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Go ahead CCP, listen to the people in the "make null virbant again" thread

First post
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#241 - 2012-06-21 19:20:49 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
L5s are apparently barely run, so their impact on the economy is negiligible...

Totally untrue. Whoever told you this is a liar and you are an idiot for believing them.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#242 - 2012-06-21 19:27:23 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Totalrx wrote:
Sigh -

The situation with Null Sec being dead is not CCP's fault.

It's not the fault of high sec players either.

Null Sec is almost 100% player influenced. Null Sec is in the shape it's in due to the player corps & alliances that control Null Sec regions.

The question really shouldn't be about CCP or high sec. It should be:

Since the null sec players control the null sec regions, what can these corps and alliances do to make null sec more vibrant and appealing?

Until these corps and alliances do something about the situation themselves rather than complain and whine, then nothing will change. That space belongs to them. What they do with it belongs to them. How they promote it is up to them.

Null Sec is boring? Guess what - Null Sec corps and alliances made it that way. The game mechanics are working as intended. Why should CCP do anything to that aspect of the game since it's not broken. Your online experience is borked though, but that's not CCP's problem.

Fine. We'll reduce all hi-sec facilities by 98% and then if there are problems in hi-sec ITS THE PLAYERS FAULT

Since this would make a bottleneck in production that would make losses all the more severe and difficult to recover from due to a lower amount of finished products, wouldn't that just make the relative risk of highsec even more appealing?
Shea Valerien
House of Valerien
#243 - 2012-06-21 19:34:52 UTC
Richard Desturned wrote:
Nick Bete wrote:
Why do you hive mind geniuses of the goonies care? Let everyone play the damned game as they see fit.

We don't care if you move to nullsec or not. We do care, however, that actually living in nullsec (i.e. not just logging in your nullsec PvP main for fleets, but actually living there) is simply not worth the extra effort and risk compared to making ISK with a hisec l4 alt.

Also answer the other question I asked.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Hi-sec is fine as is.

Ignore the goonies metagaming.
lord xavier
Rubbed Out
#244 - 2012-06-21 19:48:21 UTC
High security space sucks. You fight NPCs, maybe get ganked if your stupid, mine and most people just sit in NPC corps to avoid wardecs. You are pretty much avoiding the larger aspect to this sandbox.

1: Nerf the mission rewards and cut bounties on NPCs for missions.

2: Cut the amount of 'roids in belts. Make people have to move around to mine if they are going to do that. make them give an effort.

3: NPC corp should be for the first 30 days of a character. After that force people into a NPC corp that can be wardec'd. To allow character transfers, put characters on transfer into the current NPC corps. Give them 48 hours upon receiving the character to put it into their own corporation before pushing it into a WDable NPC. Kicked from corp? Apply last method.

4: Beef up lowsec. Let it have more benefits.

5: More 0.0 NPC systems. Let people be able to move out into NPC space not do the fighting of trying to take NPC space. I have seen alot of fail adventuring corps go into nullsec, pushed back into lowsec and eventually some gave up and stayed in high sec.

Null sec is fine if you want to do large-scale PVP. But, I think low-sec needs more of a buff to make it more appealing to live.

Overall, eve is player run. The players make the places what they are. All CCP can do is implent things that make users want to live in those places.
NA No Assholes
#245 - 2012-06-21 19:48:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Totalrx
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:

Hi, read this post on Page 1 I made, which explains the limitations that the current 0.0 infrastructure imposes on making it more appealing to outsiders. You can feel free to come back with your bitter rhetoric afterwards though.

I'm not actually bitter.

I read the post and you made very good points, but you missed something. I'll use this example:

Say you sell your house and move to some unsettled & unclaimed territory in the world. You have the ability to make your own laws, policies, etc

The drawback is that you have to do everything from scratch.

Meanwhile, back in the civilized world, people don't have to work as hard at it and, more people flock to the civilized part of the world than they do to your new area.

Until you make your area easier for them to do what they want to do, only the hardcore folks will come to your territory.

Same in Eve.

You can't force people to do something they don't enjoy doing. No matter how you try to sell it to them, until you make it worth their while on their terms (not yours) they will stay where they feel it most fits them.

There is something that CCP could do for Null Sec Corps and Alliances, and it's something I suggested years ago:

Agent Rental in POS.

People could rent mission agents for their Null Sec POS. The monthly rental fee would be more expensive the higher the agent level. Players from new to vet could run the missions in Null Sec where PVP has a much greater chance of occurring. Corps would be responsible for footing a percentage of the mission reward.

Of course, this will not appeal to everyone as getting blown up in a mission is not everyone's cup f tea, but it would make Null Sec more of an interesting place.

Null Sec Corps and Alliances could set up mission system with their own players taking duty shifts as the "Concord" in those systems.

Could also add in an LP store rental.

It just depends on how easy the Null Sec Corps and Alliances want their job to be.

Or, in this case, how hard they want it for the ones in High Sec to be.

In my experience and in my opinion, the Null Sec Corps and Alliances can create their own laws, systems, and influence the economy on their own as well. It just depends on how much effort they collectively put into it that reflects how successful they are.

CCP never complained to the FTC that Blizzard should change WoW so more WoW players would have to come to Eve.

Business is business. Succeed or Fail.

Null Sec reflects this better than any other area or any other game out there.....and you want to change that??!?!
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#246 - 2012-06-21 20:27:28 UTC
Talon SilverHawk wrote:
If 80% of subs disappeared you won't have a game.

80% of the subs aren't pure hisec, hth.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#247 - 2012-06-21 20:32:25 UTC
Mfume Apocal wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
L5s are apparently barely run, so their impact on the economy is negiligible...

Totally untrue. Whoever told you this is a liar and you are an idiot for believing them.

Okay, so they're run, then. I haven't heard any indications from CCP's economist (or anyone at CCP for that matter) that L5s are as problematic as f.ex incursions used to be.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Simi Kusoni
#248 - 2012-06-21 20:38:33 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Okay, so they're run, then. I haven't heard any indications from CCP's economist (or anyone at CCP for that matter) that L5s are as problematic as f.ex incursions used to be.

Yeah, level 5s are still run.

I was in Aridia recently, the only systems that ever had people in were the systems with level 5 agents.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Hauling Hal
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#249 - 2012-06-21 21:21:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Hauling Hal
Lord Zim wrote:
Talon SilverHawk wrote:
If 80% of subs disappeared you won't have a game.

80% of the subs aren't pure hisec, hth.

Well, 5% of the subs online are in 1 system in hisec at any point in time.

p.s. It's JIta.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#250 - 2012-06-21 21:29:47 UTC
I don't see an issue: let CCP do what they ask for 3 months. Then we'll see what happens Twisted with the subscriptions base and CCP will be able to take their own conclusions.
Simi Kusoni
#251 - 2012-06-21 21:41:33 UTC
Hauling Hal wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
Talon SilverHawk wrote:
If 80% of subs disappeared you won't have a game.

80% of the subs aren't pure hisec, hth.

Well, 5% of the subs online are in 1 system in hisec at any point in time.

p.s. It's JIta.

Set all the major low sec and null sec corps red.

Look at Jita local.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Alavaria Fera
#252 - 2012-06-21 22:08:00 UTC
Simi Kusoni wrote:
Hauling Hal wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
Talon SilverHawk wrote:
If 80% of subs disappeared you won't have a game.

80% of the subs aren't pure hisec, hth.

Well, 5% of the subs online are in 1 system in hisec at any point in time.

p.s. It's JIta.

Set all the major low sec and null sec corps red.

Look at Jita local.

Now set the NPC corps red.

Look at the undock.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Delen Ormand
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#253 - 2012-06-21 22:11:31 UTC
dontbanmebro wrote:
It`s already been explained that true hisec players are absolutely irrelevant. What CCP is concerned with now is hisec as a trap for new players, and a big part of that trap is incredibly lowrisk isk-faucets in hisec.

Is there a link or something for that? Sounds interesting
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#254 - 2012-06-21 22:12:54 UTC
Hauling Hal wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
Talon SilverHawk wrote:
If 80% of subs disappeared you won't have a game.

80% of the subs aren't pure hisec, hth.

Well, 5% of the subs online are in 1 system in hisec at any point in time.

p.s. It's JIta.

I have 7 chars which are in hisec systems which aren't docked in jita right this moment.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Talon SilverHawk
Patria o Muerte
#255 - 2012-06-21 22:24:26 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Talon SilverHawk wrote:
If 80% of subs disappeared you won't have a game.

80% of the subs aren't pure hisec, hth.

I know, my point is saying that it does matter if a large number of players leave (which I hope they would not) as it would adversely or even terminally affect the game, I remember when 5k logged on was a good average number for a while, just before they took the publishing rights back and things looked pretty shaky, don't think it would survive those numbers again.


Just tired of seeing useless trolling you wouldn't be missed posts.
Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#256 - 2012-06-21 22:38:34 UTC
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
Kimmi Chan wrote:
This thread had such great potential but just went to **** in a damn hurry]

DId you read the OP?

Yes I did and I would like to retract my statement. I got confused between the two threads on the same subject.

...because I am an idiot.*

*CCP GMs this personal attack is against myself please do not ban me for a personal attack against myself.

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

Delen Ormand
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#257 - 2012-06-21 22:39:10 UTC
lord xavier wrote:

3: NPC corp should be for the first 30 days of a character. After that force people into a NPC corp that can be wardec'd. To allow character transfers, put characters on transfer into the current NPC corps. Give them 48 hours upon receiving the character to put it into their own corporation before pushing it into a WDable NPC. Kicked from corp? Apply last method.

An NPC corp is not much use for newcomers without having the old-timers as well. I'm still in one and it's amazing how many newcomers we have asking for advice because the help channel is inadequate. There's stuff on evelopedia, but when you're new to the game, sometimes that's all a bit too in-depth and you can't ask evelopedia questions. So unless CCP are going to radically ramp up their new player support, I don't think it's viable to kick people out automatically.
Alavaria Fera
#258 - 2012-06-21 22:43:26 UTC
Delen Ormand wrote:
lord xavier wrote:

3: NPC corp should be for the first 30 days of a character. After that force people into a NPC corp that can be wardec'd. To allow character transfers, put characters on transfer into the current NPC corps. Give them 48 hours upon receiving the character to put it into their own corporation before pushing it into a WDable NPC. Kicked from corp? Apply last method.

An NPC corp is not much use for newcomers without having the old-timers as well. I'm still in one and it's amazing how many newcomers we have asking for advice because the help channel is inadequate. There's stuff on evelopedia, but when you're new to the game, sometimes that's all a bit too in-depth and you can't ask evelopedia questions. So unless CCP are going to radically ramp up their new player support, I don't think it's viable to kick people out automatically.

Well the help channel is still telling newbies to stay out of low/nullsec because they'll die. NPC corps too, <0.5 is no-no land.

Setting them on a good path.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Simi Kusoni
#259 - 2012-06-21 22:47:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Simi Kusoni
Delen Ormand wrote:
lord xavier wrote:

3: NPC corp should be for the first 30 days of a character. After that force people into a NPC corp that can be wardec'd. To allow character transfers, put characters on transfer into the current NPC corps. Give them 48 hours upon receiving the character to put it into their own corporation before pushing it into a WDable NPC. Kicked from corp? Apply last method.

An NPC corp is not much use for newcomers without having the old-timers as well. I'm still in one and it's amazing how many newcomers we have asking for advice because the help channel is inadequate. There's stuff on evelopedia, but when you're new to the game, sometimes that's all a bit too in-depth and you can't ask evelopedia questions. So unless CCP are going to radically ramp up their new player support, I don't think it's viable to kick people out automatically.

Just out of interest, what's wrong with the help channel? If its too busy, do you think splitting players into four racial help channels might help?

I agree with you on not out-right forcing players out though. I'm still going with flagging NPC corp players with a suspect flag if they are over a certain age and flying certain ships, ala 6 month old NPC corp players in marauders or jump freighters.

Can fit it in with some lore mumbo jumbo concerning fears over spies.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Alavaria Fera
#260 - 2012-06-22 00:06:55 UTC
Simi Kusoni wrote:
I agree with you on not out-right forcing players out though. I'm still going with flagging NPC corp players with a suspect flag if they are over a certain age and flying certain ships, ala 6 month old NPC corp players in marauders or jump freighters.

Can fit it in with some lore mumbo jumbo concerning fears over spies.

Even NPC corps are afraid of spies, huh.

You can't shoot fellow NPC corp members without being CONCORDed, right? Unlike with player corps...

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?