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Kms and AUs

Darkov Haartness
Emergency Banana Straigtening Service
#1 - 2012-06-20 21:55:12 UTC
Wouldn't it be good if there was a toggle between Kms and AUs in the D-Scan? There could be a slider or dial too which allowed you to change values and get a new scan automatically. If you really wanted to make D-scanning more fun you could improve the graphics with a cone and maybe bands to represent scan parameters.
Simi Kusoni
#2 - 2012-06-21 05:08:13 UTC
And then directional would become stupidly easy to use, and stupidly accurate.

Seriously, 147 = 1 AU. It's not that hard.

Customizable filters would be nice though, it is annoying having to swap overview tabs for directional.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Crunchie Attuxors
Always Another Corporate Venture
#3 - 2012-06-21 06:06:25 UTC
Darkov Haartness wrote:
Wouldn't it be good if there was a toggle between Kms and AUs in the D-Scan? There could be a slider or dial too which allowed you to change values and get a new scan automatically. If you really wanted to make D-scanning more fun you could improve the graphics with a cone and maybe bands to represent scan parameters.

Yeah lets make the one remaining general feature in EVE that requires actual skill to use, easier to use.
Eve forums official anthem: Real men tank hull. Fake women shield-tank Gallente.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2012-06-21 07:13:59 UTC
Crunchie Attuxors wrote:
Darkov Haartness wrote:
Wouldn't it be good if there was a toggle between Kms and AUs in the D-Scan? There could be a slider or dial too which allowed you to change values and get a new scan automatically. If you really wanted to make D-scanning more fun you could improve the graphics with a cone and maybe bands to represent scan parameters.

Yeah lets make the one remaining general feature in EVE that requires actual skill to use, easier to use.

While we're at it, why don't we remove warp to zero and the skill queue?

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Vincent Athena
#5 - 2012-06-21 15:15:16 UTC
I always thought they should just get rid of AU altogether. After all supposedly Earth is virtually legendary, yet we use a unit of distance equal to the Earth-sun distance?

Instead use Mm (Maga meters, Gm (Giga meters) and T m (Terra meters).
Nice to see Mg (Mega grams) and Gg (Giga grams) too. Or Tons and Kilotons.

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