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Go ahead CCP, listen to the people in the "make null virbant again" thread

First post
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#141 - 2012-06-21 13:18:24 UTC
Ceptia Cyna wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
ElQuirko wrote:
People in highsec like the safety of highsec. That is why they are there, and that is why hulkageddon gets so many whines. This will not work, no matter what you do.

So why wouldn't making nullsec comparatively much better than hisec (in comparison to risk/reward) make the people I just spoke of take the plunge, or f.ex me take my current hisec L4 runner back into nullsec?

Because its not about REWARD its about RISK! People in Highsec do not want the RISK no matter whatever REWARD you throw at them.

People will just stay in Highsec or quit the game.

So you're speaking for everyone in hisec, are you?

I mean, the anom nerf seems to disagree with you a bit there, because when the anoms were much better than L4s, nullsec space was much more vibrant than it is right now. Granted, that was nerfed because it was apparently spewing forth too much isk into the economy.

And this does lend some credibility to the argument that the L4s have set the reward levels too high, since they had to increase the rewards to the point they had to panic-nerf them a mere what, 6 months later?

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

#142 - 2012-06-21 13:20:31 UTC
Ceptia Cyna wrote:
Keep telling you this in your 0.0 Blueball with noone around to fight any longer :D

Could you please describe the nature of this "0.0 blueball" for us, and quantify the degree to which conflict is currently running below some general running average or beyond a regular cyclical downturn?

Ceptia Cyna
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#143 - 2012-06-21 13:20:53 UTC
Like the rest here is speaking for everyone in 0.0 or low. Welcome the the forum :D
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#144 - 2012-06-21 13:21:32 UTC
dontbanmebro wrote:

And nobody cares about those people.

This is the best way to gain consensus. Roll

dontbanmebro wrote:

The target is new players who get stuck.

You cater to the same atrocious people who only did incursions for ISK.
You'll get only atrocious people who go 0.0 for the ISK.
Get 1 random nerf or anything and they will flock away again.

dontbanmebro wrote:

The best part is the hisec forum warriors talking as if this is a "debate". We're telling you what is happening and what is going to continue happening to the game. We've won, you've lost. A general hisec nerf has already started and will continue until it's no longer a trap for new players, but a natural transition into more compelling and retentive parts of the game.

Even if the people trapped in hisec were to unsub, which they won't, it wouldn't matter.

You are making EvE completely like WoW: staged canned zones, where you are MEANT to go from A to B to C.

Your concept of EvE is an abomination of its very nature.
Ceptia Cyna
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#145 - 2012-06-21 13:22:01 UTC
dontbanmebro wrote:
Ceptia Cyna wrote:
Keep telling you this in your 0.0 Blueball with noone around to fight any longer :D

Could you please describe the nature of this "0.0 blueball" for us, and quantify the degree to which conflict is currently running below some general running average or beyond a regular cyclical downturn?


Post with your main first or are you AFFRAID :D

dontbanmebro: Federal Navy Academy [FNA] from 2012.06.18 17:01 to this day

#146 - 2012-06-21 13:22:07 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
And this does lend some credibility to the argument that the L4s have set the reward levels too high, since they had to increase the rewards to the point they had to panic-nerf them a mere what, 6 months later?

Exactly, hisec income has to come down instead of other incomes going up.

It's coming whether you like it or not.

Deal wiz it.

Cutter Isaacson
#147 - 2012-06-21 13:22:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Cutter Isaacson
Alexandra Delarge wrote:
I agree with the OP. Hisec is a horrible place mostly filled with self entitled failures who think that they should be able to compete with sov holding alliances.

High sec is mostly full of people who actually couldn't give a hoot about low or null sec, have no idea what goes on there or have any interest whatsoever of ever visiting there. The only people I see throwing around comments like yours are low sec or null sec dwellers who, because they have made a concious decision to live in those areas, automatically assumes that everyone in high sec is somehow jealous of them.

The sad reality Alexandra, is that most high sec dwellers don't know that you exist, don't care that you exist and wouldn't be at all bothered if you ceased to exist. The majority of "butthurt" seems to be coming from small to medium sized groups in low or null sec who cannot compete with the larger alliances in null, and feel that high sec dwellers have it "too easy".

EVE always has been and always will be about choices. Some choose to live in high sec, some choose to live in low, others in null. Expecting CCP to make that choice for people by forcing them in to an area they don't want to be in would destroy this game.

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.

#148 - 2012-06-21 13:23:17 UTC
Ceptia Cyna wrote:
Post with your main first or are you AFFRAID :D

dontbanmebro: Federal Navy Academy [FNA] from 2012.06.18 17:01 to this day


They're banned.

You can check them out if you want...for whatever reason.

Darth Tickles

Ceptia Cyna
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#149 - 2012-06-21 13:23:21 UTC
dontbanmebro wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
And this does lend some credibility to the argument that the L4s have set the reward levels too high, since they had to increase the rewards to the point they had to panic-nerf them a mere what, 6 months later?

Exactly, hisec income has to come down instead of other incomes going up.

It's coming whether you like it or not.

Deal wiz it.


EVE looses the Sandbox to WOW-Zones?

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#150 - 2012-06-21 13:24:49 UTC
Simi Kusoni wrote:

It's mostly just a matter of seeing how far CCP are going to roll with the current trend, and how they're going to continue implementing it.

The only trend they managed to achieve from CCP so far, is to ruin Hulkageddon forever as CCP are going to buff mining ships to the begeezus come next expansion.

Bravo! You made it for the casual gankers so now they won't be able to play their games any more.
#151 - 2012-06-21 13:25:55 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
This is the best way to gain consensus.

Sorry, who said anything about consensus? That's what I'm telling you, this "debate" is already over. We are now in the implementation stage.

I should also add that you are an utterly miserable person who has quit Eve forever in a a rage over ridiculous things, and then returned every time.

Your long-winded and semi-coherent self-indulgent rants are absolutely meaningless, and representative of no one but perpetually quitting curmudgeons.

I feel bad for people that actually read your posts as if they are something worth considering and responding to.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#152 - 2012-06-21 13:25:58 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Why is your L4 runner is in hi sec then? Is it you who are totally risk averse, since ratting ships are not welfare subsidized and reimbursed?

Because to some people, making a little isk but being able to do it whenever they please and comfortably (not having to d-scan once) is better than making loads more isk doing the same thing in NPC null but having to face risks and inconveniences

I think that's a part of the discussion left out (and why the afk miner crowd is sooo much more up in arms about ganking than the mission runner community ever was). Convenience. Some high sec players aren't Risk-averse, they are inconvenience- averse lol.

Even with owning a couple carriers, several cyno alts and access to jump bridges in my alliance's sov space, null sec is inconvenient.

When compared to high sec. In a lvl 4 null sec mission or a deadspace complex, a single neutral or hostile in system doesn't make me instantly dock of safe up, but now i have to spam d-scan looking for combat probes, and I have to be wary of jumping through a gate even if my scout shows it's clear because there could be a cloaky dictor of the gate ect ect. I don't mind it, but lots of people would see actually having to pay attention to the game they are playing as to large a mountain to climb.....

I dealt with the uncomfortable aspects of null by diversifying. I have an alt to do npc null lvl 4s if my upgraded null system is camped, if both the upgraded system AND the mission system are unavailable (which happens), I log in my WH tengu alt. If there is a lot of fighting in my WH, I log in my empire mission running alt ect ect. maintaining 4 accounts ain't easy, but I have options.

People like me try hard to find ways around inconvenience before giving up (or logging off and just playing League of Legends or something lol) or complaining. many others just can't do it, this the arguments we have on here.
Ceptia Cyna
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#153 - 2012-06-21 13:27:20 UTC
dontbanmebro wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
This is the best way to gain consensus.
*bla bla *

I feel bad for people that actually read your posts as if they are something worth considering and responding to.

You just really owned yourself there Mr. Troll. Bear
Cutter Isaacson
#154 - 2012-06-21 13:29:41 UTC
dontbanmebro wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
And this does lend some credibility to the argument that the L4s have set the reward levels too high, since they had to increase the rewards to the point they had to panic-nerf them a mere what, 6 months later?

Exactly, hisec income has to come down instead of other incomes going up.

It's coming whether you like it or not.

Deal wiz it.


Incorrect. Nerfing high sec space will NOT encourage people to move, ever. As was pointed out earlier this would be a spectacularly bad business strategy. I understand that you do not like high sec, and feel that you are somehow entitled to control the game play of others by transitioning them through high, to low, to null, but that will not happen.

True high sec dwellers will no more go to null sec, than a true null sec dweller would ever move to high sec. No-one is expecting null seccers to move, so why should it be expected of people living in high sec? Does them being there really disturb your calm THAT much?

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.

ISD Dosnix
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#155 - 2012-06-21 13:32:08 UTC
dontbanmebro wrote:
Ceptia Cyna wrote:
Post with your main first or are you AFFRAID :D

dontbanmebro: Federal Navy Academy [FNA] from 2012.06.18 17:01 to this day


They're banned.

You can check them out if you want...for whatever reason.

Darth Tickles


I´ll contact the Game Masters to check if this is correct or not

[b]ISD Dosnix Lieutenant Community Communication Liasons (CCL) Interstellar Service Department[/b]

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#156 - 2012-06-21 13:32:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
dontbanmebro wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
This is the best way to gain consensus.

Sorry, who said anything about consensus? That's what I'm telling you, this "debate" is already over. We are now in the implementation stage.

I should also add that you are an utterly miserable person who has quit Eve forever in a a rage over ridiculous things, and then returned every time.

Your long-winded and semi-coherent self-indulgent rants are absolutely meaningless, and representative of no one but perpetually quitting curmudgeons.

I feel bad for people that actually read your posts as if they are something worth considering and responding to.

Speaks the guy who managed to get banned twice. Certainly it was not for the too high quality of posting.

I quit EvE once, and because:

- At the time CCP decided to charge freeware developers that poured in hundreds of hours to make EvE a better game.

- At the time CCP subtracted me 2 months worth of game time and never gave it back.

I came back when I read they removed the first obtuse decision AND a GM reassured me they'll never bork my subscriptions again and they have written notes about me.

Now go on your quality way and let the other forum readers decide who writes good or bad.


self owned.

ISD Dosnix wrote:
dontbanmebro wrote:
Ceptia Cyna wrote:
Post with your main first or are you AFFRAID :D

dontbanmebro: Federal Navy Academy [FNA] from 2012.06.18 17:01 to this day


They're banned.

You can check them out if you want...for whatever reason.

Darth Tickles


I´ll contact the Game Masters to check if this is correct or not
#157 - 2012-06-21 13:32:56 UTC
What i really really don't get is why the carebears worry about isk so much. They should never lose ships, what do they need isk for? Pvpers (and industrialists/pve players in hi risk space) need isk to replace lost ships but what exactly do bears spend isk on? Are they just a massive blot on the economy? hoarding isk and doing nothing with it?

Anyway ccp catering to bear tears is a fantasy. Bears do not actually unsub when they say they will, have poor retention rates in the first pace and are less likely to buy plex or have multipe accounts. Ccp knows all this, hence why there has been very little bear content introduced in game. Even changes that have been made like to suicide insurance have been made because the player base in general thought it needed done, not from bear tears.

There are not really that many true bears anyway. Most hi sec concentrated players are simply labouring under miscomprehensions about what is required to play eve on hard mode or suffer from low self confidence in their ability.
Cutter Isaacson
#158 - 2012-06-21 13:34:10 UTC
The simple thing here is, if you live in Null Sec, that's your choice, same applies to people who live in High Sec. Neither one is better than the other, both are relevant and both have a place in the game.

Players have a right to choose where to go and what to do in this game, and it is not down to one group to say that their play style or their chosen location is the ONLY one worth having. If this simple fact is something you cannot deal with, then perhaps EVE is not the place for you to be.

tl;dr Don't like people having a choice? Then leave.

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#159 - 2012-06-21 13:35:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Jenn aSide wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Why is your L4 runner is in hi sec then? Is it you who are totally risk averse, since ratting ships are not welfare subsidized and reimbursed?

Because to some people, making a little isk but being able to do it whenever they please and comfortably (not having to d-scan once) is better than making loads more isk doing the same thing in NPC null but having to face risks and inconveniences

So, I who was in nullsec doing L4 and in other games I post my PvP videos am called names and risk averse, while THEY who are holy are those giving the bad example and keep their alts in hi sec?

How much hypocrite can they get?
Cutter Isaacson
#160 - 2012-06-21 13:36:20 UTC
Doddy wrote:

There are not really that many true bears anyway. Most hi sec concentrated players are simply labouring under miscomprehensions about what is required to play eve on hard mode or suffer from low self confidence in their ability.


Actually, a lot of high sec dwellers could not care less about null sec, it has nothing to do with being risk averse, a desire to ISK, lack of confidence or any lack of comprehension. They just do not care.

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.