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Character Bazaar

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

WTS 6 Mill SP Hulk Pilot

Amarr Empire
#1 - 2012-06-24 20:13:07 UTC
Hulk Pilot

6 million Sp
+ Wallet/Sec status
I pay CCP transfar fee
Located In Amarr high sec space
+4 Memory and Intelligence Implants
1 Remap available now + 1 bonus remap

Skill Sheet :
Actual SP is 5.900.000 on 24th June @ 8 PM
Will be 1 week from exhumers 5 when auction ends
Will be in NPC corp 24hours from now

Auction will run until 1st june
Account ends on the 2nd
Bidding starts @ 1.5bill
Reserve hidden
Decent B/O Takes Ka'Lok as soon as its made, if one is made before the 1st.
The gods really do look down on this guy.

24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-06-24 20:14:27 UTC
Confirming I get ISK
Chris TheGreekOnes
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2012-06-24 20:16:27 UTC
Crimzin wrote:
Confirming I get ISK

Against the rules bud, isk should go to toon your selling then you transfer it out...
I'm Sorry Shoot What?
The Weekend Warriors
#4 - 2012-06-24 20:47:27 UTC  |  Edited by: GOVB
retracted, other char bought
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-06-24 21:47:09 UTC
"Crimzin wrote:
Confirming I get ISK

Against the rules bud, isk should go to toon your selling then you transfer it out... "

Got it.

Thanks for Bid GOVB

Highest Bid is 2 bill
Deadshine Morningstar
Black Ops Syndicate
#6 - 2012-06-25 20:26:01 UTC
keeping tags though i cant match 2 bil sadly
Vaemon Anthonille
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2012-06-25 22:50:42 UTC
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2012-06-26 00:26:06 UTC
Thanks for bids guys,

Stasis period is over.

2.1 Bill highest bid from :

Vaemon Anthonille
Vaemon Anthonille
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2012-06-26 00:27:10 UTC
Awesome. I have the money ready in game if you'll post on the character being sold here.
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2012-06-26 00:45:57 UTC  |  Edited by: KA'LOK
Posting to show account is active,

Vaemon Anthonille
Posted: 2012.06.26 00:27

Awesome. I have the money ready in game if you'll post on the character being sold here.

Thanks for your offer, Im currently waiting for reply to a 3 Bill B/O Ingame, tho the mail was from over 24 Hours ago I had missed as I was just looking at forum.

Currently your the highest bidder @ 2.1 Bill
Vaemon Anthonille
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2012-06-26 00:48:39 UTC
ah I got you. my mistake, thought you were calling the auction. I have a toon I'm looking to buy but I'd rather have yours. 2.7 b/o if you are ready right now.
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2012-06-26 03:22:58 UTC
Char sold for 3 Bill.