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New MacBook Pros

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Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#21 - 2012-06-19 12:40:41 UTC
Vincent Athena wrote:
Progress!. I want to know what it looks like when you set it to 2880 x 1800...

Stunning, but the star field is a bit overwhelming! Also performance takes a bit hit. I was getting 60 FPS at 1680x1050 with everything on High and HDR, but at 2880x1800 it was around 30. And these are just sitting outside station.
Vincent Athena
#22 - 2012-06-19 12:46:24 UTC
So once you got into the game you could set resolutions higher than 1440 x 900? What does text do at 2880 x 1800? Is the overview still readable?

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Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#23 - 2012-06-19 13:00:15 UTC

The text at 2880 is definitely sharp and readable, just maybe not quite comfortable to play with. E.g., If I lean back, to 2+ feet away then there's going to be some eye strain. I will try the 125% UI scaling later today and report back. I think the 2880 is useable, but I can see a big divide on personal preference here. Fullscreen at 1920 looks great and gets much better FPS. I almost always play in a window though...
Vincent Athena
#24 - 2012-06-19 13:27:17 UTC
Supposedly with that many pixels you get a 150% UI scaling option. Try that too.

Know a Frozen fan? Check this out

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Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#25 - 2012-06-19 17:59:23 UTC
Vincent Athena wrote:
Supposedly with that many pixels you get a 150% UI scaling option. Try that too.

I gotta say, this 150% @ 2880 looks stellar.

The star field is still headache-inducing, but the rest of the game looks spectacular and the text is perfectly easy to read (just about what I'm used to from playing @ 1440p on my 27" considering the change in viewing distance and all).
Shin Chogan
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2012-06-21 03:01:03 UTC
I can see no more Mac's In my future.

My 2008 Macbook pro wont be replaced by the new Macbook Pro's - the Retina display models have no replaceable RAM sticks and no dvd drive and all of them have no ethernet port and are wildly overpriced :(

My 2008 8 core Mac Pro wont be replaced as to get more cores than I currently have will cost over 3 grand where as I paid more like 2 grand for this one :(
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#27 - 2012-06-21 07:27:03 UTC
How are the temperatures with 1 or 2 clients running?

Anybody tried bootcamp and put 2 clients next to one another on the same screen?
#28 - 2012-06-22 14:45:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Lanu
Need some time to get it all configured, also need to install windows etc. But the general idea is pretty workable:

10x normal resolution eve clients


Made a small video with my mobile phone. It is very bumpy and quality is pretty bad as well.

It does however show the macbook pro retina running at 2880x1800 (native) and 4 eve clients.

Running perfectly really. Text is not too small, and else you can make stuff bigger. Especially icons are perfectly click able without any issue.
Naomi Darson
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#29 - 2012-06-26 16:54:49 UTC
CCP Paradox wrote:
We have UI scaling, I would indeed by very interested to find out how EVE runs natively on it.

Game looks pretty good full screen at 2880x1800, but it tops out at around 30 fps on the low end rMBP with the mac client with all the settings except HDR and anti-aliasing turned up to high. I haven't tried turning down the graphics settings to see what performance is like. I also don't know how resilient that is in the face of fleet action. I assume it would get worse, but I also tend to zoom way out during fleet fights, so maybe it'd be okay?

It's more likely that I'll play in windowed mode since I frequently want at least two clients running. The two options I've played with are running the display at 1440x900 (default) with 1280x800 windowed clients and 90% scaling and running the display at 1920x1200 with 1650x1050 clients at normal scaling. The first option is somewhat cramped, the second the text is a little hard on my eyes so I'd probably have to turn it up to 110%. Both clients run at around 30 fps with gfx settings turned up, 60 fps with the 'performance' preset.

Windowed mode rendering isn't fantastic since the underlying client thinks it's rendering for the reported resolution instead of the higher resolution, so you get all the normal aliasing you'd expect from a non-retina display. In general though, rendering appears to be 'correct', so the game is playable for my uses.

It would be nice if there was a way to create groups of graphics and window settings to allow easy switching between these modes. I would probably use each of these modes, depending on circumstance, but adjusting all the settings and reorganizing windows is painful.
Calma SaCow
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2012-07-03 17:24:31 UTC
Is this something that is going to be fixed in a patch soon? it is really annoying to have to spend a couple minutes juggling resolutions before I can play. Right now I have to:
turn my display to best for retina.
then load the game
then Alt-Tab back to the display settings and turn it back to scaled "1920x1200"
Then I have to Alt-Tab back to the game . Then go into setting and change everything to match.
Then I can play.

Would be nice if I could just start with 1920x1200 with 125%UI or 2560x1600 with 150%UI
Naomi Darson
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#31 - 2012-07-04 03:59:42 UTC
Calma SaCow wrote:
Is this something that is going to be fixed in a patch soon? it is really annoying to have to spend a couple minutes juggling resolutions before I can play. Right now I have to:
turn my display to best for retina.
then load the game
then Alt-Tab back to the display settings and turn it back to scaled "1920x1200"
Then I have to Alt-Tab back to the game . Then go into setting and change everything to match.
Then I can play.

Would be nice if I could just start with 1920x1200 with 125%UI or 2560x1600 with 150%UI

Wait, what?

If I want to play windowed, I just start up my windowed clone which opens a window at 1680x1050. If I'm in 'Best for Retina" (1440x900 equivalent), I can swap to 1920x1200 equivalent either before or after I start the client. Playing full screen at 2880x1800 seems to work starting in either resolution. In all cases, the EVE client seems to remember my scaling preference from the previous run. I would use and enjoy the ability to have multiple 'graphics modes', each with resolution, scaling, performance preference and window setups, but I wanted that under Windows as well.

My complaints at this point are:

  1. Windowed mode looks fuzzy, similarly to other apps that do their own font rendering instead of using the cocoa rendering engine.
  2. In fullscreen at 2880x1800, the star field gets a bit overwhelming and headache inducing, as others have noted.
  3. Performance could be better, especially given how buttery smooth Diablo3 is at 2880x1800 with gfx settings turned up.

(1) is my biggest complaint since I will most likely play windowed mode most of the time. If I only had one account and/or were more of a PvE player, (2) would be really obnoxious. (3) is, well, when don't you complain about performance?
Calma SaCow
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2012-07-05 00:55:46 UTC
Ok I can play with everything except AA on at full screen if I use

2556x1600 fullscreen. and 125 to 150 on the UI scale. I find this to be a good balance and For some reason it has no problem starting at this resolution. I can launch straight to it.

My only concern is that damn this thing gets hot on the bottom. But that has kinda been issues with MBP computers since the conversion to unibody. I have to say though the new A-sync fans and side vents do make a huge difference though. compared to the MBP from a couple years ago or even my 2011 MBA this thing is still very quite. Still a new guy so I have not really gotten in to any big "Fleet Fur-Balls" yet.
Sir John Halsey
#33 - 2012-07-05 18:38:25 UTC
Calma SaCow wrote:
Ok I can play with everything except AA on at full screen if I use

2556x1600 fullscreen. and 125 to 150 on the UI scale. I find this to be a good balance and For some reason it has no problem starting at this resolution. I can launch straight to it.

My only concern is that damn this thing gets hot on the bottom. But that has kinda been issues with MBP computers since the conversion to unibody. I have to say though the new A-sync fans and side vents do make a huge difference though. compared to the MBP from a couple years ago or even my 2011 MBA this thing is still very quite. Still a new guy so I have not really gotten in to any big "Fleet Fur-Balls" yet.

I'll probably get a rMBP soon and i'm curious if it gets hot even if you play at 1440x900 and graphics adjusted for performance?
Did anyone tried running EVE in bootcamp or paralels? It gets hot as well?
Shar'ri Atal
LoneStar Industries
#34 - 2012-07-18 22:06:28 UTC
CCP Paradox wrote:
We have the ability to go to 200%. But clients right now have the maximum of 150%. You need to have a vertical resolution of at least 1200 pixels. So a 16:10 widescreen display of 1920x1200 needs to be in use. I don't think Apple sell any displays that are 16:10 anymore, so you won't see that.

The OSX inherent ability for UI scaling, is adapted to their software only. 3rd parties would have to work with their retina technology to make such a change available. You can see this if you do a quick google of the macbook pro retina and google chrome. Google Chrome is blurry in comparison to Safari.

As for support, I am not sure about applications that are driven by a 3D rendering engine. Will just have to find out how EVE works on the new line of MBP's when we can.

I've only had my new retina MBP for a few hours but the first thing I did was install EVE on it. It really needs a scale option of 200%. The highest available in the settings is 150%. Stuff is readable at 150% scale but window headings and tabs are way too small. Lots of buttons and list items are big enough so think about increasing the size of these UI elements in proportion to the rest.

Also note that the mouse pointers do not scale at all right now and they are positively minuscule on the 2880x1800 screen.
Oli Kai
EVE University
Ivy League
#35 - 2012-07-25 08:24:45 UTC
Been playing for a few weeks on a maxed out retina mbp. Game looks gorgeous but yeah 200% UI scaling is necessary as the text is still too small at 150%. I can't comment too much on performance as I am having horrible issues with the mac client at times. It certainly drops fps to the 20's in station but is smooth in space 30's unless I zoom in and then it will drop some more.

Will post on the mac client thread about my woes and if people are interested can give more information on the game and the computer.

What a surprise, yet another Eve blog

Lauredris Maru
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#36 - 2012-08-01 22:37:25 UTC
Someone asked about Parallels on rMBP...

No luck here. I did just upgrade to the latest Parallels, and after doing so I saw a post on a Parallels support forum that hints pretty strongly that the latest update broke EVE/Parallels. I did not, however, fiddle around with resolution, full/windowed modes, etc. Basically, I started it up, but a big black window, and said to heck with it. Might try again after a while... if someone else posts success.

For now, just trying it out in windowed mode and a little bit of full screen at a reduced resolution of 1600x900 (Thunderbolt display's lowest rez option). Definitely looking forward to fiddling around with the UI a bit and finding out what it can do at higher settings though...
Motty 007
The New Federation
Shadow Ultimatum
#37 - 2012-08-02 19:31:34 UTC
I make a seperate post but I think I may get a quicker answer here.

I have just received my rMBP and am delighted except I cannot get the thing to play on 2880.

I can play on the lower resolutions but only windowed. I will probably play like this anyway as performance is more important in PvP but always want to see how superb the screen can render.

Anyone that can help with the setups I would appreciate some help as I prefer not to learn mistakes that have been learnt already.

Cheers in advance.

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