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EVE General Discussion

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I would like to propose a motion

First post
Veronica Kerrigan
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-06-26 06:50:09 UTC
I would like to move to name the wanton locking of threads the Aplockolypse. All in favor say aye. All opposed say nay.
Graic Gabtar
The Lemon Party
#2 - 2012-06-26 06:53:01 UTC
I Stensson that motion.
black cree
Utopian Research I.E.L.
#3 - 2012-06-26 06:56:30 UTC
In Minority report, they can lock threads before they are even posted!
Mons Pubis Giganticus
#4 - 2012-06-26 19:33:21 UTC
You cannot propose a motion if you don't hold the floor, Senator.
Christopher Dulson
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-06-26 19:36:04 UTC

Karadion Kohlar
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-06-26 19:37:07 UTC
Savage Angel
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-06-26 19:38:02 UTC
Proposing is for wussies. Either motion or get off the ocean.

And if you call it anything, by definition that word will be banned for discussing moderation.
Denying You Access
#8 - 2012-06-26 19:38:53 UTC

Do you smell what the Lock's cooking?

Savage Angel
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2012-06-26 19:41:44 UTC
THE L0CK wrote:

Sounds too warlockish.
Denying You Access
#10 - 2012-06-26 19:43:10 UTC

Do you smell what the Lock's cooking?

#11 - 2012-06-26 19:44:42 UTC

Instead it should be referred to as "Three Billy Goats Gruff: Revenge Of the Troll" Rated M-30 (i.e. anyone over 30 doesn't really want to see this insipid crap.)

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#12 - 2012-06-26 19:45:26 UTC
THE L0CK wrote:

Doesn't roll off the tongue easily.

I thought Lockpocalyspe might work.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Denying You Access
#13 - 2012-06-26 19:46:20 UTC
Forum Wars V: Moderators strike back

Do you smell what the Lock's cooking?

Virgil Travis
Non Constructive Self Management
#14 - 2012-06-26 19:46:30 UTC
THE L0CK wrote:

I did and it warped out

Unified Church of the Unobligated - madness in the method Mamma didn't raise no victims.

Savage Angel
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2012-06-26 19:47:32 UTC
I will have to vote for Censorama. Gets the point across and sound kinda sexy too.
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#16 - 2012-06-26 19:48:19 UTC
THE L0CK wrote:
Forum Wars V: Moderators strike back

Try not to think of it as "striking back". Look at it more as "We want to work with you instead of against you".

Also, at least we can't do prequels.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Denying You Access
#17 - 2012-06-26 19:50:31 UTC
Savage Angel wrote:
I will have to vote for Censorama. Gets the point across and sound kinda sexy too.


Do you smell what the Lock's cooking?