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Cloaks have long cycles but must be manually activated. (No More AFK)

Idris Mandela
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-06-28 01:08:11 UTC
A suggestion just for laughs:Big smile

So we here a lot of complaining about AFK cloakers - so here is what I think could work

Give all Cloaking devices a cycle time - say 10minutes. However the downside is that they cannot be set to autocycle.

That means while it would make cloaks still viable in scouting / PvP, it also means somone who is trying to AFK cloak would have to come running back to the computer every ten minutes to restart the cloaking device.Blink
Katie Frost
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-06-28 01:56:13 UTC
Wrong forum if you want to be a comedian.

Your proposal is unorginal.

If you heard a lot of "complaining" about cloaking mechanics, please use the forum search option to determine if your idea has been posted before. You will find that it has and that it was again shot down for various reasons I will not spend time getting into.
Idris Mandela
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-06-28 01:58:05 UTC
Katie Frost wrote:
Wrong forum if you want to be a comedian.

Your proposal is unorginal.

If you heard a lot of "complaining" about cloaking mechanics, please use the forum search option to determine if your idea has been posted before. You will find that it has and that it was again shot down for various reasons I will not spend time getting into.

Yess.. because we are all oh so serious here. Roll
Bree Okanata
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-06-28 07:37:49 UTC
Fine. As long as there is a ten minute timer for being docked in a station. Also, you can't stop moving in the game. Just add in a way so every ten minutes you are randomly warped to the nearest other player. Keeps people from going AFK.
Colonel Xaven
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-06-28 09:26:13 UTC
Idris Mandela wrote:
A suggestion just for laughs:Big smile

So we here a lot of complaining about AFK cloakers - so here is what I think could work

Give all Cloaking devices a cycle time - say 10minutes. However the downside is that they cannot be set to autocycle.

That means while it would make cloaks still viable in scouting / PvP, it also means somone who is trying to AFK cloak would have to come running back to the computer every ten minutes to restart the cloaking device.Blink

Comedy idea.

Cycle ends, which means that a scout decloaks and needs re-cloaking?

Terrible idea is terrible.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#6 - 2012-06-28 15:38:12 UTC
Bree Okanata wrote:
Fine. As long as there is a ten minute timer for being docked in a station. Also, you can't stop moving in the game. Just add in a way so every ten minutes you are randomly warped to the nearest other player. Keeps people from going AFK.

Awesome Idea here!!

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#7 - 2012-06-28 22:51:34 UTC
Breaks bombers, scouts, dictors, gatecamps, hiding, recons, black ops, cloaking in general, all for no apparent reason?

Yup, it's a f&id cloaking post.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-06-28 23:53:07 UTC
Just have cloaking remove you from local.


Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#9 - 2012-06-29 00:22:56 UTC
Soulpirate wrote:
Just have cloaking remove you from local.


Shhh, this would solve the issue.

I want that bit where they get ejected from the station after 10 minutes, and randomly warped to the nearest pilot.

I will deal with pushing the cycle button on my cloak if they put that in...
Azn Empire
#10 - 2012-06-29 00:29:30 UTC
Came expecting humour, left disappointed.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.