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using the old titan models

Legion of Ghost
#1 - 2012-06-20 19:47:48 UTC
There are pictures out there of the old titan models, only one of which got used as a player ship - the avatar with a few tweaks to the design.

perhaps these unused models could be used in a new ship class and a new one designed for the amarr.


these ships could be either the next tier of dread with similar size and drawbacks or given some sort of specialised role like dedicated anti super capital and be closer to supercarrier in size with very poor jump range and extreamly slow speeds.
NuNu Dagobah
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-06-21 14:36:35 UTC
Long answer: The current capitals still aren't balanced out completely, why would you want to add more?

Short answer: NO
#3 - 2012-06-21 14:49:06 UTC
Its not like you could use the same models anyway, eve graphics have changed somewhat...
Koreal Kurvora
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-06-22 20:24:06 UTC
Britannica wrote:
There are pictures out there of the old titan models, only one of which got used as a player ship - the avatar with a few tweaks to the design.

perhaps these unused models could be used in a new ship class and a new one designed for the amarr.


these ships could be either the next tier of dread with similar size and drawbacks or given some sort of specialised role like dedicated anti super capital and be closer to supercarrier in size with very poor jump range and extreamly slow speeds.

sorry but uhh. we dont need new big ships. What?