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Missile trails kill my framerate and what is that sound???

First post
Gallente Federation
#141 - 2012-05-26 19:52:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Fairhand
I am getting framerate drop from 60 (interval default) down to 50-52 when missiles are displayed on the following system...

ATI RadeonHD 5870 1Gb
Drivers 12.4 official
Windows7 x64

Computer : 2010 Mac Pro running Win7 Bootcamp
Processor 6x3.33GHz Xeon
240Gb Vertex2 SSD

I am running Eve fullscreen at 2560x1440 with all settings ON/HIGH except drone models, camera shake and AA.

With Interval Default I am of course capped at 60fps and the game runs rock-steady at that. The moment the new missile code activates, I drop to a steady 50-52fps until about 10s after the last missile hits then frame rate goes back up to 60 (Interval Default) again.

If needed I can set Interval Immediate to unlock the fps and rerun the test.
No More Heroes
Boomer Humor
Snuffed Out
#142 - 2012-05-26 20:03:36 UTC  |  Edited by: No More Heroes
We had about 170 dudes shooting missiles last night and I had no probs with an Nvidia GTX 460, AMD Phenom II quad core and 8 gigs of ram.

Graphics set for performance because you're just not gonna ever get HQ settings in CFC fleets.


Dark EcheIon
#143 - 2012-05-28 17:04:21 UTC
CCP Zorba wrote:
CannonFodder82 wrote:
Maybe CCP should stop kissing nvidia ass??

i dont suffr from any loss with my dual 6850 but i do still have other graphical glitches like flashing station etc (with 1 or 2 cards on)

everything is up to date. dont get issues with other games just this one.

eve has allways been crappy towards AMD cards.

As for the missiles breaking everything WELL DONE chalk that up there with the new UI and its win all round,

P.S torps look like fireworks and the explosions suck compared to the old ones.

Another backwards step in EVE, have u guys been talking with DICE and EA??


I'm not going to respond to these points but I will link to this to point out some complexities of this issue:

PC graphics are hard work because of these sorts compatibility issues. Trying to "evolve" an MMO (graphical evolution is not something most games do), which is supposed to run on a range of consumer hardware, with a large and old codebase, while trying to develop cutting edge graphical features, is a delicate balancing act that makes a difficult situation even more difficult. On top of that, we're proud of what we do and want nothing more than as many people to see it as possible. ATI compatibility comes up every release and as our testing systems get better and better we'll catch more of these issues, and put acceptable fallbacks into place. We're not there yet but we're working on it.

As for your flashing stations, make sure you file a bug report for that.


gfx are important in every game dont get me wrong, but updating the game gfx is nowhere near as important as making the game work, stop wasting time with captain quarters and the new (terrible) UI and fix issues that have been out standing for years,

granted the FW shake up is a great idea, but again it was not tested correctly and has bought new problems with it. the UI is laggy unresponcive unneeded and has (imo) spoiled alot of things in eve, using a noctis is terrible i trained up for all 10 targets and opening multiple boxes is awful now.

its great to hear that you are working on AMD solutions now keep it up.

people pay to play this game and i just dont feel like our input is valued, we repeatedly told you the UI was awful on SISI and we felt it was unneeded, and we were ignored, pretty much like that NEX shop you told us we wanted, captains quarters is turned off for me and alot of other players from what i know, must be nice to know all that time spent making it was wasted, WIS is not something i want in eve cant speak for others tho.

i replexed my alt purely to salvage in a specialised corp and thats now going to waste because the UI is so bad opening multiple boxes (has a few crashes) i just dont want to do it,
Cruor Angelicus
#144 - 2012-05-28 18:40:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Xercodo
CannonFodder82 wrote:


gfx are important in every game dont get me wrong, but updating the game gfx is nowhere near as important as making the game work, stop wasting time with captain quarters and the new (terrible) UI and fix issues that have been out standing for years,

granted the FW shake up is a great idea, but again it was not tested correctly and has bought new problems with it. the UI is laggy unresponcive unneeded and has (imo) spoiled alot of things in eve, using a noctis is terrible i trained up for all 10 targets and opening multiple boxes is awful now.

its great to hear that you are working on AMD solutions now keep it up.

people pay to play this game and i just dont feel like our input is valued, we repeatedly told you the UI was awful on SISI and we felt it was unneeded, and we were ignored, pretty much like that NEX shop you told us we wanted, captains quarters is turned off for me and alot of other players from what i know, must be nice to know all that time spent making it was wasted, WIS is not something i want in eve cant speak for others tho.

i replexed my alt purely to salvage in a specialised corp and thats now going to waste because the UI is so bad opening multiple boxes (has a few crashes) i just dont want to do it,

Way to go off topic there. You're whining to the plumber about your windows. Go take your UI whines to the latest devblog of changes they have in-store for the Inventory system

Regarding the issue i mentioned before, here is a screenshot of my missiles disappearing (you can still see the faint cluster of trails and according to the locked target and overview I'm well within range. (<11.5km according to EFT and the tactical overlay in-game agrees)

The Drake is a Lie

yoyo chicken
#145 - 2012-05-30 21:40:43 UTC
Oops I have the same problem.

win7 32bit 2gb memory i5 GT540m
can show missile effects and has stable 40 fps . well

win7 64bit corsair 2x4 8gb memory i5 GTX460
all the effects on and i set ‘interval one’ 60 fps stable. without vertical sync, like interval immediate. fps can go above 150+ . very good

NOW it sucks with win7 64bit corsair 4x4 16gb memory i7 2600K GTX580
before I firing the missile ,with all effects on ,it can be the same as my desktop A, sometimes its weird, 60fps will drop to 40 fps......

BUT, after firing missile in missions , it dropped to 13- 20 fps.... I noticed that 'trail' 'GPU particles' and the shader or something , turn each of them on will bring about 10 fps drop......SadSadSad
Cascades Mountain Operatives
#146 - 2012-05-31 02:02:56 UTC
Mars Theran wrote:
AkaiDruiD II wrote:
Missles in the cold vacuum of space will NOT have smoke trails, so why waste time and energy on creating this effect in the first place?

This, to me, is an obvious sign of denial. wtf? You release gas and particle emissions in the vacuum of space and you expect matter filling a void to do nothing. Get your head on straight.

Also, you seem to be ignorant of a few things regarding your hardware and everybody elses. AMD is barely interested in mainstream computing and doesn't really have any interest in competing in any real sense with Intel because they know they can't win. Intel holds the patents for fs sake. Intel signs over portions of those patents to AMD with a yearly license so that AMD can continue to make PC processors so the American government and other organizations don't bin Intel as a monopoly.

Intel is not in the business of licensing AMD to use their best and most advanced architecture however, so AMD is forced to trry and find ways around it that usually don't work so well, or are barely adequate. This is why AMD is behind in the GPU business, not some rediculous advertising nobody ever sees.

People on forums all over the world, review sites and hardware enthusiasts match any and all offerinbgs against each other until they find the best that anyone has to offer. This has consistently been Intel for years. You can burn an AMD up to 6-8 GHz sure, no problem, once you've got it functioning on LN2 or Liquid Helium, but that doesn't do **** all for your processing capability, except to make it marginally faster than it was for a 400% OC sustained by a constant flow of -269 celsius coolant that vaporizes relatively quickly.

Fact is, Intel still outperforms it.

AMD focuses on Industrial computing aplications. That is their niche market and has been for years. They make chips for CNC machines and automated equipment. They probably make a good bit of money on it to, even if they don't do so well as Intel on the world market.

ATi is another thing. Owned by AMD sure, but it is still mostly a separate entity and functioning on its own apart from the AMD line of desktop processors. Sure, AMD supports ATi by making all their own chipsets, (through ATi), for their processors and restricting users of AMD to pretty much only ATi GPUs unless they want issues with incompatibility. They've been doing that for a few years now. Not a single AMD chipset supports Nvidia hardware; it's counterproductive.

It's only counterproductive if the only thing you care about selling is the GPU.

ATi is a good brand. Great for watching movies and doing all sorts of other stuff. Nothing wrong with it, but they still lag a bit behind Nvidia in terms of progress.

you're talking out of your ass.. you only know enough on the subject to make people who know nothing believe you.

feature wise ATI has lead nvidia for 10 years, nvidia has better marketting and slightly better framerates on big games because they give money to the devs (and cut corners in image quality algorithms)

Tedium and difficulty are not the same thing, if you don't realize this then STFU about game design.

Ris Dnalor
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#147 - 2012-05-31 02:09:33 UTC
Lfod Shi wrote:
GPU particles off = 60fps (give or take)
GPU particles on = 15fps (ditto)

So, particles off. I do like the launchers spitting fire, but that noise they make sounds more like a sonar ping than rocket tipped space death.

So be it. Just glad to have some launchers finally.

but the missile names were simplified, so this should offset the lag from the missile trails, right....?Shocked

EvE = Everybody Vs. Everybody

  • Qolde
Cascades Mountain Operatives
#148 - 2012-05-31 02:10:45 UTC
CCP Choloepus wrote:
Just to keep you guys in the loop, we've got the same kind of extreme performance drop reproduced in our compatibility lab. However, when I moved one of the offending ATI cards to my dev PC for more testing (confirming my original card could have doubled as a cooking implement), the performance decrease was markedly reduced. Rather than adding around 50ms to the average frame time and tanking the game to ~20fps, the hit was closer to 10ms and left the game at a reasonable 50-60 frames per second. My development box is actually slower/worse than the test computer in terms of CPU etc.

To be clear, 10ms is still way too much overhead. GPU particles on this kind of hardware should be taking one or two milliseconds, but there's something else going on that is exacerbating the problem.

I also noticed that asteroid belts were causing a large performance drop with this hardware until shadows were disabled, which we're investigating as well. We'd be interested in knowing your shadow settings, should anyone else notice a severe drop in frame rate when looking at spacerocks or other dense collections of solid objects.

is this occuring on VLIW5 or VLIW4 cards? i wouldn't be surprised if it was primarily the VLIW5 cards getting bit in the ass by operand dependance issues.

i'm assuming that the new "GCN" architecture cards (higher end HD 7k series cards) are not experiencing issues?

(note: i've noticed no issue on my 6850 which is a VLIW4)

Tedium and difficulty are not the same thing, if you don't realize this then STFU about game design.

Alexia Starfire
Drop Forged Industries
Drop Forged Alliance
#149 - 2012-06-10 00:17:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Alexia Starfire
Using a Radeon HD 5830 with updated drivers. All settings set to high. Framerate drops from a steady 60 fps to 16 fps when the missiles start flying Shocked

EDIT: Also, I noticed something interesting. At one point, I was switching between GPU particles on/off and with GPU particles turned on, the missile flare (engine burn graphic) had maybe glitched out. I was still getting the smoke trail but none of the lag. Was still running a steady 60 fps. Weird! Only happened once though.
Renegade Stars
Stellae Renascitur
#150 - 2012-07-01 11:54:22 UTC
Here is a very simple - yet what I think could solve the problem to an extent - suggestion... Why not add the effect of ship trails to missiles, instead of the encombersome smoke particles? The flares added are an improvement for players who couldnt play with GPU particles ON, since they could not see the missiles at all, without the smoke trail to indicate their position, but now it just looks like my ship is firing pixies at the enemy.

Again, my suggestion is simple:

1. Add the ship trails effect to missiles thrusters (extending for about 2-3 KMs behind the warhead)
2. Make a new checkbox for this effect, like "Missile Trails" (since there might be people who dislike trails for their ships, but want to see trails only for the missiles)
3. Keep the flares for people who, despite this, still cannot afford to run this effect.

Story-wise ( for roleplaying purposes) it can be accepted, since you can state that new technology has been incorporated into missile thruster systems that are similar to those of the ships.

Performance-wise, it should be an improvement... maybe a big one, maybe not so big (depending on everyone's computer) but still an improvement.
Arkturus McFadden
#151 - 2012-07-01 13:16:25 UTC
To the OP: What is that sound? It's the sound of epic.