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Clothes from Nex store

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2011-10-06 12:51:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Mereen
/edit1 "problem" solved by relog

/edit2 Thanks for the reply Aston!

I am reposting this, for the context and maybe someone else has a similar issue later:

Was on the test server and wanted to try the clothes of the Nex store. You can get these for 100 ISK each on the markets on Sisi.
So I bought all pieces. I could see them by clicking on "items" in station. However, they did not show up after I clicked on the mirror (except the Quafe t-shirt which I already had for whatever reason).
I tried to "activate" the clothes by left-, right-, doublecklicking and pulling on various icons. No success, still not there in customization screen.

I thought I might be doing something wrong, and posted here, after I found nothing with search engines.

Relogged -> all options there (and I edited the text away here in my 1st edit).

Maybe this is a Sisi specific issue (was alone in Great Wildlands I think and the system and markets just loaded), might not be relevant for Tranquility (didnt try Nex clothes there yet), maybe I didnt wait long enough, whatever...
Aston Bradley
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2011-10-06 13:11:04 UTC
I am not sure on how it happens in SiSI.

But in tranquility you can wear them just fine and they stay in your item storage. That part is normal as if they disappear from your items you can't sell them for isks. So the fact that you still have them as items is normal.

You should be able to see them in the customization however. But i know some clothe parts can be hard to find. For exemple i bough the military shirt, and i expected to find them in the "tops" folder, but it wasn't there at all. I finally found it in a the coat or something similar folder.

So check all folders, they should be there somewhere. If not than that is a bug on the test server.

[i]FiS should be the priority, but WiS should not be burried!

Don't encourage CCP to make empty promises or Incarna will happen again![/i]

Caldari Provisions
#3 - 2011-10-06 14:37:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Kilrayn
Mereen, if you could, please repost your issue. It is likely that other new players may have a similar issue. Leaving the issue intact can possibly save others the trouble of having to make a new post. Thank you. Big smile

Edit: Added smile to OP

"Music is a mysterious thing. Sometimes it makes people remember things they do not expect. Many thoughts, feelings, memories... things almost forgotten... Regardless of whether the listener desires to remember or not." - Citan Uzuki, Xenogears

Splashgame Operators
#4 - 2011-10-07 21:49:18 UTC
I had the same problem, not being able to find my item

'Womens Sterling Top Olive'

Finally found it in 'Mid layer'


------------------------------ carpe aeterna diem
