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Issues, Workarounds & Localization

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Cannot Start Launcher - can this be due to my location?

#1 - 2012-06-26 14:53:36 UTC
I'm on jury duty. We are permitted to bring our laptops and there is wifi here. I tried to launch Eve, but got a whole bunch of errors with a message to try to restart or use the repair tool. I tried to use the repair tool (after attempting to restart to no avail), but got an error. Eve worked fine on this computer last night, at home. I'm assuming this may be a problem related to the wifi here in the courthouse. When I go to browse the internet, certain sites bring up some kind of court information page instead of the intended destination. Maybe whatever is causing that is interfering with the launcher?

Is there any way around this? Or is it just a coincidence and I am totally off base and there's a problem with my Eve files which the repair tool cannot handle? Any suggestions would be helpful.

No good deed goes unpunished

Solid Rockz
Guys With Strippers
#2 - 2012-06-26 21:33:50 UTC
i'm getting this same issue right now ... eve won't work for me except for at home