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Enough! The rotten heart of the Khanid Kingdom shall be purged.

SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#21 - 2012-06-26 02:20:45 UTC
Nicoletta Mithra wrote:
I don't mean to rub it in, but in fact the Khanid Kingdom is Amarrian. To cite Her Majesty, the Empress:

"Our noble brother has [...] affirmed his belief most firm in the Word of God and the holy burden of our Empire. It is God's divine command that we today confirm the status of Kingdom of the Empire on the territories our noble and majestic brother shall continue to rule in the name of Holy Amarr."

Yeah, but like, screw the empress and what she thinks of things, can't you see that this man has rage that he needs to let loose?

While I am offending people, screw King Khanid too,what has he ever done worthy of praise?
Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#22 - 2012-06-26 11:49:53 UTC
I watch with interest, Brother.
Yaur'an Anosha-Runh
#23 - 2012-06-26 13:28:30 UTC
Aria Jenneth wrote:
(apparent) Holder Anosha-Runh,

I am curious: what does your king think of all this? Or, what do you think of him?

[Ad Nauseum]

Odelya d'Hanguest wrote:
Dear Lord Yaur’an Anosha-Runh,

are you so kind to answer some questions? Thank you.

Do you acknowledge the legitimacy of King Khanid? Or do you believe that the Khanid Race should select a leader amongst themselves?

How do you intend to bring justice to the aforementioned holders? And how do you judge them? Are you speaking upon religious grounds or political? Or both? By the authority of whom are you a rightful holder? (This depends of course on the other questions).

I will address these at the same time, as they seem to be asking rather similar things.

The Glorious King Khanid is of course a noble and just ruler and has continued in the vain of his father in continuing the Kingdoms independence, but I would question his nerve. He would be seen a servent of the Empire and her mistress and this I despise.

Yet while his blood may not be pure, he is a fit ruler and I do not seek his head only to show him through unavoidable fire that he has been swayed too far from the path and that it takes a steely hand and a will of iron to keep our nation free.

It also seems that people forget that he is the ascended heir to his throne and not the glorious leader that gave us our rightful home and this new incarnation has not the spirit of the old, so I seek not to surplant him or any such measure again I say that I am a cleanser of the Kingdom, the taints that have spread cannot be undone by good will or smooth words, only by Khanid spirit and strength forged through fire can we regain what we lost.

Malcolm Khross wrote:
"Appeased the Caldari...?"

Since when? You speak as if the State is holding you on a leash and making you do its bidding, which is entirely false. If the State had that much influence on the affairs of the Kingdom, you'd see a pretty significant change in a number of your social and economic structures and policies but the Caldari do not practice such things, we are your allies, not your task masters.

You dishonor the Kingdom, the Khanid, your king and those within the businesses and leadership of your home by speaking so careless toward them and ignoring the consequences of your protests. I urge you to reconsider the situation and seek education regarding the facts before speaking of change.

You see again the danger we face with these silver tongued words, in them lays a hidden danger. Through a thinly veiled offer of allegiance and friendship we can see what the State truly has done.

You say that you do not have much influence in our lands? Have you not seen what has become of the Kingdom in the last century Captain Khross?
We have become fat and mellow, the tainted milk from your holds has been fed to us for so long now that we merge more of your disgusting culture and ways into our own that we no longer are even a faint shadow of the warriors we once were.
Your kind have never been ones for the use of Crusade like force Caldari, your ways are far more subtle as you are not stupid and you learnt from the heathen Federation how to manipulate people while suffering from its black touch yourselves.

Finally you would try to bring guilt upon my brow by railing that my calls for change cause harm? What harm? To those who all ready have become soft and weak, that is no harm - that is my work beginning itself.

The Khanid Nation was once a race of the proud warrior kind, the dark shadow of which all peoples we encountered feared and one day it will be again.
David Toviyah
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2012-06-26 13:49:35 UTC
Shush, you abominable warmonger! Must you pester us with your zealotry even here?
Serech Ulfang
#25 - 2012-06-26 13:50:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Serech Ulfang
What all of you who believe in such a cause fail to understand is that if such a move happens anytime soon then the Kingdom and whoever support the schism is going inevitably to lose. Even if the Kingdom manages barely to gain its so called independence that will be because the Empire is spread too thin fighting the Republic and its allies, incursions and so on.

The Kingdom alone will never be able to meet the challenges against other factions alone as well. Dont forget that the Khanid has been part of the same system that has made the Empire to be despised by almost all of the factions.

Furthermore, dont forget that Khanid II and our Empress have already broken one of the most sacred rituals of the Empire, Shathol'Syn. A fact that will start emerging very soon in Empire politics and is going to bring both Khanid II and our Empress in a tough situation. Should your King try establish a rebellion towards our most beloved Empire then he immediately loses his only and most powerful ally ever.

Lady Hanaya misses entirely the point when our Empress talks about independence of the Kingdom. You see the Kingdom is considered independent because it doesnt have in most of the cities, stations, planets etc no true Amarr being responsible for running them and taking the taxes back to the Empress, which is for example the case in what happens with the Ni-Kunni and all the other social groups(most of them anyways). The Khanid have displayed their loyalty multiple times throughout the history of their presence within the Empire and have been trusted to run with their own ways, always though following the principles of the Amarr, and placing people of their choice to administrative positions.

Thus, when our Empress talks of independence she clearly means self supporting and self governing. If she would mean that the Kingdom is entirely free then it would officially no longer be part of the Empire. Her actions contradict your comprehension of her words and thus you all need to stop understanding what you want to understand and stop creating problems where they do not exist.

If you so feel that you must rebel to the only possible true allies you have, then by all means do it, after all a disease must be eradicated in its early and weak form. But know that your King will hardly try to help you or even anyone else will help you.

You have no legitimate claims and you simply wish to get strength to entertain your own personal goals, and that is exactly why you will lose such a battle.

Last but not least you ought to know that you are a disgrace to the Khanid Kingdom itself and for all which it stands for. The Empire has enough problems as it is and you are trying to get a slice of it now when we are weak. A move and an intention which is so against the Honor and Knighthood system of the Kingdom.

My advice would be to rethink your intentions, because they will be only your doom and that is something that any Amarr of any origin does not deserve.

May God be with you
Lord Ulfang
Malcolm Khross
#26 - 2012-06-26 14:02:30 UTC
Yaur'an Anosha-Runh wrote:

You say that you do not have much influence in our lands? Have you not seen what has become of the Kingdom in the last century Captain Khross?

Actually, I said we don't hold your leash. This would imply that any change to your Kingdom would have to come from a willing acceptance from those within and running it. We are certainly not commanding you to adopt any of our technology or business practices, we are not subjecting you to our laws or public policies, we are not annexing you into the State and then denying you legal representation if you don't comply. We are conducting business openly and equally with the Khanid Kingdom.

Yaur'an Anosha-Runh wrote:
We have become fat and mellow, the tainted milk from your holds has been fed to us for so long now that we merge more of your disgusting culture and ways into our own that we no longer are even a faint shadow of the warriors we once were.
Your kind have never been ones for the use of Crusade like force Caldari, your ways are far more subtle as you are not stupid and you learnt from the heathen Federation how to manipulate people while suffering from its black touch yourselves.

So you are accusing the Caldari of hypocrisy in that we practice what we claim to oppose and despise about the Federation and simultaneously branding our culture "disgusting" and everything we render (products and services) as "tainted milk?"

Never been ones to use force, we rely on subtlety? You are not a student of history, are you?

Yaur'an Anosha-Runh wrote:
Finally you would try to bring guilt upon my brow by railing that my calls for change cause harm? What harm? To those who all ready have become soft and weak, that is no harm - that is my work beginning itself.

The Khanid Nation was once a race of the proud warrior kind, the dark shadow of which all peoples we encountered feared and one day it will be again.

I urged caution and a careful consideration of your accusations, if this bred guilt within your heart then perhaps there was merit to my advice. The fact that your intention is to cause fear and dishonor the alliance between your people and a people that have always shown respect to your ways tells more of your character than anything else I could say.

Do not bother responding to me on this, I've seen enough of your character to know that you will not be convinced. You are a zealot of racial superiority.

~Malcolm Khross

Silas Vitalia
#27 - 2012-06-26 14:18:01 UTC
This subject is not for outsiders.

Sabik now, Sabik forever

Rodj Blake
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#28 - 2012-06-26 14:18:53 UTC
Silas Vitalia wrote:
This subject is not for outsiders.

You should probably keep away from it then.

Dolce et decorum est pro Imperium mori

Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#29 - 2012-06-26 14:22:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarryn Nightstorm
I didn't know they gave pod-licenses to the demonstrably senile now.What?

That, or he just decided to celebrate his new-found quasi-immortality with some really, really good Drop?

Please share next time in the latter case, alright mate?

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Leopold Caine
Stillwater Corporation
#30 - 2012-06-26 15:01:18 UTC
Yaur'an Anosha-Runh wrote:

The Glorious King Khanid is of course a noble and just ruler and has continued in the vain of his father in continuing the Kingdoms independence, but I would question his nerve. He would be seen a servent of the Empire and her mistress and this I despise.

Yaur'an Anosha-Runh wrote:

The Khanid Nation was once a race of the proud warrior kind, the dark shadow of which all peoples we encountered feared and one day it will be again.

I don't know what your sources are regarding this, but I have to seriously question their competence. The Glorious King Khanid's father was unfortunately an Imperial Heir of House Khanid and a loyal servant of the Empire. It was his son, and the actual King that secceded from the Empire.

Even without this faux pas on your side regarding common history, given that the Khanid Kingdom exists for not even a whole decade, your call for some kind of a zealot uprising for the sake of 'old proud times' is... well, hilarious at best.

Also, while still not returning full Heir rights to the King, the fact that Empress Jamyl I extended an offer of a seat on her Privy Council to King Khanid II, and he happily accepted is an obvious sign that the early dark years of the kingdom and Khanid II's fratricide are a thing of the past.

If you really need someone to fight, I'd say there are lots of candidates out there, like the Republic, Federation and Covenant I've mentioned before. There's no need to burn any bridges with the Caldari for the sake of your cyberknight pride or frustration, lord Anosha-Runh.
  • Leopold Caine, Domination Malakim

Angels are never far...

Stillwater Corporation Recruitment Open - Angel Cartel Bloc

Silas Vitalia
#31 - 2012-06-26 15:08:24 UTC
Rodj Blake wrote:

You should probably keep away from it then.

Tut-tut, Rodjy. I'm the insider on this sort of thing.

When the summit has a nice discussion about Imperial boot-licking and sycophancy we'll seek your wisdom.

Sabik now, Sabik forever

Rodj Blake
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#32 - 2012-06-26 15:40:51 UTC
Silas Vitalia wrote:
Rodj Blake wrote:

You should probably keep away from it then.

Tut-tut, Rodjy. I'm the insider on this sort of thing.

When the summit has a nice discussion about Imperial boot-licking and sycophancy we'll seek your wisdom.

You ceased to be an insider when you decided to betray your heritage.

Dolce et decorum est pro Imperium mori

Morwen Lagann
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#33 - 2012-06-26 15:47:49 UTC
Leopold Caine wrote:
Even without this faux pas on your side regarding common history, given that the Khanid Kingdom exists for not even a whole decade, your call for some kind of a zealot uprising for the sake of 'old proud times' is... well, hilarious at best.

The Kingdom has been around as an independent entity for a lot longer than a decade: nearly three hundred years, in fact. The secession was over the selection of Heideran as the Emperor, not Doriam.

Morwen Lagann

CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar

Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium

Owner, The Golden Masque

Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#34 - 2012-06-26 15:57:09 UTC
I'm pretty sure it's the same guy, though.
Silas Vitalia
#35 - 2012-06-26 15:58:36 UTC
Rodj Blake wrote:

You ceased to be an insider when you decided to betray your heritage.

Embrace more like it...

But I think you've forgotten just how far up the hierarchy we go, Blake. We're everywhere.

But let's not derail this thread any more.

Sabik now, Sabik forever

Makkal Hanaya
Revenent Defence Corperation
#36 - 2012-06-26 17:54:52 UTC
Lady Vitalia is Khanid. She may be an apostate and I hear she's wanted for arson on some planet, but unless she's formally exiled or renounces her citizenship, she's of the Kingdom.

Render unto Khanid the things which are Khanid's; and unto God the things that are God's.

Aldrith Shutaq
Atash e Sarum Vanguard
#37 - 2012-06-26 17:59:30 UTC
She is an outed Sani Sabik, both a heretic and a traitor to the three faithful nations. The Kingdom, Empire and Mandate would all like her head, I assure you.

Aldrith Ter'neth Shutaq Newelle

Fleet Captain of the Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris

Divine Commodore of the 24th Imperial Crusade

Lord Consort of Lady Mitara Newelle, Champion of House Sarum and Holder of Damnidios Para'nashu

Nicoletta Mithra
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#38 - 2012-06-26 23:10:43 UTC
Makkal Hanaya wrote:
Holy Amarr refers to the Amarrian religious body. Your Empress is affirming that God recognizes the rightful rule of Khanid II. This is a rather important point as the Reclaiming is aimed at those people who are not of Holy Amarr. Citizens of the Amarr Empire have long held the ignorant belief that Khanid's rule was less divinely ordained than that of your Emperors.

I'm happy to educate you that Holy Amarr refers to the body of the faithful, indeed. Which just is the Empire. It is for a reason that the Empress is the one that is affirming the recognition of the rule of King Khanid over his Kingdom: She is the worldly arbiter of our Lord's unfailing adjudication. Indeed, the Kingdom is thus not reclaimed: It is acknowledged that it never left the flock and always was a part of the Empire. King Khanids rule is of course less divinely ordained than the Empress': His ordination is through the Empress, hers is the direct divine mandate.

Makkal Hanaya wrote:
How odd that you're interpreting a speech in which your Empress acknowledges the Kingdom as a sovereign body as suggesting the Kingdom is part of the Empire.

From the same article: "While acknowledging the rightful reign of Jamyl I as Empress of Amarr, the Khanid Kingdom will remain an independent nation. It will continue to field its own navy, but will enjoy a pact of mutual protection with the Amarr Empire."

First: You are aware that the part you cite isn't the word of the Empress? Though it is of course true that the Kingdom remains an independent nation, it does so within the greater structure of the Empire. The sovereignty that the Kingdom has is mediated to it from the Lord of Heavenly Hosts through the Empress, though. As the citation you give says: Your King acknowledges the rightful reign of Jamyl I as Empress of Amarr - and the Kingdom is an independent nation of the Empire, a Kingdom of the Empire. Why independent? Because the Khanid nation is independent from the Amarrian nation. Still, both are united as independent nations within one Empire.

Makkal Hanaya wrote:
How can a nation be independent when it's part of an Empire? How can the Kingdom have a pact of mutual protection with the Empire if it's part of the Empire?

As I indicated above, it's quite easy to be an independent nation within an Empire. That is, because an Empire consists of a number of territories or nations, united under a single supreme authority. These territories, nations or even states can enjoy differing grades of autonomy - still they owe allegiance to this supreme authority. The Kingdom enjoys a great deal of autonomy, but still: It is the Empress who is acknowledging King Khanids reign and without her approval his reign can't be rightful. And Emperor is thus a King of Kings and the King of an Kingdom of the Empire owes allegiance to the Empire and it's monarch, the Emperor - or Empress in this case.

The Kingdom and the (other nations of the) Amarr Empire enjoy a pact of mutual protection just exactly because the Kingdom is part of the Empire and is an independent nation of the Empire with an independent navy: Just as the Ammatar Mandate enjoys such a pact and fields an independent navy, by the way. It's just part of being part of the Empire.

Makkal Hanaya wrote:
As an addendum, while your Empress' words are artful and wise, they carry no authority within our Kingdom. Please, if you wish to convince me of something, use the words of my actual ruler. I no more accept the Empress as my sovereign than a Caldari or Minmatar would.

The words of the Empress' aren't just artful and wise, they also carry authority with them wherever they go, be it within the Empire's core, the Mandate or a Kingdom of the Empire. You should be wise and accept that without objecting, as your King does so tacitly, as can be seen through the lack of any disclaimers from his side and even more so his acceptance of a seat on the privy council. While he might have said little, his actions speak loud and clear.

So, while you might dream your secessionist dreams, reality won't change for you: The Kingdom is under the uniting roof of the Empire, as it should be.
Mardon Hashur
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#39 - 2012-07-23 23:14:41 UTC
Your mind is rotten! It is the empire who lifted us up into glory. If it was not for the empire who would be a relic of history and not a thriving society. The only real difference between us and the empire is King Khanid II would not commit the suicide the custom demanded.

Sincerly Mardon Hashur

Amaki Mai
#40 - 2012-07-24 03:28:32 UTC
Serve the Empress! The destiny of the Kingdom lies within follow Her word where it leads us.

I won't argue that there is foul corruption amongst the Holders in the Kingdom, but don't blame our allies the Caldari! The State has little enough 'milk' to go around that it can afford to waste it spendthriftly on a neighbour. They spend all that they have on their struggle against their neighbours and what little they can spare, they commit to the fight against the Matari.

Look to your own house, my Lord. See to your Holding and make sure it is pure. Make sure that you are not one of the corrupt Holders that spit on the honour of our dear Kingdom.
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