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Accurate star representations in skybox

Kraven Celeste
Lonely Sky Natural Resources
#1 - 2012-06-28 17:47:23 UTC
Several years ago, I think it was around the time the first set of new battlecruisers were added to the game, there was this pretty impressive feature (possibly even a bug) that when you exited the universe map the camera would zoom back down to your ship view almost seamlessly and once back at your ship the star locations of New Eden would still be on the screen. Only as points representing their location, but it was quite impressive to actually see where you were in relation to every other system. Was this a feature that was deemed too much of a system hog, or just a bug?
Steve Thomas
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2012-06-28 19:59:47 UTC
there were issues with it, one of the issue was related to "W" space and how they were going to handle that.

Basicaly the short answer is that more or less were in "Binary" systems, more speificaly ones that have specifice Stable gravitational resonances.

that tends to cause an issue in that aparently not every (and in in the real galaxy that we know in most) star systems do not have "stable" gravitational resonance with another star (the mean position of earths 1:32 gravitational resonance with the Alpha Centauri sytem moves by roughly as mutch as 785ms/s (+-180ms/s) (note: never ask someone at NASA to look something up for you because you WILL get a headake when they give you the explanation) or in english, the reason why you have Pirates is because they decided they dont need no stinkin jumpgates and can get along fine with useing normal jumpdrives to travel just fine thank you very mutch. (1 AU per sec = 500 times the speed of light)
Cruor Angelicus
#3 - 2012-06-28 20:02:23 UTC
While the seamless zoom in is now gone the accurate locations of other stars in the area are visible now :D

The Drake is a Lie

Kraven Celeste
Lonely Sky Natural Resources
#4 - 2012-06-29 00:16:16 UTC
Steve Thomas wrote:
there were issues with it, one of the issue was related to "W" space and how they were going to handle that.

Basicaly the short answer is that more or less were in "Binary" systems, more speificaly ones that have specifice Stable gravitational resonances.

that tends to cause an issue in that aparently not every (and in in the real galaxy that we know in most) star systems do not have "stable" gravitational resonance with another star (the mean position of earths 1:32 gravitational resonance with the Alpha Centauri sytem moves by roughly as mutch as 785ms/s (+-180ms/s) (note: never ask someone at NASA to look something up for you because you WILL get a headake when they give you the explanation) or in english, the reason why you have Pirates is because they decided they dont need no stinkin jumpgates and can get along fine with useing normal jumpdrives to travel just fine thank you very mutch. (1 AU per sec = 500 times the speed of light)

... Wow.
Thanks... I think :P
Steve Thomas
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2012-06-29 07:17:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Steve Thomas
dont thank me, thats the simplified version of the long answere I got a long time ago

the short version

the backstory is thatthe jumpgates that are active that we see are actualy a fraction of the ones currently in use.

Bascialy Jumpgate travel is kind of like Airlines, we use them because of (technobable involving the fact that we are podpilots) Fleets and some shipment companies use them for simular reasons, most actual "local "Starsystem to Starsystem trafic is direct flights not involving jumpgates*, and theres actualy (a lot) more jumpgates we dont see that are run by various empires/Concord/SoE/the various megacorps and others.

the reason why we are useing thoes jumpgates on mission runs/freigh runs/flying randomly through space and so on is because either the expenses are just wraped up in the "overhead" costs (crew salaries, food, air, spare parts, sanitation services, and so on) that are just handwaved away by assuming thoes are actualy payed for by the contract with our whoever our current corp actualy is and any money/loot we get over that is profit, were very good at hacking, or sometimes the guy at the gate control does not want to argue with someone who s moto may as well read "theres no sutch thing as overkill, theres "open fire" and "time to reload"

*this may have changed but basicaly at a average speed of 1AU/second thats roughly 499 times the speed of light, or in other words, earth to Alfa Centary system in under 4.5 days