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Gamma slider

Anarchy Inc.
#1 - 2012-06-29 09:48:15 UTC
I love EvE-O's graphics. but i do think space is a bit dark, there being just the one light source. Most of the time your ship is a very dark silhouette against a dark background.

I would love to have an in-game gamma slider, enabling me to make the game a little brighter without having to F*&^% up my monitor's settings.

Alternatively, having a little more ambient light (from the nebulae and stars) might also work.

.... You can't take the skies from me.

The Cuddlefish
Ethereal Dawn
#2 - 2012-06-29 16:20:08 UTC
schurem wrote:
I love EvE-O's graphics. but i do think space is a bit dark, there being just the one light source. Most of the time your ship is a very dark silhouette against a dark background.

I would love to have an in-game gamma slider, enabling me to make the game a little brighter without having to F*&^% up my monitor's settings.

Alternatively, having a little more ambient light (from the nebulae and stars) might also work.

I approve of a Gamma slider, but also, space is dark. Light is scarce, EVE is not super happy fun spaceship love online.