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Monthly Ottawa Players Meet Up!

John Makaan
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2012-06-17 15:56:07 UTC  |  Edited by: John Makaan
Welcome to OTTAWA a group dedicated to EVE players living in Ottawa Ontario: the Smallest Capital in the World, habited by Polar CareBears.

We have monthly gatherings at the end of every month. We've established 6-10 people, and have already met.

Next MEET UP: Saturday July 29TH, @ 12 noon (Lone Star Texas Grill, 128 George Street)

Join "ottawa-canada" channel.
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#2 - 2012-06-27 18:48:02 UTC

see you all saturday!
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2012-06-27 22:46:41 UTC
Woohoo, ya, probably going.
Forest Baltar
Depeche Mode.
Rogue Caldari Union
#4 - 2012-09-19 01:28:50 UTC
Just a quick note:

The next Ottawa meetup will be on September 26, 2012 at the Aulde Dubliner pub on the Byward market at 2000 local time.

Contact me in game for more details, and how to get a hold of me.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2012-10-04 15:00:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Kasuko
Ok, so I have a couple of recommendations for the next EVE player meet up in Ottawa.

Now most of these recommendations could have been ignored by some action on my end but this wouldn't be the internet if I didn't blame everyone else.

  1. When hosting an EVE meetup in a busy bar in a downtown city you should have a sign or at least one person should be wearing an EVE shirt.
  2. If you don't want to announce the nerdiness of the group then please inform the wait staff that your are the group in case people come looking for you.
  3. Don't go to a place where a very large group of board game players are meeting up at the same time and same place that causes all chance of finding you impossible.
  4. When a guy walking around in a purple shirt looking like a lost idiot staring at any table with more than 3 people hoping for any resemblance of faceless people off the internet, ask him if he's looking for you. (This one is optional)

That being said, next time I'll have to take some extra steps to ensure I actually find the meetup.

P.S. This post was meant to be humorous and self deprecating and not blaming anyone but me.