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How do you fund a pvp lifestyle?

Lilliana Stelles
#21 - 2012-06-20 19:38:47 UTC
I'd suggest looking outside of combat to fund your PVP ventures. If you're in a nullsec corp, then there's not just ratting: There's also PI. Many corps will buy fuel from you to keep the towers running. This is funded, of course, by the corps taxes, so you end up getting a little bit of everyone's money from the corp going into your wallet.

Personally, I have a freighter alt that I can afk autopilot to make money while PVPing. Also, while they have been nerfed, datacores still provide some degree of passive income. Having research project management 4 on all your characters makes things much simpler, and if you're not losing ships everyday it may be all you need.

Not a forum alt. 

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2012-06-20 19:52:14 UTC
I guess I just hit this stage where... Im in L3's, and I see no way out. L3's make about say 4 mill a mission, although honestly now that the rats are freaking pointing me, there is a chance I could pop my hurricane. So it's 4 mill a mission for risking an @70 mil boat with a 50 mil isk tank to back up the operation currently. Im not saying Im doing city scape parkur or scamming goons or anything but... it's still not safe boating, and while that's ok... it's one hell of a way to try and grind out of the hi-sec gehtto...

so there's trade but, honestly whats the chance of that working out... with no real introduction to scams, market pvp or smart trading... a job, and kids... errr... could possibly be more dangerous isk wise than missions...

there's incursions but really... no not really... entry price would be more than my net worth... although it sounds like a blast... no one is taking a hurricane into an incursion ... well unless it was pity/mercy/charity...

I guess this leaves 2 real options.

1) Throw myself at the mercy of a good corp, and pray it's a "good" corp.
2) Continue L3's till I can afford and run a BS in L4's and then reassess..

Im leaning towards 1... but I'd greatly appreciate any other options and would like to thank everyone for what Im sure is a helpfull thread not only to myself... but others... I hope...
Morwen Lagann
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#23 - 2012-06-20 19:53:18 UTC
When I was pirating in lowsec, my primary source of income aside from ransoms and loot sales was exploration. A couple good drops from 4/10s, escalations and radar sites each week and I'd generally be all set.

Sadly, ransoms and loot sales became a smaller and smaller portion of my income as time went on - the number of people willing to pay ransoms declined rather heavily in the two years I spent pirating, and it's unfortunate. Loot sales tended to be hit or miss. Fly in a large gang and you'd barely make enough for your ammo most nights. Fly solo or in small groups of under 5 and you could hit serious paydirt if you got lucky. Exploration was generally a much more reliable source of income.

Also had an alt that could do L4s, PI or mining stuff, but I prefer to keep my characters' wallets separate in most circumstances, so it typically was not a contributing factor.

Morwen Lagann

CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar

Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium

Owner, The Golden Masque

Lilliana Stelles
#24 - 2012-06-20 19:59:34 UTC
Tevar wrote:
I guess I just hit this stage where... Im in L3's, and I see no way out. L3's make about say 4 mill a mission, although honestly now that the rats are freaking pointing me, there is a chance I could pop my hurricane. So it's 4 mill a mission for risking an @70 mil boat with a 50 mil isk tank to back up the operation currently. Im not saying Im doing city scape parkur or scamming goons or anything but... it's still not safe boating, and while that's ok... it's one hell of a way to try and grind out of the hi-sec gehtto...

so there's trade but, honestly whats the chance of that working out... with no real introduction to scams, market pvp or smart trading... a job, and kids... errr... could possibly be more dangerous isk wise than missions...

there's incursions but really... no not really... entry price would be more than my net worth... although it sounds like a blast... no one is taking a hurricane into an incursion ... well unless it was pity/mercy/charity...

I guess this leaves 2 real options.

1) Throw myself at the mercy of a good corp, and pray it's a "good" corp.
2) Continue L3's till I can afford and run a BS in L4's and then reassess..

Im leaning towards 1... but I'd greatly appreciate any other options and would like to thank everyone for what Im sure is a helpfull thread not only to myself... but others... I hope...

Are you looting and salvaging your missions? Some of missions against specific navys will drop tags that can be worth quite a bit. The average level 4 mission pays less than 10 mil in bounties... But specific missions, such as Enemies Abound, will drop 40+mil in tags, making it much more worth the risk and time. Not all missions are created equal.

Not a forum alt. 

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2012-06-20 20:16:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Tevar
Lilliana Stelles wrote:

Are you looting and salvaging your missions? Some of missions against specific navys will drop tags that can be worth quite a bit. The average level 4 mission pays less than 10 mil in bounties... But specific missions, such as Enemies Abound, will drop 40+mil in tags, making it much more worth the risk and time. Not all missions are created equal.

Im in L3's...

I have access to (L4's) but can currently only fly a hurricane which is 50% of my net worth. So Im pulling about 4 mill average a mission with bounties, salvage, loot, and LP sales... 10 mil is very rare for a L3 but I've got close before. 4 years ago... when I first started my main... I could run L4's with my hands behind my back... sure blockade got spicy but... I usually just skipped it. Given I've come out of some L3's in structure recently and been pointed... Im really not so game to try out L4's untill I got another boat space worthy...

Honestly, I was grinding quietly back to L4's till I got pointed in a L3... at which point I realized there's the off chance these dumb npc bastages could pop my boat. It was there and then... I knew it was time to take it to the forums, cause... I really can't afford to lose my L3 boat to NPC's... /facepalm

What a way to end your eve career... One thing you get suicide ganked or something... whole different kind of skulling off to /unsub if a Gurista pops u're last boat.

Is it mandatory to have rigs and subsystems now a days? That's all greek to me... so I've ignored it... maybe that's my problem. I thought that stuff was optional... tweeking kind of stuff... maybe Im wrong and it makes all the difference in missions... /shrug

I run an AC boat which I've heard is harder in missions... so Im training artie up... although I hate artie... I will try it... cause if it's safer then maybe I can try L4's again... although the mantra seems to be not to ever... ever... enter an L4 in anything but a Drake or a Raven... which is pretty damn depressing... and just scarry enough to keep me at bay untill I at least have enough to replace my current ship twice...

Also ... maybe Im just paranoid but, if someone does come to finish me off in a mission in some way I haven't figured out yet... I feel alot more comfortable with AC and 10 seconds till barage... fitting artie is going to feel like missioning in my salvage boat, defenseless.. I guess if someone decides my ticket is up it won't matter anyway...

do the tutorials hand out a billion isk or something... maybe since I never had those... back when I started that's what went wrong..
Morwen Lagann
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#26 - 2012-06-20 20:27:02 UTC
In case people haven't linked it already, you will probably get a lot of use out of Mission Reports, which lists mission triggers and useful bits of information about the rats you're up against, including which ones web and scram.

A couple other questions came to mind. What's your fit like? Are you shield or armor-tanking in your Hurricane? (If you're shield-tanking you might consider using a Cyclone, which has a bonus to the effectiveness of shield boosters.)

Morwen Lagann

CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar

Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium

Owner, The Golden Masque

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#27 - 2012-06-20 20:34:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Tevar
Morwen Lagann wrote:
In case people haven't linked it already, you will probably get a lot of use out of Mission Reports, which lists mission triggers and useful bits of information about the rats you're up against, including which ones web and scram.

A couple other questions came to mind. What's your fit like? Are you shield or armor-tanking in your Hurricane? (If you're shield-tanking you might consider using a Cyclone, which has a bonus to the effectiveness of shield boosters.)

The Cyclone would be an expensive side grade for me, and from what I understand she's more SP intense and also not recomended for Level 4's...

My research into the matter seems to point to Raven > Drake > Artie Maelstrom with the light at the end of an insanely long tunnel being the Machriael, which... is a distant dream, and a pure invitation to ransom, folly and most likely total disaster lol.

I've been using eve-survival which I find to be... alot like just asking in local... most of the answers seem almost hysterially out of date and aimed at getting you pop'd for lulz...
Phoenix Bibbs
Free Range Chikuns
#28 - 2012-06-20 20:42:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Phoenix Bibbs
I'm almost 5 months in at this point and I have setup a few different income streams with an alt. I have one character that just PVP's and the other makes the money so I can PVP.

My alt does PI, market trading (this makes me a lot but I have to keep reinvesting in products so it also sucks money out as fast as it brings it in), I also have a blockade runner that I rent out and deliver things for guys in my corp to Jita and back and that makes me a little money. I also have a few investments with players who I trust who are making me 5 - 10% a week on my investment. I also mine ice and rat when there is nothing else to do which helps make a little money as well. Oh yeah and she salvages things.

I keep remembering more income streams I have her setup for.

I have slowly gone from paying for my accounts and ships/fittings with sellings plexs to just paying for my subscription with plexs and funding my in-game activities with money made in game and saving up a decent amount. My next step in this process will be funding both my monthly subscription and in-game activities with money made in game. I'm anticipating that I will be at that point within a month or two.

Just figure out a few income streams and you'll be banking ISK in no time.
Morwen Lagann
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#29 - 2012-06-20 20:43:44 UTC
Tevar wrote:
Morwen Lagann wrote:
In case people haven't linked it already, you will probably get a lot of use out of Mission Reports, which lists mission triggers and useful bits of information about the rats you're up against, including which ones web and scram.

A couple other questions came to mind. What's your fit like? Are you shield or armor-tanking in your Hurricane? (If you're shield-tanking you might consider using a Cyclone, which has a bonus to the effectiveness of shield boosters.)

Out of desperation... I've given out more info on a public eve forum than I feel comfortable with even thou I've used an alt to discuss this stuff... and added some misinformation as an attempt at some kind of security... Im sure I'd be easy to pop for funzies to anyone with some probes and spare isk... for lulz...

please don't be offended I am however... in a precarious position and attempting as hard as I can... to avoid /unsub or plex sales.

However... dysotopia is dysotopian... and I feel fairly dysotopied... lol...

so thanks for any advice... :D

It's okay, I understand the paranoia.Big smile

Just things for you to think about.

Morwen Lagann

CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar

Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium

Owner, The Golden Masque

Zoe Athame
Don't Lose Your Way
#30 - 2012-06-20 23:26:10 UTC
Don't know if this applies to you or not, but many new players here about PLEX and make it their goal to play an MMO for "free."

DO NOT do this if you are new. Just pay the subscription and you'll have much more ISK to burn.
Peri Simone
Black Rebel Rifter Club
The Devil's Tattoo
#31 - 2012-06-21 00:52:03 UTC
I'm another trader, although it took a while to get to a point where it's comfortably paying for my many losses. For lowsec, level 2 deadspace sites like the Angel Creo-Corp Mining complex can be a good source of extra income, as can exploration of radar or magnetometric sites. Combat sites tend to need bigger, flashier ships and can make you a bit of a target.

Rumour has it that people still do make isk through piracy, but in my experience it's rare. We did alright out of Hulkageddon, mind. Pirate
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#32 - 2012-06-21 05:23:14 UTC
Tevar wrote:
I'd really like to join a null sec corp and do roams and even mission with corp members however, I feel that I have no where near the ability to earn enough to replace battle cruisers or cruisers and if Im forced to replace frigates on my own I'd bottom out in a month or so.

How do folks get to a point where you can begin a positive isk pvp lifestyle... or is that a total myth and is pvp the ultimate isk sink as I expect it to be.

I've been working forever it seems and a day to get to level 4 missions (which I have the agents for but not the BS) but, the closer I get the more it seems like that may have been a newb filled pipe dream... and may never lead to a life of high adventure. I still do love the missions however, although it would be more fun with others if I could find that rare trustyium I've heard wild tale of and only seen once fleetingly in practice...

Are there corporations that still provide tackle ships, income and advice to NEEEeeeewwwwbzzzz without requiring a 24/7 lifetime commitment (RL Dad and employee here).

I do love Eve, I love the spirit of the game, the risk, the adventure, and this is my 3rd time attempting subscription but... I can't seem to figure out how to support learning the pvp ropes without bottoming out my pittiful isk tank.

In the past I have had far flung adventures with some great folks in corps that eventually went belly up... but, Im not sure if the current political climate even allows for merryment and casual adventure anymore... Im also a bit scared of getting shanghi'd into some kind of slavery... my peoples have been known to get enslaved before and I'd like to avoid it if possible...

I've been running my brain capacitor on overheat for some time now and still got nothing but an empty broken lightbulb and a wallet that grows by millions in a environment dominated by billions.

anywho... hope someone gets this message in a pod and can give out some sage advice regarding how to become a good wingman in a profitable corp that values it's members and helps it's younglings...

Here are some of my dumb ideas:

1) Take easlly replaceable frigate into losec and try to find anything in losec that will provide more profit than L3's given constant risk of piracy. (cause 4 mill sp... Im not really gonna kill anything, just gonna try to run and blacken the eyes of my murders hopefully)

2) Do my best to find a good corp home pack up and move out to null sec wistling and praying I don't get bankrupted.

3) Continue to skill up to BS and hope a miricle drops a few hundred million isk in my bank so I can do some L4's.

4) Train for exploration and then... umnn... yea!

5) Betray my birth empire and join the caldary faction wars...

6) Betray Jita and join my empires faction wars...

7) Resubscribe to Darkfall (much easier on the brain same risk fun / elves and junk make me physically sick to the stomach but o well)

thx in advance.

Combat PvP is a strongly negative sum activity. Only a fraction of the total value of a ship will drop as loot and normally it's a rather small fraction. Thus only a small minority of ship PvPers can make a profit directly from PvP. Most of those who do are the ones that specifically seek out the best loot for the least risk, and they're called "Pirates". Ironically enough, they're often told that what they do isn't "real" PvP.

Virtually all "PvPers" engage in other kinds of income generation activities. I do very nicely out of running missions for the Angel Cartel. Others in my corp run 0.0 plexes, some do suicide gank ops in empire (ie: Piracy), some build ships & do invention. Others have trading alts in Jita/Amarr/Rens. Some just belt-rat and hope for lucky strikes from Faction and officer rats.

The idea that "PvPers" are unable or unwilling to engage in "carebear" activities is a popular fallacy widely promoted by carebears who are unable or unwilling to engage in PvP activities.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#33 - 2012-06-21 05:28:43 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Combat PvP is a strongly negative sum activity.

Not so much in 0.0 which the OP is asking about. You will be fighting often for resources (moons, POCOs, sov...) which will make your corp or alliance money in the long run. Any decent corp/alliance will use that money to fund a ship replacement fund, which means that every ship you lose will be replaced for you at no cost. Thus you can keep fighting for free without having to make money yourself - because you participate in fights which result in your corporation/alliance being able to make that money for you.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#34 - 2012-06-21 06:01:26 UTC
The PvP in and of itself is extremely expensive. Few alliances give 100% reimbursement in any case.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#35 - 2012-06-21 06:11:07 UTC
As for raising funds, you might find some inspiration in the Making ISK guide.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2012-06-21 06:55:48 UTC
OP, you are doing it wrong.

First of all: yes rats in lv3 missions point, I even got pointed in some lv2's. Kill these npc's first. A hurricane has a nice drone bay, use your light drones to kill the scramblers. while your guns take out the cruisers sized targets.

4mil per lv3 misison is not bad and its easy to support frigate pvp with that kind of isk. 1 mission roughly pays for 1 T1 frig and you should be starting with T1 frigs anyway.

Look for a good corp and fly cheap. However if you already get mad about a frig pointing you in a mission I have a hard time imagining you are going to like pvp.

Ungi maðurinn þekkir reglurnar, en gamli maðurinn þekkir undantekningarnar. The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions.

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#37 - 2012-06-21 13:37:15 UTC
DeBingJos wrote:
However if you already get mad about a frig pointing you in a mission I have a hard time imagining you are going to like pvp.

Naw... dying to players is fine, honerable and sporting. If I had issue with that... heh... I'd certainly not be playing eve.
Dying to a NPC in a L3... that would ruffle me, especially as I've stated ... Im not exactly Space Captin Rockafeller.

Merchants of the Golden Goose
#38 - 2012-06-21 14:30:18 UTC
If you like exploring, a frontier feeling and some serious pew.

Find a WH corp.

Wormholes have the best accoustics. It's known. - Sing it for me -

Aaewen Hrothgarson
eXtreme Co
SLYCE Pirates
#39 - 2012-06-22 08:02:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Aaewen Hrothgarson
I do not think that a major trading hub is where one should stay when pretty new. Only station traders, scammers and gankers take residence there. A few jumps outward competition is way less. Also do not believe anyone who tells you you get the best prices on everything there ...

And if you are able to run lvl3 missions your are pretty much stuffed enough to fund frigate pvp with nice modules. You would probably with lvl2 alone. With some decent skills (which you need for pvp anyway) you should only rarely loose your mission ship (say when one of your kids distracts you , or your wife demands your attention in a crucial moment ...).

Even exporing could do it. get the basic skills, buy an imicus, core probes, core scanner a codebreaker fit some guns and the drones and look for radars (at least 8 jumps afar from jita !). more often than not you find an item that sells for 7-9 mill (again, not always jita has the best buy orders ... if you absolutely want to stay in that cesspool, make a sell order for it).

Until you progressed more in your pvp career, the others will fund their pvp from you, so abandon the idea that you could for some time. We all enter the competition on the base of the food chain, not the top. sorry.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#40 - 2012-06-22 16:19:46 UTC

When I joined a nullsed PvP corp, I had never run a LvL 4 mission, had never had more than 100m isk, and was really worried about how to fund my PvP losses.

This is what I did:

1.) T2 Salvage: T2 ships are regularly decimated in PvP, and I often fit a utility high with a salvager to salvage t2 wrecks. While sometimes you get very little of worth, sometimes you get 100m from a single wreck.

2.) Fishing: I learned early on, that a cheap fit t1 frigate could kill an intereceptor. I would fitup a tristan or merlin with low meta modules, where the ship + fittings was typically less than 1.5m, and then go find an interceptor pilot to gank.... Often I could lose 5 cheapfit t1 frigates still make enough isk killing one inty to be ahead.

Here's a secret dirty truth of EvE.... People that claim they make their isk PvPing fly only cheap frigates and cruisers (these are actually quality players), are craven risk adverse carebears that wont enter a fight with less than 4 to the enemy numbers as well as logi and jam support (majority of nullsec), are really good pirates (very rare), or are very skilled pilots (very rare). Most PvP'ers do NOT make money while PvPing, and must carebear for it. You can make decent isk in nullsec ratting, plexing, doing PI, re-selling to your corp mates, etc. Other's use alts to fund their PvP, or even make "isk earning" jaunts into WH's, Incursions, or whatever to replenish their wallets when they run low on fundage.

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