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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Highly skilled PVP pilots wanted

Gerard Lebieux
Unified Systems Navy
#1 - 2012-06-25 03:18:30 UTC
Corporate Security Solutions is a new mercenary corp, our purpose is to FINISH our client's wars. I am the only member at this time and I'm looking for a limited number of pilots to fly with me. This is a fairly laidback corp, real life will always come first.

Key Points:

-I'm really only interested in pilots with more than 40M sp. If you feel that you are awesome enough to make up for a shortage of skills, evemail me with some proof and I'll consider it.

-We are professionals and the client comes first. We don't backstab and we're not here to burn down star systems. We are here to win other people's wars in exchange for their ISK

-Our operations can be anywhere, whether its hisec, lowsec, null or wh's. If you can't tolerate any of those places/ops, this isnt the right corp for you.

-ISK may fluctuate, this isnt a huge iskmaking venture (especially in the beginning). Have your own ways of making isk

-I dont do voice / vent / TS / whatever. It's my own personal choice and it won't change.

If all of the above checks out, hit me up and we'll talk.

Gerard Lebieux
Unified Systems Navy
#2 - 2012-06-26 16:39:13 UTC
Still looking for wingmen