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Succeeding in Gallente Mlitia. A Journey and A Process.

Deen Wispa
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#1 - 2012-06-23 18:35:54 UTC
Hello- For those who do not know me, up until a few days ago, I served as the Vice CEO and director for my Gal Mil PVP corp, Screaming War Eagles Inc. I have recently stepped down to move onto other ventures and do a little freelancing before I decide what to do next.

For the past 6 months, I have accumulated a wealth of experience and insight into not only Faction Warfare but the state and inner workings of Gal Mil. There are tons of blogs and information on the Minmatar/Amarr side, but we rarely get a glimpse into the Caldari/Gallente side unless it's another trolling threadnaught.

As I move on to other projects, I have taken the time to write several articles on Gal Mil and what it takes to succeed. As the title of this thread suggest, it is an interesting journey and process. My blog is found here;

With Inferno here, I find that GalMil is now outnumbered and fighting for its survival on a daily basis against what I consider to be a strong fighting (and farming) machine in the Caldari. My how times have changed.

Like most people, I believe the militia is simply a coalition of corps who all have their own motivations and agenda. We are not a nullsec alliance with a space overlord leading us. As such, it can be challenging to agree on tactics and an overall strategy. In absence of a space overlord telling us what to do, I have taken the liberty to write and share information that I believe any Gal Mil pilot and corp needs to know. The information is especially aimed at the up and comers with the hope of bringing on rising stars within Gal Mil.

Here are a few recent entries;

Gallente Militia: The Landscape and Warzone. An overview of the current warzone along with insight as to where corps should consider basing out of and why.

Who's Who of Gallente Corps. Becoming One A list of established corporations as well as a few tips of becoming one yourself

One Hour Interview and podcast. A corpmate and I were interviewed by Tactical Entertainment TV. It's an Eve Fansite and apparently gets as much traffic as Eve News 24. They noticed our performance in Faction Warfare especially in light of the fact that we are completely new to FW and PVP and I was asked to go on their show and share my thoughts on FW and succeeding in it.

Mekhana's Quickstart guide to Gal Mil. An oldie but goodie thread that every noob should read.


During my tenure, I was involved in every aspect of the corp. This included diplomacy issues, developing intelligence, creating corp fittings, recruitment strategies, member retention, and more. We doubled our kills every month for 4 months straight since joining FW and eventually topped out at third most kills in militia only behind Qcats and SOTF. So we beat SLAPD once but only once :)

I can safely say that few other newbie FW PVP corp in all 4 factions grew as fast as we did and I attribute alot of that to the tactics and strategies I put in place. While Vice CEO was my title, I was basically the corp strategist who dictated tactics and strategy. In a way that alot of combat pilots take pride in their killboard, I took alot of pride in developing an understanding of every facet of running a successful corp. Something, that quite frankly, most corp CEOs are clueless of.

Side Note and Comments:

I joined FW because I wanted to become a better combat pilot. That's definitely still and will always be a work in progress. And within the context of aspiring to become a better combat pilot, I give alot of credit to not just the FW arena, but Gal Mil as well. This includes the various senior pilots, FCs, and corporations who were willing to work with a completely newbie corp like mine and let us grow. That says alot considering Gal Mil hasn't always been the most inclusive militia. Gal Mil has become a home for me and I have enjoyed the camarderie and teamwork along with all the personalities. I'd like to see the tradition continue with more corporations raising their 'A' game and bringing it on a weekly basis.

I am certain that these current and future articles I will be publishing will help any Gal Mil corp succeed if they learn to process the information in a thoughtful manner. While it's great to have the household names, we really do need more corporations and rising stars in this new era. I hope you'll become one.

PS- Another new FW blog covering the Gallente side as well. Minuteman Kirk's blog

PPS- If you're the director/CEO of a Gal Mil corp and need some advice or insight, look me up on comms and I'm happy to share freely and talk shop.

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

Sominus Nexus
Guldan Age Stories
Federation Front Line
#2 - 2012-06-23 18:47:37 UTC
Deen! you left militia?
Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#3 - 2012-06-23 19:19:47 UTC
He just left war eagles as they are on the brink of failcascade. We come for vlil so he knows he cannot stop the inevitable. Big smile
#4 - 2012-06-23 21:17:56 UTC
Sorry to see you go. As a CEO, I thought it was nice to see a new corp build up with-in the Gal Militia from the ground up. It's very tough to compete with established PVP corps for recruitment with-in FW. Something I know all to well from building our corp in Caldari Militia, so I give props to anyone that can succeed in building a active corp with so much competition.

Our own corp has built up in FW and is still very young and growing, but it's been very hard work and a lot of frustration at times. We had to start out recruiting brand new players even guys on trial accounts & anyone we could stick in a Thrasher just to build numbers to try and get active players to compete with the Gal Jesus Blob.

I hope that the sliding balance of power to the Caldari side doesn't make too much of the Gal side go inactive. While it's fun to bash the other guys heads in and kick them while they are down, it's also fun to have people to shoot at that shoot back, specially as our corp is coming into it's prime.

Red Teufel
#5 - 2012-06-23 21:55:53 UTC
the end game is out in null ;)
Little Willies
#6 - 2012-06-23 22:37:24 UTC
Good luck in your future ventures Deen :) I'm sure I'll be seeing you around !
Shadow Adanza
Gold Crest Salvage
#7 - 2012-06-23 22:46:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Shadow Adanza
Deen Wispa wrote:

With Inferno here, I find that GalMil is now outnumbered and fighting for its survival on a daily basis against what I consider to be a strong fighting (and farming) machine in the Caldari. My how times have changed.

The large number of Caldari Missioners became an asset with the rewards for plexing and the ease with which it can be done.
That and we steered quite a few corps away from the Gallente to the Caldari to try to even out the numbers. XP

Hope you find something you enjoy doing, man.

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Commissar Veldt
Progressive State
#8 - 2012-06-23 22:51:56 UTC
Sounds like you made quite a success out of your time in militia Deen.
Congratulations and good luck with future ventures.
David Campbell
Primas Custos
#9 - 2012-06-24 02:21:43 UTC
I hope you'll stay in the Gal Militia. It would be a real loss to see you go as you've always been helpful, and a good source of advice for the guys in the general militia channel. I should know, you've helped me a couple of times with fittings and strategies when I first joined.

Anyway, good luck with your adventures, and good hunting.
Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#10 - 2012-06-24 06:53:50 UTC
So dean, when are wareagles going to fight? All this talking up of wareagles and we still get blueballed with even numbers (or we caldari are even outnumbred) on a regular basis. Sitting in vlil local smacking for 30 minutes and still no fight. Sad
Sean Parisi
Blackrise Vanguard
#11 - 2012-06-24 07:47:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Sean Parisi
Screaming War Eagles? I heard they were good at sending fresh meat to be slaughtered. I can still hear their screams, their cries and their tears. I fear that one day the universe will be filled with their tears and that I will drown.
Little Willies
#12 - 2012-06-24 14:50:03 UTC
Super Chair wrote:
So dean, when are wareagles going to fight? All this talking up of wareagles and we still get blueballed with even numbers (or we caldari are even outnumbred) on a regular basis. Sitting in vlil local smacking for 30 minutes and still no fight. Sad

Super Chair you are bad.
Level Up
#13 - 2012-06-24 14:59:07 UTC
Why my 1 man corp is not on your corps list.

Level up did a lot for ze federation,and have been here since start of this broken feature.

Big smile

My youtube chanell:

Deen Wispa
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#14 - 2012-06-24 21:44:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Deen Wispa
Mutnin wrote:
Sorry to see you go. As a CEO, I thought it was nice to see a new corp build up with-in the Gal Militia from the ground up. It's very tough to compete with established PVP corps for recruitment with-in FW. Something I know all to well from building our corp in Caldari Militia, so I give props to anyone that can succeed in building a active corp with so much competition.

Our own corp has built up in FW and is still very young and growing, but it's been very hard work and a lot of frustration at times. We had to start out recruiting brand new players even guys on trial accounts & anyone we could stick in a Thrasher just to build numbers to try and get active players to compete with the Gal Jesus Blob.

I hope that the sliding balance of power to the Caldari side doesn't make too much of the Gal side go inactive. While it's fun to bash the other guys heads in and kick them while they are down, it's also fun to have people to shoot at that shoot back, specially as our corp is coming into it's prime.

The feeling is mutual Mutnin. You articulated the challenges of growing not just a new FW corp but a new PVP corp from the ground up very well. I grew a small 15 man indy corp to a 100 man corp in a few months in my first stint in EVE. I actually wanted to take on the challenge of growing a new FW PVP corp from the ground up just to see if I could do it by applying similar strategies and tactics. I've done the best I can and would like to move on to other things.

I hope to share some of these growing pains within my articles and will explore other angles of being within Gal Mil in future entries. I am glad to see guys like Jacky and others from SQUIDS represent the big fleet fights that are occuring on a nightly basis. You've peaked at just the right time.

I am just currently freelancing within FDU for now. It gives me the freedom to do stuff outside of the militia such as roaming more freely and doing non FW related activity without being concerned about leadership duties or responsibilities to a space guild. It's good to see former corpmates such as Labceh move onto bigger and better organized pvp as well. That guy could heropoint the hell out of anything and survive to tell the story. Tengu pilots beware :)

I hope to see more Gallente corps step up and meet the challenges of fighting the Caldari post Inferno. And if there are any Minmatar corps who crave fleet fights on a nightly basis that doesn't include thrashers, here are 3 rounds of Gal/Cal from last night alone to whet your appetite. This occurs on a nightly basis. Feel free to make the move up here Minnies. We only have so many FCs to spare and any additional help in the form of FCs and competent corps are always welcomed.

Round 1- The fight in Ashitsu.

Gallente was busy buster bunking in the northern Black Rise area. We had just finished the 2nd bunker when we got intel of a 15-man Squid Nano BC/Logi gang coming for us. As soon as we finished the bunker, we warped straight to the gate where the gang would come from. Local spiked and a traditional Gallente armor vs Caldari nano gang ensued. This is the BR. We could've killed another Basi or two but some of us were splitting points b/w FlyingHotPocket and a FlyingLeanPocket Basi alts. I suspect this is not the first time that Pocket has used this strategy of similar named alts to his advantage :)

We held the field but now a new 50 man Squid Gang was reported several jumps away. Our hearts just stopped. Because for any Gal Mil pilot who had been around for awhile, you know that a 50 man Squid gang is unheard of. This single piece of intel alone really signifies a new era in the Gallente/Caldari war. No longer would we be fighting 10 man kitchen sink cruiser gangs. The Federation would have to constantly deal with these types of gangs on a weekly basis and find a counter while being outnumbered now.

Round 2- The fight in Eha

We knew we couldn't take this so we started looking for a new route home and started running like a boss with shear adrenaline pumping through our veins and drake loot in our ships. Luckily, we got word of a Gallente gang comprised of long range Battleships coming to meet them on the battlefield. The Gallente armada included a fleet comp of Nano Pest, Scimis, and T2 support. This fight would occur in Eha- home to several Caldari corporations and apparently Amarrian Retribution now.

I was not there for this battle but so I don't know what tactics were employed. But it is obvious that the Caldari held the field triumphantly.

Round 3- Bust a bunker busting fleet. The fight in Hirri

Having licked our wounds from Round 2, we were gearing up for Round 3. Gavin Goodrich was leading a buster bunking fleet consisting of Ravens and drakes meant to induce a fight. The Gallente armada would counter with a setup of Amarr Battleships, Proteuses, and Guardians.

Amarr Victor.

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#15 - 2012-06-25 00:09:19 UTC
The ashitsu, eha and hirri fights were fun. Big smile It's a shame you left the wareagles, really, because there is no one to herd and lead the wareagles into battle now. They can only cower at the sight of any caldari gang that comes their way. You're one of the few wareagles that would engage a solo caldari pilot without waiting for ship size or numbers superiority. Props for that.
Little Willies
#16 - 2012-06-25 00:53:21 UTC
Super Chair wrote:
The ashitsu, eha and hirri fights were fun. Big smile It's a shame you left the wareagles, really, because there is no one to herd and lead the wareagles into battle now. They can only cower at the sight of any caldari gang that comes their way. You're one of the few wareagles that would engage a solo caldari pilot without waiting for ship size or numbers superiority. Props for that.

Did you forget about Zu Tsang...
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#17 - 2012-06-25 05:31:40 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
Super Chair wrote:
The ashitsu, eha and hirri fights were fun. Big smile It's a shame you left the wareagles, really, because there is no one to herd and lead the wareagles into battle now. They can only cower at the sight of any caldari gang that comes their way. You're one of the few wareagles that would engage a solo caldari pilot without waiting for ship size or numbers superiority. Props for that.
Show us on the doll where the War Eagle touched you. Big smile You should see what happens in Eha when you're not online.... nothing. Your scrubs, err, alliance mates, never undock unless you're there to FC them.

In any case, nice writeup Deen. Well done.
Bezerk'ah Vulkan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#18 - 2012-06-27 22:47:28 UTC
Super Chair wrote:
....that would engage a solo caldari pilot without waiting for ship size or numbers superiority. Props for that.

Nave Drallig
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#19 - 2012-06-28 04:35:50 UTC
Deen Wispa wrote:
Mutnin wrote:
Sorry to see you go. As a CEO, I thought it was nice to see a new corp build up with-in the Gal Militia from the ground up. It's very tough to compete with established PVP corps for recruitment with-in FW. Something I know all to well from building our corp in Caldari Militia, so I give props to anyone that can succeed in building a active corp with so much competition.

Our own corp has built up in FW and is still very young and growing, but it's been very hard work and a lot of frustration at times. We had to start out recruiting brand new players even guys on trial accounts & anyone we could stick in a Thrasher just to build numbers to try and get active players to compete with the Gal Jesus Blob.

I hope that the sliding balance of power to the Caldari side doesn't make too much of the Gal side go inactive. While it's fun to bash the other guys heads in and kick them while they are down, it's also fun to have people to shoot at that shoot back, specially as our corp is coming into it's prime.

The feeling is mutual Mutnin. You articulated the challenges of growing not just a new FW corp but a new PVP corp from the ground up very well. I grew a small 15 man indy corp to a 100 man corp in a few months in my first stint in EVE. I actually wanted to take on the challenge of growing a new FW PVP corp from the ground up just to see if I could do it by applying similar strategies and tactics. I've done the best I can and would like to move on to other things.

I hope to share some of these growing pains within my articles and will explore other angles of being within Gal Mil in future entries. I am glad to see guys like Jacky and others from SQUIDS represent the big fleet fights that are occuring on a nightly basis. You've peaked at just the right time.

I am just currently freelancing within FDU for now. It gives me the freedom to do stuff outside of the militia such as roaming more freely and doing non FW related activity without being concerned about leadership duties or responsibilities to a space guild. It's good to see former corpmates such as Labceh move onto bigger and better organized pvp as well. That guy could heropoint the hell out of anything and survive to tell the story. Tengu pilots beware :)

I hope to see more Gallente corps step up and meet the challenges of fighting the Caldari post Inferno. And if there are any Minmatar corps who crave fleet fights on a nightly basis that doesn't include thrashers, here are 3 rounds of Gal/Cal from last night alone to whet your appetite. This occurs on a nightly basis. Feel free to make the move up here Minnies. We only have so many FCs to spare and any additional help in the form of FCs and competent corps are always welcomed.

Round 1- The fight in Ashitsu.

Gallente was busy buster bunking in the northern Black Rise area. We had just finished the 2nd bunker when we got intel of a 15-man Squid Nano BC/Logi gang coming for us. As soon as we finished the bunker, we warped straight to the gate where the gang would come from. Local spiked and a traditional Gallente armor vs Caldari nano gang ensued. This is the BR. We could've killed another Basi or two but some of us were splitting points b/w FlyingHotPocket and a FlyingLeanPocket Basi alts. I suspect this is not the first time that Pocket has used this strategy of similar named alts to his advantage :)

We held the field but now a new 50 man Squid Gang was reported several jumps away. Our hearts just stopped. Because for any Gal Mil pilot who had been around for awhile, you know that a 50 man Squid gang is unheard of. This single piece of intel alone really signifies a new era in the Gallente/Caldari war. No longer would we be fighting 10 man kitchen sink cruiser gangs. The Federation would have to constantly deal with these types of gangs on a weekly basis and find a counter while being outnumbered now.

Round 2- The fight in Eha

We knew we couldn't take this so we started looking for a new route home and started running like a boss with shear adrenaline pumping through our veins and drake loot in our ships. Luckily, we got word of a Gallente gang comprised of long range Battleships coming to meet them on the battlefield. The Gallente armada included a fleet comp of Nano Pest, Scimis, and T2 support. This fight would occur in Eha- home to several Caldari corporations and apparently Amarrian Retribution now.

I was not there for this battle but so I don't know what tactics were employed. But it is obvious that the Caldari held the field triumphantly.

Round 3- Bust a bunker busting fleet. The fight in Hirri

Having licked our wounds from Round 2, we were gearing up for Round 3. Gavin Goodrich was leading a buster bunking fleet consisting of Ravens and drakes meant to induce a fight. The Gallente armada would counter with a setup of Amarr Battleships, Proteuses, and Guardians.

Amarr Victor.

Jesus that was a fun fight. at points in Hirri reminded me of the scene in Return of the Jedi with the Imperial Fleet firing point blank into the rebel fleet and vice versa. best part i was in a hookbill tackling big stuff and hunting INT's just going holy shiat!!. and ill be sad to see you go Deen. ran from your war eagle gangs out by Vill a few times.