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Visiting Low Sec

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-06-24 19:10:31 UTC
Hey guys,

My primary toons are in WH space, but I have always wanted to see other parts of this game. I pretty much went from LVL 4s with Caldari navy to a C1, C2, C3 and now a C4. But I rarely went to low sec or null sec for that matter. So now I have this new toon that I am pretty much only going to use for very casual play in low sec, most ratting and moving about. But would should I expect out there? How does one survive being in an NPC corp out in low sec? Can it even be done? Should I try to make friends to keep myself secure? Thank you for you insight. *sigh* here comes the trolls also.
Dek Screek
Entropic Tactical Crew
#2 - 2012-06-24 19:36:21 UTC
I find Low sec is perfect for lonely wolf.
Risks are lows, beside the crossroad systems to hi-sec and some main low sec hub, deep low sec is pretty quiet, just getting used to dscan and basics of moving in non safe systems.
And don't have to deal with the logistic problems of 0.0.
I live most of the time in low sec doing explorations and when I want to change I go for some raid in 0.0.

Pinstar Colton
Sweet Asteroid Acres
#3 - 2012-06-25 14:23:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Pinstar Colton
The more time you spend in a specific area in low, the better you'll get to know the inhabitants. Making friends? Maybe, maybe not. You might get a corp offer when they see you in an NPC corp. Even if you don't befriend the locals, you'll at least start to get a feel for where they operate and when, so you can adapt your own patterns to avoid gate camps.

I agree that deep low sec is quiet most of the time as long as you remain vigilant. Finding a good, quiet and safe border system into high sec is also key if you intend to visit high sec from time to time to sell or resupply. Some of the border systems are chokepoint systems and almost always camped. Others are off the beaten path and are just as quiet as the deeper systems.

Either way, I think life in low sec is worth it. It makes your day-to-day activites more interesting and the lack of traffic (compared to high sec systems) Presents unique opportunities that you won't find in high. I've been living in low for several months and, despite losing the occasional ship, don't regret it for one moment.

In the cat-and-mouse game that is low sec, there is no shame in learning to be a better mouse.