money for ANY development.

I'm not waiting 'years' more for assets I am sure they have completed anyhow.

Part of the work that needed doing IIRC was performance related, so the engine could even render more than one person at a time without massive FPS drops. So adding a social area is not something they can just quickly bash together in five minutes.

Releasing half finished work also has its own hidden cost, you lose marketing impact and can completely ruin a brand (even more). For example, wait two years and release WiS with planned out functionality or release it in stages with minimal functionality.

One method will bring in an influx of media attention, perhaps some new players. And it would give WiS, if properly implemented, some of its popularity back. The half arsed approach achieves little, adds nothing to the game and has minimal/negative market impact.

Similarly accepting peoples money specifically for WiS means you'd then expect some WiS content, and probably make angry threads if you didn't get it. Even if CCP only raised £10k, you'd STILL be angry they didn't somehow fully fund WiS. This is why that kind of an approach would be a truly ******** way to raise funds for WiS.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-07-01 23:26:48 UTC
It's already been released, it's time to release more.

The EVE we have today was released over time, I dont see why
WiS can't be done in the same fashion.

So far as multiple toons in the same space, they have stated that
they have already done that and it's not an issue.


Meh, I am just sitting here staring at the monitor trying to care. I guess
my patience for this topic has run it's course. I'm just frustrated that
something so promising fell so short. Maybe it truely is time for me pull
my accounts and check back in a couple years.

Simi Kusoni
#7 - 2012-07-01 23:32:56 UTC
Soulpirate wrote:
It's already been released, it's time to release more.

The EVE we have today was released over time, I dont see why
WiS can't be done in the same fashion.

So far as multiple toons in the same space, they have stated that
they have already done that and it's not an issue.


Meh, I am just sitting here staring at the monitor trying to care. I guess
my patience for this topic has run it's course. I'm just frustrated that
something so promising fell so short. Maybe it truely is time for me pull
my accounts and check back in a couple years.


If WiS is all you are interested in then, yeah, I think the development timeline has (real) WiS content down for like 18months from now? Don't quote me on that though, scroll through dev blogs.

But just out of interest, did you really come back solely for WiS? What were you expecting in the way of WiS content that was going to keep you entertained, or even be worth the subscription fee?

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-07-01 23:51:38 UTC
No I didnt come back just for WiS. gawd no.

As great as ships are I always felt that the game needed a little more, the
ship avatars just get kind of old, and it would be nice to feel a bit more human
at times.

What I guess has frustrated me mostly is the absolute fact as to how many people
just wont get to the ships because they simply wont try EVE because there are
no human avatars.

The game could be so much more.

You know when Incarna fell on its face, I decide not to be one of the quitters, I decided
to continue on with the game and continue to support them with my money so that they
could get the work done. Quiting doesnt help them get things done, it only gets people
who should be working on the game fired. However, I dont think I feel like I need to keep
forking out cash, even just to keep my traing up. I just really need a break.

I love this game, even if I have really only scratched the surface of all the things I could
do, but.....

meh there I am again with the loss of words.

Maybe I'll give it a few more days, maybe the Dev Blog about WiS they have said is in the
que for weeks now will come out soon. maybe that will cheer me up, but even the blogs on
WiS seem to be vapo-ware these days.
Jayrendo Karr
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-07-02 02:35:59 UTC
The door should at least lead to blank white or green room with other players it is annoying to have a complely useless feature that could offer a break from ships.
Ned Black
#10 - 2012-07-02 06:30:33 UTC
Soulpirate wrote:
As great as ships are I always felt that the game needed a little more, the
ship avatars just get kind of old, and it would be nice to feel a bit more human
at times.

And how many minutes would it be fun to watch people turn this way and that? Walking around for the sake of walking is, if you ask me of course, a complete waste of development resources. Myself I would probably do what I did with the room... take one look at it and then basicly ignore the living hell out of it. Its eye candy for sure, but it wont make me even slightly more social than I currenly am... most of my speaking is done through out of game methods anyway. And all those meetings people salivate about would be nothing but a bunch of toons turning on their heels... which is completely boring and useless since I can talk to them just fine from my hangar anyway.

Soulpirate wrote:
What I guess has frustrated me mostly is the absolute fact as to how many people
just wont get to the ships because they simply wont try EVE because there are
no human avatars.

The game could be so much more.

I agree it could be so much more. Get rid of the rediculous structure bashing and introduce a FPS element to it. In order to take over a POS/Station/POCP/Whatever you would have to invade it. I would also love to make it so that you if you get killed gets a "wounded" state which keeps you from attacking again too soon... so that you can actually defend the damn things against even overwhelming odds even if it would be hard.

But that wont happen unfortunatly, and as I said above, walking for the sake of walking really doesnt add anything to the game for more than a few minutes when you first want to see stuff.

Soulpirate wrote:
You know when Incarna fell on its face, I decide not to be one of the quitters, I decided
to continue on with the game and continue to support them with my money so that they
could get the work done. Quiting doesnt help them get things done, it only gets people
who should be working on the game fired. However, I dont think I feel like I need to keep
forking out cash, even just to keep my traing up. I just really need a break.

If WiS really is that important to you, then no, I agree, there is no reason for you to keep forking out money... Perhaps you should try out Second life. That game looks to be kind of like WiS in a way... sure you dont get the stations and space settings, but you get to walk around and even fly, and talk to people... but other than that it really feels boring as hell... I think I had a total of 30 minutes playtime before I shut it down and uninstalled it myself.

Soulpirate wrote:
I love this game, even if I have really only scratched the surface of all the things I could
do, but.....

meh there I am again with the loss of words.

Maybe I'll give it a few more days, maybe the Dev Blog about WiS they have said is in the
que for weeks now will come out soon. maybe that will cheer me up, but even the blogs on
WiS seem to be vapo-ware these days.

If you are contemplating quitting because you can not walk for the sake of walking then no... you dont love this game... my guess is that you have all sorts of good stuff you want that WiS to contain... but my guess is that even if they opened up that door tomorrow you would still be grossly disappointed because what YOU envission is not the thing that will be... and then you would be here writing about how disappointed you were with WiS... not because it did not exist, but because it did not live up to your own dreams.

To me... well, as I said... if they combine Dust within EvE then I am interrested, but other than that I dont really see anything exciting about WiS at all... sorry.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#11 - 2012-07-04 23:09:34 UTC
Ned Black wrote:
If WiS really is that important to you, then no, I agree, there is no reason for you to keep forking out money... Perhaps you should try out Second life. That game looks to be kind of like WiS in a way... sure you dont get the stations and space settings, but you get to walk around and even fly, and talk to people... but other than that it really feels boring as hell... I think I had a total of 30 minutes playtime before I shut it down and uninstalled it myself.

Ah, the old "Second life" jab. I think it's off base to say it looks like WiS, I think it would
be more fair to say WiS looked like Second Life if there actually was WiS, but the CQ
doesn't count.

I still see nothing wrong with a purely social area in the EVE universe, perhaps one
like many have suggested is FTP just to get new potential pilots caught in the EVE web.

Anyhow, you and Simi did pose some good questions that did help me step back and
re-gain some patience for a WIS that is done right, not right away.

Everet Ruhen
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2012-07-04 23:47:32 UTC
CCP should take donations for WIS or at least make the expansions free with the option to donate what you want. It has worked for some musicians and for some smaller game companies as of late.
Photon Ceray
Palmyra Universal Enterprise
#13 - 2012-07-05 00:02:51 UTC
it's funny, just earlier i was in an incursion fleet and we were discussing how sad it is that CCP changed their plans about WIS before delivering anything at all.

We all agreed that space ships should be the priority, but that we should have a minimum of a space to hang out and socialize.
it doesn't need fancy game play yet, no micro transactions, just hanging out with other players and chilling. a dance bar, a few exotic dancers is enough.

Our quarters now feel like a prison cell, a small space that you're trapped in. give us the key :)
Xhaiden Ora
#14 - 2012-07-05 07:37:30 UTC
Frankly at this point I'd be happy if you could just at least invite other players over to your pad. Give us a common room and an in-game stream of AT so you can at least chill with a couple corpmates and watch the game over a few bottles of Quafe. -.-

Then you could just hang with as many people as your machine could handle. Hell, CCP could even use it to bench test real world performance of multiple avatars.
Express Hauler
#15 - 2012-07-05 10:54:05 UTC
There will be unimaginable amount of whine on forums with "pay to win" argumentation. Also despite multiple successful Kickstarter game projects I doubt donations can cover cost of WiS development because CCP's development methods doesn't seems to be cost effective (example: having $66m/year income they couldn't expand EVE during last 2 years).
Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#16 - 2012-07-05 20:19:40 UTC
Lipbite wrote:
There will be unimaginable amount of whine on forums with "pay to win" argumentation. Also despite multiple successful Kickstarter game projects I doubt donations can cover cost of WiS development because CCP's development methods doesn't seems to be cost effective (example: having $66m/year income they couldn't expand EVE during last 2 years).

Thats because they were trying to develop for 3 games with the income of one.
Tribal Liberation Distribution and Retail
#17 - 2012-07-05 22:00:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Mechael
Congratulations. You don't give a **** about EVE.

I'm not willing to pay any Aurum for anything ever, as Aurum is incongruent with the nature of EVE as a sandbox and science fiction simulator. Matter of fact, if anything other than clothes are ever sold for Aurum (yes, that includes paint jobs for ships or other vanity items,) I'm leaving and no you can't have my stuff.

WiS is cool, though. Cool

Whether or not you win the game matters not.  It's if you bought it.

Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#18 - 2012-07-05 23:29:52 UTC
I went to play poker and have strippers dance in front of me :(
Sephiroth CloneIIV
Brothers of Tyr
Goonswarm Federation
#19 - 2012-07-06 04:34:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Sephiroth Clone VII
First they need to get around the whole multiplayer and walking in stations thing. A feature with no multiplayer or massive, in a massive game is somewhat useless, if I wanted single player adventure I would go play more skyrium, fallout. and mass effect.

Once they got the ability to go to each-others rooms, or small communal areas this would take off as a social feature, helping a social game.

I don't like the idea of play to win, but walking in stations is a purely cosmetic feature as is, and if it merely benefits cosmetic stuff in station, and not the game game, which is blowing up ships, and taking stuff.

I think the authors idea could realy help funding with the WIS idea with people who want it most, maybe start with spending auburn on a custom captains quarters, or accessory's. As people buy accessory funds development of other ones and a good gauge of what ones people want.

More clothing is good, but I think we have plenty of options, and could use more of the other stuff, such as captain quarter and communal area stuff.