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Block/report isk spammer on keyword

Rhi Tehn
Jester's Fleet
Jester's Alliance
#1 - 2012-06-23 23:07:49 UTC
Could we have a block on keyword/Isk Spammer on keyword function?

"thats it, I'm done with this game, take my isk, whoever wants it... etc etc etc" seen "done with this game" Block - Reason: Scammer
seen "w w w . i s k s e l l e r s i t e . c o m" Report Isk Seller - Reason Isk Seller

perhaps others can think of other uses, expand on the idea?

Simi Kusoni
#2 - 2012-06-23 23:24:58 UTC
Rhi Tehn wrote:
Could we have a block on keyword/Isk Spammer on keyword function?

"thats it, I'm done with this game, take my isk, whoever wants it... etc etc etc" seen "done with this game" Block - Reason: Scammer
seen "w w w . i s k s e l l e r s i t e . c o m" Report Isk Seller - Reason Isk Seller

perhaps others can think of other uses, expand on the idea?

You realise scamming is allowed, right?

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Rhi Tehn
Jester's Fleet
Jester's Alliance
#3 - 2012-06-24 01:24:17 UTC
Yep. Thats why none of my post was marking the scammer out as petitionable/bannable/attackable/anything elseable. It was just taking a common scammer-used phrase, and blocking he who says it without requiring any intervention from me.

Scamming is allowed, but still not enjoyable. I dont believe it adds anything productive to my game, just cause its allowed by CCP, doesnt mean I have to sit there and endure it, I block the scammers anyway, and such a feature will same me constantly Mis-Blocking, I dont enjoy having my intelligence insulted, and I want to also block they that sit in the channel yelling "SCAMMER!!!" at the offender. This is almost as annoying as the scammer himself.

My son plays this game, and the other three kids enjoy watching over his shoulder... so as a parent, I can block a host of other (also allowed) profanity, that I dont enjoy having my kids repeat in the family home.

Just thinking about it, we could use the reverse, where the feature HIGHLIGHTS a keyword... maybe the client could sit there chirping a couple of times, sounding off when it sees a keyword... I could, say, monitor recruitment channel waiting for "AU TZ" and the client could bold up the entry, and buzz a couple of times, perhaps...
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#4 - 2012-06-24 11:11:39 UTC
Just minimise jita local.

It's not like you won't get a stupid amount of false positives with this kind of system.